Saturday, July 8, 2017


Hail and Commemorate the Centenary of Great October Socialist Revolution!
Lead the New Democratic Revolution in India to Victory!
(This article published in the 'CLASSSTRUGGLE' monthly Organ of CPI(ML) CC.

November 7, 2017 marks the completion of 100 years of the victorious Great Socialist Revolution in Russia. This revolution had exploded many prophesies, theories and beliefs of the bourgeois. It brought earth shaking changes and advances in the world as well as human life. On the historic eve of the Centenary of this Great Revolution, it is, therefore, quite natural for the working class, oppressed nations and people in the world to recollect this Revolution and take inspiration from it. Our Party CPI (ML) - hails and commemorates the Hundredth year of this Great Revolution and rededicates itself to the ideology of Marxism, politics and road this revolution symbolizes.

The revolution in Russia had passed through the democratic and Socialist stages without any interruption. At the outset, some in Russia argued that the proletariat must not attempt to lead the democratic revolution on the plea that it was the job of bourgeoisie. But Lenin did not agree with this. He asserted that the bourgeois was incapable of being consistently democratic and, therefore, the proletariat must lead the revolution as it alone can be consistent and thorough going. It is not only because the proletariat is a most advanced and revolutionary class, but also because it is clear that “more complete, determined and consistent the bourgeois revolution, the more assured the proletariat’s struggle will be against the bourgeoisie and for socialism.” Some also argued that a Socialist Revolution in a backward country like Russia was premature, adventurous and there fore futile. Lenin agreed that Russia was a peasant country, “one of the most backward of European Countries.” But at the same time, he pointed out that “not its special qualities, but rather the special conjuncture of historical circumstances that for a certain, perhaps very short time has made the proletariat of Russia the vanguard of the revolutionary proletariat of the whole world.” The Russian Proletariat led by Lenin dared to perform this historic revolutionary role.
Paris Commune
The French Proletariat had overthrown [March 18, 1871] the bourgeois from power in a massive revolutionary uprising and establi-shed the Paris Commune— a Proletarian State. Marx had hailed this as “ Storming the Heaven “ This revolution had blasted the theories or myths spread by the bourgeoisie that the working class can never dream of coming to power. The Paris Commune had shown what fundamental change a proletarian rule can bring in the lives of people. However, the Paris Commune fell in a short time. From this, the bourgeoisie, again, had revived the talk that the Proletariat can never dream of again leading a victorious revolution. But this revolution had taught the world proletariat a fundamental lesson . Marx and Engels said “ One thing especially proved by the Commune, viz.,the working class cannot simply lay hold of the ready-made State machinery and wield it for its own purposes...” It only meant that the proletariat must be more firm and more thorough-going in its revolutionary action. This became a principal guide line for the world proletariat to lead the revolutions.
Dress Rehearsal for October Revolution
The 1905 Revolution in Russia faced a defeat. But, Lenin hailed it as a revolution of great revolutionary significance. This revolution taught the proletariat that “no ‘sympathy’ for the workers on the part of the educated people, no struggle of lone terrorists, however heroic, could do anything to undermine the tsarist autocracy and the omnipotence of the capitalists. This could be achieved only by the struggle of the workers themselves, only by the combined struggle of the millions ...” Lenin also said that the 1905 revolution had “deeply ploughed the soil, uprooted the age-old prejudices, awakened millions of workers, tens of millions of peasants to political life and political struggle and revealed to each other – and to the world-all classes (all the principal parties) of Russian society in their true character and in the true alignment of their interests, their forces, their modes of action, and their immediate and ultimate aims.” Lenin had emphatically declared: “Without the ‘dress rehearsal’ of 1905, the victory of October Revolution would have been impossible.”

The October Socialist Revolution in Russia came forty six years after the Paris Commune. This time, the idea and practice of revolution and their achievements had touched new heights. This revolution became victorious under different historical and concrete international and internal conditions. Lenin was at the helm of it. He applied Marxism and the experiences of 1871 Paris Commune and 1905 Revolution to the concrete conditions and practice of Russian revolution and steered the Russian revolution.
Diverse Movements Merged into One Common Revolu-tionary Torrent
In 1900s, Russia was under the most oppressive and autocratic tsarist rule. There existed not even a semblance of bourgeois democracy. The ideas as well as activities of the parties, organi- zationsand people opposed to tsarism were restricted, prohibited and penalized by the State as well as the repressive machinery. At one time and under the pressure of democratic movement, the tsarist regime had floated a toothless Duma and held elections in Russia only to throw it soon into the dust bin. The bourgeois had proved itself too weak, inconsistent and even farcical in its fight for Bourgeois democracy.The Russian democratic revolution had emphatically and repeatedly proved the correctness of Lenin’s warning that the “bourgeois betrays its own self, that the bourgeois betrays the cause of liberty. “ Therefore, the proletariat had taken upon itself the task of leading the Democratic Revolution in Russia. The proletariat had to work in extremely illegal and repressive conditions. At the same time, it made use of whatever and whenever some legal opportunities were available. The semi-feudal land relations, exploitation and oppression continued to rein the vast rural Russia. They were in the service and under the protection of tsarist autocracy. The massive peasant uprisings which had erupted in the early 19th Century had seriously shaken the feudal oppression. But they could not bring any fundamental changes in rural Russia. Towards the end of 19th Century, the petty bourgeoisie revolutionaries, Narodniks, had raised the banner of revolution against the tsarist autocracy. But they miserably failed in their goal as they believed in and practiced individual heroism and individual terrorism as a method of fighting tsarism. They had refused to organize and move the millions of peasant masses into revolutionary action. The bourgeois, on its part, sought to retain its influence on the peasants by sowing illusions in them as well as in the tsarist autocracy with empty promises. This situation had necessitated an advanced class like the proletariat to assume the leadership of the struggle for Democracy. Lenin had taught that the working class must organize and move the millions of peasants into the agrarian revolution to break the fetters of feudalism and tsarist autocracy. For this, the working class needed to free the toiling peasants from the influence of bourgeoisie and forge a firm alliance of workers and peasants under the leadership of working class and thus lead the democratic revolution decisively and victoriously and go over to Socialist Revolution.

The tsarist Russia was a prison house of nationalities. Numerous non-Russian nationalities here were totally devoid of any rights. They were subjected to discrimination, insult, humiliation of every kind. The tsarist govt. had deliberately fanned the national discard, engineered divisions, clashes and massacres between the people of various nationalities. This policy of national oppression stood as a serious impediment in the way of uniting the people of various nationalities in revolution. Therefore, Lenin had formulated a policy on the national question to oppose the national oppression and ensure equality, mutual confidence and all round development of all nationalities and forge unity among all the revolutionary classes and forces in revolution under the leadership of working class.
Lenin had tirelessly worked to build the party of proletariat which can lead the Democratic and Socialist Revolutions to victory. He taught that Marxism is not a dogma, or an ornament or a material just for an intellectual and academic exercise, but a guide to action. He said that the Party must “imbue the masses of the proletariat with the ideas of Socialism and political consciousness, and to organize a revolutionary party inseparably connected with the spontaneous working class movement.” He said that “a fusion of Socialism with the working class movement” alone can create a “durable basis for both.” Lenin said, facilitating “the political development and the political organization of the working class is “our principal and fundamental task.” “Those who push this task into the background, who refuse to subordinate to it all the special tasks and particular methods of struggle, are following a false path and causing serious harm to the movement”. He waged an unrelenting, uncompromising and organized struggle in the sphere of ideology, politics, organization and practice of class struggle and revolutionary movement against all the petty bourgeois revolutionary ideas, deviations, trends and departures like economism, individual terrorism, anarchism and liquidationism which had raised their heads in different forms, in different periods and created countless hurdles and difficulties in the path of revolutionary move-ment. They carried their specific names like Menshevism, Socialist-Revolutionaries and Left Communists in Russia. Lenin viewed the right as well as left trends in the Communist Movement as wrong and harmful trends and two sides of the same coin. He fought against them with equal vehemence and thoroughness and to the end. In this struggle, the Bolsheviks in Russia had encoun-tered a peculiar situation. Once a particular wrong trend was inflicted a devastating blow, it sought to survive by changing itself into another form. At times, various wrong trends, which outwardly appeared to be opposing each other, made a common cause against the Marxist trend. Some die-hard sections of the wrong trends even did not hesitate or feel shy of turning themselves into traitors of the Party and revolution. Lenin and the Bolsheviks led by him had to wage a most difficult, complicated and bitter struggle to defend Marxism and the cause of revolution. Lenin had witnessed the bourgeois ideologues waging wild attacks on Marxism when it was struggling to take a foothold in Russia. He saw some of today’s staunch advocates and defenders of Marxism turning into its staunchest opponents. He also saw some of the yesterday’s opponents or critics of Marxism, one fine morning, taking the incarnation of ‘ staunch defenders of Marxism ‘ when Marxism was found in ascendancy, only with an ulterior intention of wrecking the ship of Marxism from within. Lenin had staunchly upheld Marxism as the most scientifically, advanced and revolutionary ideology and guided the Communist and Revolutionary Movements in Russia and the world in the light of this ideology.

Bolshevism in Russia, as Lenin pointed out, “took shape, developed and became steeled in the long years of struggle against petty bourgeois revolutionism, which smacks of anarchism”. Bolshevism began as a Marxist trend and a small force in the Russian Socialist Revolutionary Movement and had grown into a full -fledged party of the proletariat and a gigantic force capable of triumphantly leading millions of workers, peasants, nationalities and other toiling people in revolution.

The Russian proletariat, led by Lenin swam through a long period of reaction, all difficulties, impedi-ments and adverse conditions with marvelous strength of endurance, revolutionary convictions and determination before bringing a decisive upswing in the revolutionary movement. Again, on the eve of victory of Democratic Revolution in February 1917, while the proletariat was waging the struggle to overthrow the tsarist autocratic rule, the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries were busy in stealing the fruits of this struggle. They sought to grab most of the Soviets that had emerged as part of revolution and reduce the aim of revolution into a bourgeois revolution. Lenin and the Bolshevik Party had to, again, make a most patient, strenuous and unrelenting struggle to foil these attempts and turn the situation in favour of Socialist Revolution.
First Imperialist War and Russian Revolution
Lenin said that the October revolution broke out “when unprecedented disasters involving the destruction of millions of human beings had overtaken most of the imperialist Countries, when the unprecedented calamities attending the war had exhausted the nations, when in the fourth year of the war the belligerent Countries had reached an impasse, a parting of the ways”; “neither of the two gigantic groups, of plunderers was in a position immediately either to hurl itself at the other, or, to unite with the other against us.” ; “the engine that was supposed to bear on us with the force of a railway train bearing down on a wheelbarrow and smashing it into splinters, was temporarily stalled – the engine was stalled because the two groups of predators had clashed.” [It was the context of First World War of 1914-18 ] This situation had created an advantageous situation for the Russian revolution and the Proletariat had made use of it fully and successfully.

At the time, the tsarist rulers in Russia were in collusion with one bloc of belligerent imperialist powers (UK, France and US, and others) against another bloc of belligerent imperialist powers who were locked in a ferocious war for a re-division of the world. The tsarist rulers wanted to crush the revolution in Russia and expand their rule to new areas with the help of this imperialist war. The Communist International and Lenin had adopted the political position that the working class of the imperialist Countries as well as that of Russia must oppose this war as an imperialist and predatory war on both sides and strive to turn this war into a Civil War to overthrow the ruling classes from power in their own Countries. Lenin and the Bolshevik Party had called upon the Russian people to fight for peace at all costs. The Russian proletariat used this slogan to transform the pain, exhaustion, starvation, death, despair and anger which had overtaken the lives of the working class, peasants, oppressed nationalities and other toiling people owing to the disastrous war into irrepressible and torrential waves of revolution to end war, overthrow the tsarist State and win the Socialist Revolution. This revolutionary policy alone had placed the Russian proletariat and Russian people in a better position to utilize the enemy’s situation in the interests of culminating the Revolution in victory.

Thus, as the History of the CPSU (B) has correctly summed up : “Only a party like the Bolshevik Party, courageous enough to lead the people in a decisive attack, cautious enough to steer clear all the submerged rocks in its path to the goal, could so skillfully merge into one common revolutionary torrent such diverse revolutionary movements as the general democratic movement for the seizure of landed estates, the movement of oppressed nationalities for national liberation and national equality, and the socialist movement of the proletariat for the overthrow of the bourgeois and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat. “
Socialist Transformation - Socialist Construction
It is true that the October Revolution was victorious under most favourable conditions. But, it is also true that this revolution also faced “unusually difficult condi-tions, such as no other Workers’ Revolution in the world ever have to face. “ The Russian proletariat was alone when it was leading the revolution. Most of the Communist Parties in Europe, more particularly, in the imperialist countries had turned their back to the revolutionary line of the Communist International. They trailed behind their own imperialist ruling classes by raising the treacherous flag of ‘defending the fatherland’.

In the given situation, Lenin had to wage a two-pronged struggle. One : to lead the Socialist Revolution in Russia to victory while opposing the imperialist war; Two : to fight opportunism of the Second International thorough to the end and give shape to the Third International on the basis of the revolutionary principles of Marxism. This struggle had given a great impetus to the growth of Communist Parties as well as the revolutionary movements in various Countries of the world.

Lenin warned that the Socialist transformation of the society will “entail many difficulties, sacrifices and mistakes; It is something new, unprecedented in history and cannot be studied in books. It goes without saying that this is the greatest and most difficult transition that has ever occurred in history; but there is no other way to make this great transition and the fact that the Soviet power has been established in Russia has shown that it is the revolutionary people who are richest of all in revolutionary experience—when millions come to the assistance of a few score of party people-the people who actually take their exploiters by throat.”

Once the October Revolution was victorious, countless problems as well as tasks were waiting for the new State and the Bolshevik Party. The new State had to overcome many hurdles and sabotages from the enemies as well as forces like Trotsky. The Soviet people had to pay a heavy price to end the war with the German imperialists. However, the signing of a Peace Treaty with the German invaders enabled the new Soviet state to gain a respite and time to consolidate the gains of revolution and place themselves in a better position to fight the external as well as internal enemies. The Prole- tariat was required to take thousand and one steps to establish its complete control over the state apparatus. The Socialist State- the dictatorship of proletariat - based on the worker-peasant alliance and supported by the soldiers and sailors was set up. It had abolished the landlord ownership of land with no compensation and turned the lands of landlords, of the tsar's family and monasteries over to the toilers for their free use. It promulgated all the mineral resources, forests and waters as the property of the people. It brought all the key positions of national economy under the control of the State. It enacted laws, built up necessary institutions, systems to ensure the protection of the people’s rights, equality between women and men, rights of nationalities and to supervise their proper implementation. It had developed the accounting and control of production and distribution of goods. It solved the problem of food, fuel, housing, healthcare, education and other basic needs of people.

The imperialist powers, overthrown classes and their collaborators –separately as well as in a collusion-hatched countless conspiracies, engineered counter revolutionary armed coups and rebellions. They sought to plunge Russia’s economy into an anarchy, They sought to create food and fuel crisis and disrupt the gains of the socialist plans from reaching the people. They sought to sow discord, clashes among the people and incite hatred against the Party and Socialist state. They had done all this as a part of grand counter – revolutionary design to hurl Socialist Russia back into the wretched, old, and dark rule of exploitation . The Socialist Soviet Union and the Party led and guided by Lenin had led glorious battles on every front and defeated all these attempts. Here, they had mainly relied on the initiative and inexhaustible revolutionary potential of millions of people – workers, peasants, young red guards and Subbotniks, and Red army, etc., who were dedicated to the cause of socialist transformation and socialist construction. The Socialist state used innovative and diverse methods to carry out the Socialist program. It experimented, learnt from mistakes and improvised its moves. Basing on the intellectuals and specialists committed to Socialist cause and the creative knowledge and initiatives of the millions of working and toiling people, the Socialist State had shown no hesitation what so ever to buy and utilize the services of specialists groomed and trained by the capitalists in the old society where ever it was needed to advance the cause of Socialism. In a difficult period, and for a short time, it even used the capitalist method to tide over the problems and to give a momentum to Socialist Construction.

Demise of Lenin at an early age caused an irreparable loss to the Socialist Russia and the entire World Communist and Revolutionary Movement. His indelible contributions to the struggle to defend, apply, practice and enrich Marxism; the fundamental direction and road set by him for the proletarian revolutions; his guidance for Socialist transformation and Socialist Construction and for the fight against imperialism continue to guide the World Communist and Revolutionary Movement for all the time as Marxism of the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution. Comrade Stalin, who took the mantle of leadership from Lenin, had carried on the unfinished tasks in the subsequent period. He held high the flag of Marxism Leninism and Proletarian Internationalism.

The emergence of a powerful Socialist country like the Socialist Soviet Union on the world scene had created a most favourable situation for the spread of Communist Ideology and Communist Parties in the world. The Socialist Russia became a most dependable ally and support to the working class, oppressed nations and people. The national independence, national liberation movements and people’s revolu-tions gained strength and tremendously advanced in various Countries of Asia, Africa and Latin america. In the period of second world war, the imperialist powers had groomed and abetted the German Fascism to invade and crush the Socialist Russia and turn the outcome of the war more advantageous to etain their colonial hold and further strengthen their domination over the world. Not only the Socialist Soviet Union and the soviet People led by Stalin had valiantly defended themselves and evicted the German invaders and occupiers from the Russian soil, but also inflicted a death blow on Fascism, headed by Germany and Hitler and heavy blows on colonialism and imperialism as a whole. The victory of anti- Fascist, democratic, national, peace loving and revolutionary forces led by the Socialist Russia in the Second World War gave a powerful impetus to the advance of the World Communist Movement and to the national independence and national liberation movements and people’s revolutions in the world. The unparalleled revolutionary heroism, sacrifices and endurance exhibited by the Socialist Russia and Soviet people in the epochal battle to liberate the Stalingrad from German occupation and in the struggle against imperialism and Fascism are inseparable from the magnificent achievements and advances won by the Communist and Revolutionary Movements in the world in the immediate post - Second World War period.
Revolution in China
The Chinese New Democratic Revolution [1921-1949] occupies a place of prominence next only to October Revolution. Here, the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) and the Chinese Revolution had taken shape in the post-October Revolution period and the Chinese New Democratic Revolution became victorious after the crushing defeat of Fascism in the Second World War. This revolution fought not only the internal enemies-feudalism and Comprador bourgeoisie- but also the external enemies- the imperialist powers. The imperialist powers, especially, the British, Japanese and American imperialists, sought to weigh down the Chinese people under the yoke of feudalism, subjugate indirectly or by indulging in naked armed invasions or occupation.

Applying Marxism Leninism to the concrete conditions and practice of Chinese revolution, the CPC and Mao had evolved and practiced a line, known as the protracted peoples’ war, to lead the Chinese revolution. The Chinese proletariat had developed a party with Bolshevik qualities capable of leading the revolution. It developed a United Front of revolutionary classes in the course of class struggles and revolutionary movements on the basis of worker-peasant alliance under the leadership of working class. The CPC and Mao had considered the peasants as the main revolutionary force and made the agrarian revolution as the main axis of new democratic revolution by organizing and moving millions of peasants into agrarian revolutionary movement against feudalism and imperialism. In the concrete conditions of Chinese revolution, China had adopted a road different from that of Russia. But it remains an indisputable historical truth that both revolutions had consistently and unwaveringly relied on the single source – invincible revolutionary potential of the people- to win the revolution. The experience of CPC and Chinese people had repeatedly proved hat the revolution had suffered serious losses whenever the Party had deviated either towards right or left or anarchism. The teachings of Lenin and the experiences of Russian revolution were of an immense help to the Chinese proletariat in leading the Chinese revolution to victory. CPC and Mao had to wage a bitter and unrelenting ideological and political struggle to keep the revolution on correct track and ensure victory for the revolution. The journey of China along the road of socialist transformation and socialist construction too was a tortuous and bitter struggle in every sphere. Yet, the miraculous achievements it had won under the leadership of CPC and Mao had set a model of development for the backward and developing Countries to emulate. China had come up as a most reliable ally and friend of people in the Asian, African and Latin American Countries who were fighting for revolution and against imperialism.

A Socialist Camp composed of Socialist Soviet Union, Peoples’ Republic Of China, Peoples’ Democracies of Europe, North Korea, Albania and Cuba, etc.; encompassing one third of the world population had come up in the World. This was backed and associated by the Communist Parties, working class, oppressed nations and people fighting for the national independence, national liberation and peoples’ revolutions and leading the anti-imperialist and democratic movements in a number of Countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. On the other side, the post-Second World War situation had thrown up the US imperialism as the leader of Capitalist world and it had set itself with an agenda, design and preparations to reap the fruits of defeat of Fascism, weakening of old Colonialism and impose its own domination over the entire world. This has brought a significant change in the correlation of forces in the world. It led to further sharpening of the contradictions and struggle between the opposing class forces. The forces of socialism, democracy, nationalism, revolution and peace found themselves on a more confident and sound basis to take on imperialism and the forces of reaction by their horns.
But this onward march of human history was inflicted a rude shock and a serious setback. The theories of ‘peaceful coexistence’, ‘ peaceful competition’ and ‘ peaceful transition’ raised by the Soviet leader Khrushchev had set the Soviet Communist Party on the road of departure from Marxism Leninism and setting Russia on the road of capitalist restoration; Most of the then ongoing revolutions took the road of compromise with the exploiting ruling classes and imperialism. The new theories had set the World Communist Movement on the road of confusions, deviations and divisions. The principles of Proletarian Internationalism were thrown to the winds. The Peoples’ Democracies in Europe had collapsed one after the other. Going along the road of social imperialism, the Soviet Union too had finally disintegrated. The CPC, which created hope of carrying forward the flag of Marxism Leninism, Socialism and Proletarian Internationalism too, in the course of time and after the demise of Com. Mao chose to go by a capitalist road. Thus the onward march of human history had suffered a serious setback.

The imperialists and reactionary classes all over the world had spent many a sleepless nights, shivered even in their dreams when the Great revolutions had occurred. Naturally, they are very much relieved by their setbacks and reversals. They began using best of their brains and resources in the attempts to prevent the recurrence of similar revolutions in the world. The imperialists, reactionary classes, their ideologues and drum-beaters are working overtime to assure themselves, convince or brainwash the world people with preaching such as, the great revolutions were nothing but ‘only accidents’, ‘failed experiments ‘and Socialism as an idea as well as practice had only become ‘obsolete’ for all the time and the Capitalism as a system is an ‘end of History’ and ever- lasting.

Doubtlessly, the Communists, progressives, millions of the working class, oppressed and toiling people in the world view the setbacks suffered by the revolutions as an inestimable and irredeemable loss and a painful development because they are the fruits of their own struggles and sacrifices and their own flesh and blood. These revolutions continue to be dearer and precious for them. We the Communists today, who are guided by Marxism Leninism, consider ourselves as the inheritors and torch bearers of these revolutions. We refuse either to get ourselves swept away by the feelings of gloom and pessimism or remain as idle day dreamers or empty chatterers. Marxism Leninism teaches us that we must learn from the rich and inexhaustible experiences of these great revolutions and utilize them to find answers to the questions like, how to heal the wounds of setbacks, set, again, today’s class struggle and the revolutionary movement on the road of advance and culminate them in a revolution to end the present exploiting and oppressive system which had grown into a hydra- headed Monster and herald a new society.
Learn from Great Revolutions
The revolutions that suffered setbacks are consummated revolutions. Here the people had built up the new societies and enjoyed their fruits for several decades. The Socialist States stood by the working class, oppressed nations and peace loving people in the world in their fight against imperialism, Fascism and the reactionary ruling classes. The proletariat and the people of the Socialist Countries made unparalleled sacrifices, displayed unimaginable valor, heroism and endurance in defending Socialism. How all this was possible? The answer can be found in the kind of leadership they had and in the strength of ideology, politics and organization that guided them. We must grasp how Marxism Leninism was applied to concrete conditions and the practice of revolution and how the problems that arose in the course of revolution were overcome by the Party of proletarian.

These Great Revolutions had reaffirmed the teachings of Marxism Leninism. For the Communists, the revolution means a fundamental change in the social system. Marxism Leninism teaches us: 1. “The key question of any revolution is undoubtedly the question of state power. Which class holds the power decides everything “; 2. The people are the makers of History. Any deviation from this principle and any attempt to replace the revolutionary role of the people by any heroic and adventurous acts of a few or a magical act are bound to fail; 3. The Proletariat must assume the leadership of the revolution in order to make the revolution a thorough-going and culminate it in victory. So, building of a Party of Bolshevik type is the essential prerequisite for the success of revolution. These are fundamental for any revolution led by the Communist Party.

At the same time, no revolution can be a carbon copy of another revolution. So, while studying and learning from the experiences of other revolutions- their successes as well as failures – the Communist Party of each Country must study the concrete conditions of its own Country in the light of Marxism Leninism and formulate the forms, methods and course of their revolution in accordance with the concrete conditions and develop the same in the course of practice of class struggle and revolutionary movement. The Communists also must diligently study the experiences of setbacks suffered by the Great Revolutions with a view to understand the causes, learn from and avoid the mistakes in future, uphold their achievements and carry forward the Flag of revolution and Socialism.
Hold High the Banner of Great Revolutions and Advance the New Democratic Revolution in India
The October Socialist Revolution brought the ideas of Communism and Socialist aims on its wings to India. The first generation of Communists had taken these ideas to widest masses of the Indian people. They organized and moved millions of workers, peasants, adivasis, students, youth, women and other oppressed people into countless struggles. They had built up the cultural, democratic and anti-imperialist movements. The tireless and dedicated work carried on by the Communists had resulted in the formation and development of Communist Party in India. Significant ideological and political battles were waged inside and outside the Party. The Communist Movement had given birth to scores of Communist cadres, leaders and fighters having the fine Communist qualities of dedication and sacrifice to the cause of Communism and people.

The October Revolution had boosted the morale of the democratic and national forces and the people. The ideals of Socialism have had wide influence on the militant, terrorist and revolutionary streams that had sprung up in India with the aim of ending the Colonial rule. Defying the limitations imposed by the Gandhian and bourgeois leadership of National Movement, the masses of Indian people, especially the toiling people, rose in waves and adopted, many a times, the militant and revolutionary forms of struggle. The mass upsurge had touched new heights during the Quit India Movement of 1942. The people, through their initiative and revolutionary action had formed “Prati Sarkars “ in several places, like the one in Peshawar, Sholapur, Satara, Medinipur, and Balia,etc., The people had sustained their Sarkars for 7 to 10 days and the British Colonial rulers could pull them down only by using the Army and martial Laws.

The Colonial rulers viewed the Communists as a big threat. The Communist Party was under a ban till 1942. The Communist cadres, leaders, and even the sympathizers were implicated, tried and convicted in countless false and cooked up criminal cases. The special repressive laws were freely invoked against them. The Conspiracy cases, like Lahore Conspiracy case, Kanpur Conspiracy (1924), Meerut Conspiracy case (1929) were foisted against the prominent Communist and working Class leaders. However, they could not deter the Communists from leading the people in struggles. The Communists had organized and led powerful working class movement in the Country. They organized many a peasant struggles in various states of the Country. Prominent among them are : The adivasi revolutionary movement in Worli of Maharashtra in 1939-47; the peasant revolt in Kayyur of Kerala in 1943; the historic Telangana peasant armed struggle of 1946-51; the Punnapra- vayalar peasant struggle in the Princely State of Travancore in 1946; the Tebhaga peasant struggle in 1946 in Bengal and the adivasi armed resistance in Moyamensing of East Bengal in 1946. The massive political campaigns carried on by the Communists in the Country against the Colonialism, imperialism and Fascism has had strong impact on the conscious-ness and the struggles of the people.

As a part of the post-Second World War upsurge, the Indian Royal Navy personnel rose in armed revolt. They raised the Red Flag of the Communist Party along with the flags of the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League. The Communist Party had moved lakhs of the people into the streets in solidarity with the revolting Navy Personnel. The Communists stood in the forefront of the Country wide protest movement against the trail of the INA leaders. They also stood like a powerful bastion of unity among the Hindu-Muslim people and mobilized the people to foil the dubious game of the Colonial rulers to divide and divert the people into disastrous communal riots and mutual killings in a sinister move to stem the tide of mass upsurge.

The past Communist Movement is rich and inexhaustible treasure house of experiences. At the same time, we must admit that the Indian revolution remain unaccomplished owing to the constraints of the political line pursued by the Communist leadership at different times. So, some decades back, the Communist Revolutionaries had taken upon themselves the responsibility of carrying forward the New Democratic Revolution to successful culmination. Various revolutionary movements, more particularly the Naxalbari and Srikakulam Peasant Revolutionary Movements had developed only in this course. But these movements had suffered serious setbacks. The Communist Revolutionary Move-ment is struggling to overcome the setbacks, wrong trends and divisions and lead the people into class struggles and revolutionary movement.

In the last seven decades period, the Indian ruling classes- the Comprador bourgeois and landlord classes- had only landed the Country’s economy into the depths of irretrievable crisis. They had driven the vast majority of our people into abject poverty, hunger and trap of suicides. They had deprived the people from the right to land, other means of livelihood, jobs and the basic needs of life. They are waging merciless attacks on the democratic rights of people. They are doing all this under the deceptive slogans like the liberalization, globalization and development, etc., and in their shameful attempt to open flood gates for the imperialists and the Indian Corporate houses to loot and control the lives of Indian people and the Indian resources. The BJP regime is taking these policies to dangerous levels. This regime is using its rabid Hindu Communalism, the slogans of pseudo nationalism and diversionist methods to push through its policies of sell out and subservience to imperialism in general and its alliance with US imperialism to serve the strategic designs of US imperialism for global hegemony. The attacks of the Hindu communal forces- backed by the BJP and Sangh Parivar- on the Communist, democratic, rationalist and genuinely national ideas and forces are only a part of a general onslaught to sustain the system of exploitation and oppression.

On the one side, the exploiting ruling classes as well as the imperialists are putting up a brave face, patting their backs when they cry from the house tops and repeat the worn out slogans such as “Communism is dead” and ‘Capitalism is the End of History.” On the other side, They are spending crores of dollars, best of their brains, tons of paper and weapons to fight the Communist ideas and forces and prevent the people from falling prey to Communist ideas. It only means that the imperialists and the reactionary classes are, in reality, haunted by the ‘ghost of Communism’. They are dreaded by the very idea of Communism because, it is a real thing. They know that they are sitting on the power keg of crisis-ridden economies. They know that their policies only further accentuate inequalities in the society, alienate the people and raise the people’s anger and urge to irrepressible levels to get rid of this wretched social system. The real and lasting solution to the problems of the people and the ills of the present society lie only in putting an end to this system and heralding a new society that banishes the exploitation and oppression from the Human society. Here lies the historical necessity and the role of Communism.

Let the Great Revolutions continue to inspire us to hold high the Ideology of Marxism Leninism Mao’s Thought, the ideals of Socialism and proletarian Internationalism and defend them from the hidden and open attacks of the bourgeois and petty bourgeois classes and their ideologues; Let the eve of the Centenary of the October Socialist Revolution be an important occasion to study and learn from the experiences of these revolutions; Let this occasion give an impetus to our efforts to unite the Communists, create better conditions for the development of a Proletarian Party in India and lead the New Democratic Revolution on the road of victory and march towards Socialism.
With Revolutionary Greetings,
Central Committee
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