( This
article is published in “CLASS STRUGGLE” ORGAN
September 2015 issue.)
“Whole history of
mankind (since dissolution of primitive tribal society holding land
in common ownership) has been
a history of class struggles, “contests between exploiting and
exploited, ruling and oppressed”......The exploited and oppressed
class the proletariat cannot attain its emancipation from the sway of
the exploiting and ruling class-the bourgeoisie-without at the same
time once and for all emancipating the society at large from all
exploitation, oppression, class distinctions and class struggles”.
“This proposition of Marx is destined to do for history what
Darwin’s theory had done for biology”. - Engels, In the Preface
to Communist Manifesto.
The subject of
Relevancy of Communist Manifesto, written by Marx and Engels in 1847,
in the present stage has
become an important-subject matter of discussion at present in
political circle.
1. Marx, in
repudiating the theory of Dialectical Idealism of Hegel, his teacher
in philosophy and a very distinguished
philosopher of Germany of a time, well-proved and well established
the theory of Dialectical Materialism. By this, he created a topsy-
turvy situation in Philosophy. He explained the development of human
society in dialectical process with the Theory: ‘From matter to
knowledge’, opposed to the theory: ‘From Supreme idea to matter’
of Hegel. The Dialectical materialism has become the material of
thinking of the exploited people for making them free from the idea
of ‘Fate’, ‘Destiny’ or ‘Divine Order’, that is: Fatalism
with respect to system of exploitation over them.
2. Marx, on the
basis of this materialistic dialectics, explained the class division
and contradiction in the system of production at a stage of society,
indicated the trend and way towards change of society. It is
epoch-changing contribution to social science. In the realm of this
though, his very close friend, Engels, was a fellow traveller. He has
also made immense theoretical contribution in this subject. But, on
the whole, as the contribution of Marx was main, this though has
become known as Marxism.
3. Marx and Engels
have put forward the theory for change of society through class
struggle due to creation of classes
and class contradictions in the society at a stage of economic system
of the society in the process of social development. They have
announced: “The class struggle is the key to change of society’,
‘driving force’ of history’, ‘Lever of social revolution’.
“The class struggle is the immediate driving force of history and
in particular the class struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat
as the great lever of modern social revolution”. (Marx-Engels:
Selected Correspondences (Moscow) page 395)
4. Marx and Engels
have advanced proposition for the advance of human society to
Communist Society. In this
course, they have explained in the affairs of economics as to ‘Value
of commodity’, ‘creation of surplus value’ by the labour power
engaged in production, ‘exploitation of labour power’,
‘accumulation of capital’, the theory of class struggle,
‘Revolution and Dictatorship of the proletariat’ as its basis.
Marx wrote the book ‘Capital’ on the basis of economic theories.
After writing of capital it has become known in Europe as ‘Bible’
of the working class. On the other side the bourgeois class described
it as an ‘endeavour to rouse jealousy in the mind of illiterate
After publication of
Marx’s lecture- series-article; WAGE, LABOUR and CAPITAL, the German-secret-police
organization wrote in a confidential report: “This noxious paper
must indisputably exert the most corrupting influence upon the
uneducated public to whom it is directed. The alluring theory of
dividing up of the wealth is held out to factory workers and day
labourers as an innate right and a profound hatred of the rulers and
the rest of the community is inculcated into them. There
would be gloomy outlook for fatherland and for civilisation in such
succeeded in undermining religion
and respect for laws and in any great measure infected the lower
class of the people by means of press and these clubs.....the
circumstance that the number of members (of workers union) has
increased from thirty seven to seventy within a few days is worthy to
note” (Marx: Man and Fighter:-Boris Nicolaievsky and Otto Maenchen-
Helfen: Penguin Book page 137)
This Marxian
Economics is completely different from Bourgeois Economics. In it
also lies blossoming of certain unblossomed theories of certain
economic theoreticians of the past. On the whole it has become a
‘Political Economy’. This Economics is the material basis of the
Communist politics with Marxian thought.
5. Marx and Engels
were not subjective theoreticians with leisured life. They were
organisers of political taking
upon themselves all risk to give shape to their theories. Marx was
driven out from different
bourgeoisie states of Europe for his political thought and
In 1847, in Europe,
with active role of Marx and Engels, the communist league was formed
secretly as a political
organization. Between December 1847 and January 1848, the Communist
Manifesto was written with joint-leadership of Marx and Engels as a
Programme of the Communist League (Manifesto of the Communist Party).
This has become the guiding document of Communist politics. This was
necessary as, at that time, several types of thought of socialism
were in existence in Europe. Engels said that though there was joint
leadership in writing this document, Marx was the main protagonist of
its basic proposition of thought. Engels stated: “The proposition
is: that in every historical epoch, the prevailing mode of economic
production and exchange and the social organization necessarily
following from it, form the basis upon which is built up and from
which alone can be explained the political and intellectual history
of that epoch; that consequently the whole history of mankind (since
the dissolution of the primitive tribal society, holding Land in common ownership)
has been a history of class struggles, contests between exploiting
and exploited, ruling and oppressed classes; that the history of
these class struggles forms a series of evolutions in which,
nowadays, a stage has been reached where the exploited and oppressed
class-the proletariat-cannot attain from the sway of exploiting and
ruling class-the bourgeoisie-without at the same time and once and
for all emancipating the society at large from all exploitation,
oppression, class distinctions and class struggles”. “This
proposition, which, in my opinion, is destined to do for
history what Darwin’s has done for biology”. (Engels: Preface to
English Edition of 1888 of Communist Manifesto) Marx’s theory of
social development is an important discovery of Social Science-just
as the theory of Darwin in Biology. It is a scientific thought.
6. On the basis of
this thought it has been stated in the Communist Manifesto: “The
theory of the Communists may be
summed up in the single sentence: “Abolition of Private Property”.
Having given further clarification on this subject, it has also been
stated in the Manifesto: “the distinguishing feature of Communism
is not the abolition of property generally, but the abolition of
bourgeois property”. That is, Communism is the protector of social
property and a creative process of retaining health of society
generally; it is an establishment of equal right of all to enjoy the
wealth of the society. It is neither a stoicism nor a ‘plagiarism’.
It is a step towards buoyant development of human
civilisation and society.
7. With the object
of abolition of bourgeois property, the Manifesto, with a class
outlook, altering the old slogan: “All men are brothers” of the
Communist League, has brought in the slogan: “Working men of all
countries, unite”. This outlook of Manifesto has become dreadful
for the bourgeoisie. So in the introduction of Manifesto it has been
mentioned that “the spectre of Communism is haunting Europe”: “A
spectre is haunting Europe-the Spectre of Communism. All the powers
of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise the
spectre: Pope to Czar, Metternich to Guizot, French Radicals to
German police-spies”. Communist Manifesto is condemned by all sorts
of Reaction.
8. In Communist
Manifesto, Marx and Engels have put a declaration: “Emancipation of
labour is not at all local or national problem-but a social
problem-”Though, not in substance, but in form, the struggle of the
proletariat with the bourgeoisie is at first a national struggle. The
proletariat of each country, must of course, first of all settle the
matter with their own bourgeoisie”. Hence the Communist manifesto
carried the vision of basic change of the society. The
internationalism of Manifesto is not
without any prop: it is based on the flow of struggle from national
9. The first
declaration of the Manifesto is: “The history of all hitherto
existing society is the history of class struggle”. This class
struggle is the basis of the Communist Manifesto that is of Communist
politics. So at one time, Marx-Engels declared: “it is impossible
for us to co-operate with the people who wish to expunge this class
struggle from the movement” (Marx-Engels; selected correspondence:
(Moscow) page 395).
10. Communist
Manifesto, mentioned that the weapon the bourgeoisie used to
dismantle has become a death
giving weapon for them. It has stated: “The weapons with which the
bourgeoisie felled feudalism to the ground are now turned against the
bourgeoisie itself”. “....not only has the bourgeois forged the
weapons that bring death to itself; it has also called into existence
the men who are to wield these weapons-the modern working class-the
proletariat”. The weapon of class struggle which the bourgeoisie
used to make the feudalism fall to the ground, will now be used
against them; further in order to build up the capitalist society the
bourgeoisie has given birth to which will be death giving for the
bourgeoisie itself. The bourgeoisie has now become very vocal to
resist it; but the history will work in its normal way. Communist
Manifesto has brought this historical truth in the front.
11. The implication
of the thought for creating new society by smashing the
bourgeoisie-controlled capitalist society, which Communist Manifesto
has brought, should properly be realised. It is not a matter of only
freeing the proletariat from economic exploitation; It is an ending
all sorts of economic and social discrimination and deprivation of
the people of different stratum of society. By this, there will also
occur elimination of discrimination, with respect to sex- based
advantage and position of Man and Woman. The ‘secondary’ position
of woman which has occurred in patriarchal society after breaking of
matriarchal Society will also be eliminated. The women have become
free from feudal bondage, in the capitalist society, which has been
brought by bourgeoisie. Yet their economic subjugation to man
continued to exist in it. The woman in bourgeois society is under domestic slavery.
The bourgeoisie sees the woman as wife, a mere instrument of
production. In this society the body of the women is sold as
commodity, in the pattern of bourgeoisie commodity system. The
prostitution of woman due to economic distress, has been legalised in
bourgeois society. This position of woman would be removed in the new
society which will develop through proletarian revolution because in
the said new society, the labour power and social right of the woman
will get full honour. The Communist Manifesto has described the
position of woman in bourgeois society
stating: “The bourgeois sees in his wife a mere instrument of
production ....Bourgeois marriage is in reality system of wives. The
Manifesto has declared: “It is self evident that abolition of
present system of production must bring with it the abolition of
community of women, springing from that system eg, prostitution, both
public and private”. Full honour of women will occur
by having freedom from economic subjugation. Emancipation of women is
the barometer of progress of the society. In exploitation free
society which will grow after proletarian revolution, the man and
woman will be moving in the courtyard of new culture, with mental
feeling of monogamy in life, the Communist Manifesto intends to
create it.
12. Communist
Manifesto in its declaration has described that in order to create a
new society, the systems which will
be or are to be introduced with the dictatorship of the proletariat,
after achieving the state power by the proletariat, through class
struggle, will be of following nature: “These measures will of
course be different in different countries”. Nevertheless, in most
advanced countries the following will be petty generally applicable:
(1) Abolition of
property in land and application of all land to public purposes;
(2) A heavy
progressive or graduated income tax.
(3) Abolition of all
rights of inheritance
(4) Confiscation of
the properties of all emigrants and rebels
(5) Centralisation
of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with
state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6) Centralisation of
the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
(7) Extension of
factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the
bringing into cultivation of waste
land and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a
common plan.
(8) Equal liability
for all to labour; Establishment of industrial armies, especially for
(9) Combination of
agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of
distinction between town and country, by more equal distribution of
population over the country.
(10) Free education
for all children in public schools; abolition of children’s factory
labour in its present form:
Combination of education with industrial production”.
The proposal of
abolition of private property in land by which the land be
nationalised, is not directly nationalism of land of middle and small
peasantry; it would be to bring their land under co-operative with
proposal of “social help” and not by any coercion (Decision of
Basic Congress of 1 st Communist International and subsequent writing
of Marx and Engels on peasant problem). Its object is to break the
conservative attitude of peasants with respect to land gradually.
These co-operatives are in the interests of the concerned peasants.
The aforesaid proposals are not any sort of building of ‘castle in
the air’ or ‘Rip van winkle plan’, but the objective step for
the creation of new exploitation and
class conflict-free society. In Soviet Russia, Lenin and Stalin and
in China, Mao Tse Tung has taken steps to incorporate the above
systems in the society and through such step, had brought before the
people the reality of the thought of Marx and Engels. So they are the
creators of real semblance of Communist Manifesto. But the social
systems which have been created through their steps became alarming
for the forces of reaction, bourgeoisie and imperialism.
Hence the reality of
Communist Manifesto has got burning revelation. Communist Manifesto
mentioning the creation of new social organization through the
process of above system has put the declaration: “When in course of
development, class distinctions have disappeared and all production
has been concentrated in the hands of vast association of whole
nation, the public power will lose its political character. Political
power, properly so called, is merely the organised power of one class
for oppressing another”......’We shall have an association, in
which free development of each is the condition for the development
of all”. This is chivalrous of the bourgeoisie; but wholeheartedly acceptable
for the destituted proletariat, it will be a blossoming of life for
13. In bourgeois
society, human activities are not based on social feeling, but are
based on basically the thought of ‘commodity’ and ‘wage’. That
is the root of its culture. It has been stated in Communist
Manifesto. “It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest,
the poet, the man of science into its paid wage labourers”. In the
thought of aforesaid exploitation-free, class-less society, which the
Communist Manifesto has brought in, the human activities will be
resuscitated with Social feeling. A new culture will be created
thereby. The basis of the thought of Marxism with respect to human
social life is: ‘Man by nature is a social being and creative
being; creation is the instinct of man in work’. In this matter the
thought of bourgeois society is: Man is a selfish being; and without
self-gain Man will have no instinct for work. The analysis Marxism
is: “due to ‘deprivation’ in bourgeois society self gain
instinct for work in Man has occurred”. After advent of new exploitation
free society self-gain instinct for work will be eliminated: The man
will be moving with instinct of work for creation.
14. The object of
Communist Manifesto is not the solitary and isolated struggle of the
Communist force, but an advancing in combination with different
revolutionary struggles of the society. It has been declared in the
Manifesto: “The Communists everywhere support every revolutionary
movement against the existing social and political order of things”.
“In all these movements they will bring to the front, as the
leading question in each, the property question, no matter, what its
degree of development at the time”. Here lies the thought for
formation of class front; and it is to be shaped through different
15. Communist
Manifesto has further declared that the Communists will fight for
immediate interest of working class; that means that their struggle
is not for immediate jumping to struggle for final emancipation of
the proletariat; there will be a process. The declaration of the
Manifesto is:“The Communists
fight for the attainment of the immediate aims, for the enforcement
of momentary interests of the working class; but in the movement of
the present, they also represent and take care of the future of that
movement”. On the whole, The Communists Manifesto is a historic document, a
way showing to creation of a new society, free from explanation and
class antagonism, having broken the bourgeoisie controlled capitalist
society, through process of class struggle, with materialistic based
social theory.
1.The Communist
Manifesto has not put forward any sort of decorative plan or
mechanical sketch of revolution with angle of vision of class
revolution; And it is not even possible to do so, because it is
dependent on situation; specially it would be considered with the
background of organizational strength of the working class and
surrounding situation.
In 1872, at the time
of publication of German edition of Communist manifesto Marx and
Engels wrote in its
preface: ‘The practical application of the principles will depend,
as the Manifesto itself states, everywhere and all times, on the
historical conditions for the time being existing, and, for that
reason, no special stress is laid on the revolutionary measures
proposed”. But Marx and Engels were conscious about the necessity
of creation of working class party, for conducting violent revolution
of class revolution and on the subject of making other parties allies
in revolution. In 1889 on 18 th December, Engels in a letter to G.
Trier wrote: “We are agreed on this; the proletariat cannot conquer
its political domination, the only door to new society, without
violent revolution. For the proletariat to be strong enough to win on
the decisive day, it must-and for this, as Marx and I have been
arguing ever since 1847, form distinct from all other parties and
opposed to them, a conscious class party”. “But that does not
mean that this party cannot at certain moments use the other parties
for its purpose. Nor does this mean that it cannot support other
parties for a short period in securing measures which either are
directly advantageous to the proletariat or represent progress by way
of economic development or political freedom” (Marx-Engels;
Selected correspondence
(Moscow) page 492) In Communist Manifesto also there is expression of this thought and
angle of vision of the activities of the proletariat.
2. The ‘Strategy’
and ‘Tactics’ of this proletarian revolution have been enriched
through the activities under the leadership of the Communists
Parties. In revolution of 1905 in Russia, Lenin, having given
analysis of mental state desiring compromise with Czarism and
vacillating tendency of the bourgeois class in revolution, advanced
the proposition that ‘the Bourgeois Democratic Revolution would be
completed under the leadership of the Proletariat. ‘In October
Revolution in 1917, Lenin brought in the front the proposition that
‘the Socialist Revolution would be carried out under the leadership
of the working class and on the basis of the worker-peasant alliance
in the underdeveloped countries like Russia’. In 1919 having
brought in the forefront, the subject of leading role of the working
class in the anti-imperialist National Revolution in Colonies, Lenin
advanced the proposition of establishing ‘link’ between
‘Socialist Revolution’ of advanced capitalist country and
‘Democratic revolution of backward and colonial country. This
became fearful for the imperialism. In the case of colonial
revolution the problem, arose in China as a result of defeat of
Chinese Revolution, due to betrayal of Chiang Kai Shek, Stalin have
taken to consideration the subject of armed resistance of the people
led by the Communist Party of China against the armed attack of
Chiang Kai Shek and advanced analysis that “the Chinese Revolution
would proceed in the way of “armed Revolution with armed resistance
and counter-attack against armed reaction”. On the basis of it Mao
Tse Tung’s theory of People’s Democratic revolution took shape in
China, against Imperialism,
a section of native bourgeoisie as comprador to imperialism and
feudalism. It is a stage of social revolution; basically democratic
revolution-not socialist revolution-it is transitional to socialism.
This is its significance. At present in the colonies, where
transference of state power has occurred in the post 2 nd world war
period, by a compromise deal between imperialism and big bourgeoisie
in the wake of colonial liberation struggles, the main subject matter
of revolution is also People’s or New Democratic Revolution. But in
the present world situation its transition to socialism will be
deeper. But in the affair of Revolution, the main point for realisation is: It
is not possible to repeat the Revolution of one country in the same
way in another country. The process of class mobilisation will vary
from country to country. So the Revolution of Communist Manifesto
should be viewed with objective look.
1.Marx and Engels
had not seen the full development of Imperialism-only sow its initial countenance; yet
what they had described about the full countenance of capitalism is
as follows. “The bourgeoisie,
has through its exploitation of world market given a cosmopolitan
character to production and
consumption in every country”. “To the great chagrin to
reactionaries it has drawn from under the feet of industry the
national ground on which it stood. All old established national
ground on which it stood. All old established national industries
have been destroyed or are daily destroyed......raw materials drawn
from the remotest, whose products are consumed,
not only at home, but in every quarter of the globe”.....”In
place of old local and national
seclusion and self-sufficiency we have intercourse in every,
universal interdependence of nations”....... it creates a world
after its own image”. This is the world exploitation process of
capitalism under the control of bourgeois class. The imperialist
stage of capitalism has emerged through this process.
2. This analysis of
imperialism which Lenin gave, on the basis of Marxian economic
proposition, is as follows: “Imperialism is capitalism in that
stage of development in which dominance of monopolies and finance
capital has acquired pronounced importance, in which division of the
world among the industrial trusts has begun, in which the division of
all territories of the globe amongst the great capitalist powers has
been completed”.Imperialism is: Dominance of monopolies and finance
capital and completion of division of world amongst the great
capitalist powers. It is a higher stage in the development of
capitalism. The conflicts and contradictions of capitalism inevitably
exist in it. This is the location of world division amongst the
powerful capitalist groups.
3. After creation of
this world process of capitalism under the control of bourgeois class
the war took place among
the big capitalist groups for a share of division. Lenin has given
the analysis: War is the concomitance of imperialism. It is an open
expression of conflict of interest amongst the capitalists a
‘mobilisation of strength’ of each. Colony is created by
capturing of backward countries. The colony is a guarantee of
strength of monopoly capital. Further, in the entire system, the
exploitation on the working class is also intense. So the question of
taking a clear attitude about imperialism is a very important subject
of communist politics. In this affair, the thought of Lenin is an
extension of Marxism.
4. During the lifetime of Marx and Engels, a thought of “social Democracy’-which
advocated the establishment of
Socialism through democratic process’ arose inside the Socialist
camp of Europe. It sought to correct or reject the theory of ‘class
struggle’, ‘revolution’ and ‘dictatorship of proletariat’
of Marxism. It advanced the possibility of working class winning the
state power through obtaining of majority of working class, by vote,
in Bourgeois Parliamentary Democracy (as the working
class is majority in population) and the establishment of Socialism
‘peacefully’. This idea kept in the oblivion the role of ‘force’
of bourgeois State-machinery. Marx and Engels described it as ‘petty
bourgeois patch-work reform’ and declared that it could not be a
“working class party”. Kautsky who became a chief theoretician of
this ideology in his later period and who was also inside the camp of
Socialist thought in Europe, put forward the analysis that
“Imperialism is the development of capitalism to a new higher stage
as advancement of “Super Imperialism” with unity of
international Finance-capital without contradiction (exploitation of
the world by internationally
united finance capital).
5.Lenin, in this
affair, refuted this reasoning and analysis of Kautsky and also gave
the analysis with respect to
‘subjects’ of ‘mutual contradiction inside different powerful
capitalist groups’, ‘their main stay on colonies’, ‘crisis of
capitalism’, ‘non-possibility of advancing trend of Imperialism
etc, characterised Imperialism, as ‘parasitic capitalism’ which
lives by sucking colonies, ‘decaying capitalism’, ‘moribund
capitalism’. He condemned Kautsky as “Renegade”. Here lies the
strong echo of condemnation, which Marx and Engels made against
Social Democracy. In the 1 st World War of
1914, the Social Democracy, having kept the slogan of Nationalism in
the front became the supporter of Imperialist war. Lenin, on the other hand, in opposition to imperialist war, brought in the front the theory of converting ‘Imperialist war into civil war’, made
success of October Revolution in 1917. So the proposition of Lenin
with respect to imperialism is to be or should be the main basis of
the Communist politics; without this, it will be carrying of Social Democracy, that is,
theory of Kautsky, in to the Communist politics.
6. In the post-2 nd
world war period, with new division of world, the intense endeavour
of certain imperialist groups,
under the dominance of US Imperialism began to capture the world
market with the strength of
finance capital. With the strength of finance capital and deadly
weapon, the object of US imperialism is to create the world with “its
own image” Roosevelt, the President of American Federal State,
announced: “Americanisation of the world is our destiny”. This
intensified exportation of Imperialist capital Globalisation is the
present structure of world exploitation of imperialism. This should
be considered on the basis of the theory of Lenin; and real Communist
force must decide its attitude about it. The theory of Kautsky is
appearing anew to glorify this Globalisation; and
it is entering in Communist Politics also. In this matter the under
mentioned thought of Lenin requires deep study; “The imperialist
ideology also penetrates the working class. There is no ‘Chinese
wall’ between it and other classes.
The leaders of so called “Social Democratic” Party of Germany are
today justly called “Social-Imperialist”, that is socialism in
word and imperialist in deed”. “Bourgeois scholars and publicists
usually come out in defence of Imperialism in somewhat veiled form
and obscure its complete domination and its profound roots; they
strive to concentrate attention on partial and secondary details and
do their best to distract attention from the main, by means of
ridiculous schemes for reforms”
(Lenin; imperialism; the Highest Stage of Capitalism) Lenin depicted
the Social Democratic Party as “Social Imperialists”, it would be
reasonable and justified to characterise the Communist Party which
will extend support to globalisation of imperialist capital according to the
depiction of Lenin.
7. The basic theory
of ‘class struggle’ and ‘Revolution of the Communist Manifesto
continues to be valid and strong
reality in the present age, that is, in the situation entailing
Globalisation of Imperialist Capital. In the present time, the
property difference and conflicting situation therefore have assumed
deeper intensity. The position, as shaped, in different countries,
that is, in the world is: In one side, a very small number of
population who control and enjoy the wealth of the society; and on
another side a vast destitute masses who are deprived of real
enjoyment of wealth. These are two opposite poles of the society.It
has taken shape of an irreconcilable contradiction of the society.
The mobilisation of strength to execute the basic theory of Communist
Manifesto is the only
necessity of the
situation. The declaration of Communist Manifesto-”United action of
the leading civilised countries
at least, is one of the first conditions for the emancipation of the
proletariat”-has now acquired a very wide dimension.
Marx and Engels,
composed Communist Manifesto for the world proletariat. Yet Europe in
the main was before them at that time. But in the present time the
world court-yard has abjectly appeared for it. The working
class of different countries, have become more closer to each other
through cheap-world-labour-market.
Hence the thought of proletariat revolution of Communist Manifesto
will now be moving throughout the world through creation of different
fighting fronts of the working class.
8. About the theory
of abolition of “Private Property” of Communist Manifesto, which
makes the Bourgeois-class
panic-stricken and for which they spread panic, Communist Manifesto
has stated: “You are horrified
at our intending to do away with private property. But in your
existing society private property is
already done away with for nine- tenth of the population, its
existence for the few is solely due to its non-existence in the hands
of this nine-tenth”.
In the present world
situation, the private property lessness of vast distressed masses is
the basis of the private property of small section. Advancement of
society and advent of new civilisation will occur through crushing of
this basis-it is what Communist Manifesto has depicted and has
brought before the vision of
the proletariat. It is deeply vibrating before the distressed masses.
9. In this affair
the fight of the distressed masses, that is, the Proletariat, is the
fight of the major section of population. It has been stated in the
Communist Manifesto. “All the previous historical movements were
the movement of minorities. The proletarian movement is the
self-conscious independent movement of the immense majority, in the
interest of the immense majority”. So the main strength of
protection of minorities and their properties is their
state-machinery. It is for this reason
Communist Manifesto has brought the object of crushing the bourgeois
state machinery, without which it
will be impossible to build up new society.
The relevancy of
Communist Manifesto should be considered on the basis of above
mentioned realities not by any sort of mechanical thought.
10. In the post 2 nd
world war period a thought arose inside the Communist camp, with
‘new’new orientation of old
social democracy to win Socialism in a peaceful way, they claim, in
the present age of Atomic and Hydrogen bomb, the theory of ‘class
struggle’ and ‘Revolution’ of Marxism is obsolete and an
‘adventurism’. This was the creation of the post 2 nd world war
epoch and a new challenge posed to Communist Manifesto. Soviet Khrushchev-Kosygin- Gorbachev clique, brought this thought in the
They advanced the
theory of ‘concluding movement of ‘Social Revolution’ in
‘peaceful way’ and of ‘integral universe’ without
‘class-contradictions. It is ‘Modern Revisionism’ in place of
‘reformism’ of old Social Democracy. This clique, in one side, in
order to create disgust against Soviet system, hurled different
slanderous attack on Stalin, who after Lenin, was the main architect
of Soviet System for a long time; and, in another side, they rejected
the character of Worker- Peasant Dictatorship of the Soviet-State and
replaced with the idea of ‘Peoples State’; Further they
introduced the elements of capitalist market economy in Socialist
Economy. They created an atmosphere for devastation of the Soviet
State. Taking advantage of it, the Imperialist conspiracy caused such
devastating position. But this devastation is temporary. Still in
Russia, the Communist force exist with strength. Yeltsin who was
placed as state-controller, by the Imperialists, has now been removed
from state-power. The Socialist system, on basis of the thought of
Communist Manifesto which was been established under the initiative
of Lenin and Stalin, has not been completely
devastated. They exist as a rich experience and idea among the
people. It is the sign of strength of Marxism; on the other side the
character of Revisionism as anti-Marxism and destroyer of socialism
stands exposed.
11. It is also to be
observed in the present time that after death of Mao Tse Tung, a
revisionist, clique, under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping having
rejected the theory of Mao Tse Tung, as to “forward leap to
socialism” with new “class struggle” with the proposition that
“after New Democratic Revolution” the National Bourgeoisie and
Rich Peasantry are not the allies, but enemies of socialist
revolution, advanced a theory of ‘Mixed Economy’, taking the
Bourgeoisie and Rich Peasantry as allies and obtaining cooperation
with imperialist capital; and dragged the Chinese economy towards the
same. The property difference in economy has immensely been
aggravated thereby, it has got state recognition. They have been
catering it as ‘Socialism’ with Chinese characteristics”.
They have retained ‘Single-Party’ rule, as if it is a
‘Dictatorship of Proletariat’. But with a political declaration
they have extended invitation to the representatives of the
capitalist and other classes who have ‘honestly earned property’
to be inside the Party. They have also announced that without owning
full private property right advancement of China would not be
According to their
view also, the old theory of Marxism would not be applicable or
relevant in the present age; its rectification is necessary. It is
another countenance of Modern Revisionism-the carrier of
capitalism with new dress. It is essential to bring special
consciousness among the working class and toiling masses, in the
present time, about this Modern Revisionism. It is the responsibility
before the real communist force.
12. It should be
observed in this context that a turmoil due to mass fury against the
ruler who are the protectors of the
vested interest, has been spreading in Southeast Asia and other
regions. It is motion towards a new mobilisation of the world
proletariat. So the thought of Communist Manifesto should move with
all intensity.
13. But in the
present world situation while applying the basic thought of Communist
Manifesto it is necessary to take
a clear view and attitude towards certain questions:
At first, the
definition of Proletariat should be looked into with new extension.
The organised shape of entire distressed masses would be its basis.
Objectively, the workers of unorganised industries are to be taken in
fold, in organised form, with the workers of organised industries;
and the ‘unorganised force’ which has been created with the blow
of Globalisation of imperialist capital in different industries is to
be taken as its main strength. In the present time, these forces will
be ‘working men’ of
the Communist Manifesto. Unity of Struggle of them is essential.
Along with it, a clear thought and attitude should be taken on
certain subjects mentioned here under:
(a) At one time, the
manner by which the entire middle class was taken as ally to
Democratic Revolution and Socialist Revolution, cannot be made
applicable in the present situation, because in the present
bourgeois-state container, the top heavy education system which has
been evolved, one section of middle
class, who can be called ‘upper middle class’, having been
developed with highly expensive higher
education, have secured the position as the administrative
bureaucrats in State administration,
education administration and in different organizations of
imperialist capital and old colonial big
capital. In the present revolutionary movement the role of them is
‘reactionary’. So they should be treated as the camp of reaction.
Hence in the present time, the Communist Party which will bring them
in its fold as ally, will be or will be bound to be the carrier of
Reaction. At present, amongst the middle class, there is ‘middle
section’. In industry and other working establishment they are
‘highly salaried’ employees. They have attraction towards
Socialism – (as described in
Communist Manifesto, a “petty bourgeoisie”)-they are vacillating
in revolutionary struggle. They are bearing the ideology of social
democracy with respect to Socialism. A ‘lower section of the
middle class, which exists thereafter, among whom a distressful
condition exists-are more closer to proletarian class. They are to be
taken as allies to the struggle of the proletariat.
(b) In the present
time in imperialist countries and even in industrially
underdeveloped countries, ‘the labour aristocracy’ had grown
with intensity. They are the creation of industrial employers. Lenin
has seen the Labour-Aristocracy at certain stage as “Labour-
lieutenants” of the bourgeois class. At present, it has taken more
strong intensified position. The Trade Unions of the ruling party and
the parties which are strongly tagged to parliamentary politics are
their main political prop. They are now the agent of collective
bargaining with respect to the demands of workers; they have arrived
in alternative position of the administration of the employers as the
governor’ of the workers, Marx and Engels have not seen the labour
aristocracy; they have seen the opportunism
of Social Democracy
in its primary position. This Social Democracy is the strength giver
of labour aristocracy. Modern Revisionism in the present age is the
pillar of labour aristocracy. At present it has become especially
necessary to ‘corner’ the labour aristocracy in new working class
movement with the angle of vision of proletarian revolution.
(c) In post 2 nd
World-War period, in the colonies where transference of state power
has occurred as a result compromise deal with Imperialism, due to
economic policy of the new ruling group, the control of rich
peasantry has grown in agricultural economy; and in their
agricultural production system the ‘peasants’ have been converted
to “land labour”. These land labourers landless and poor
peasantry are the rural distressed masses, and they are to be taken
as extremely close ally to proletariat in revolutionary movement; The
rich peasantry would be the target of attack.
(d) The thought of
“class party” of Communist Manifesto has caused birth of the
Communist Parties in different countries. But, in the present time,
the matter of purification of the Communist Party should be taken up
with very seriousness and strong attitude; Because, in the present
time, imperialism and Bourgeoisie-State power are using other methods
in the name to smash the Communist Party than the direct methods of
repression and attack: the main tactic of them is to pollute the
Party in different manners’. Apart from it, in the present time, in
one way, different types of ideology of Social Democracy ie.,
revisionism are entering the Communist Parties; and in another way,
in organization process, there has occurred assembling in the party
of the opportunists and advantage seeking elements. The removal of
these from the party is essentially needed.
Specially, in the
present time, the tested cadres in mass movements should be taken as
the ‘base of the Party; the leadership also should be oriented
accordingly; Further, in the community party, Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin-Mao
Tse Tung should be taken as successive personalities of Marxism-not
in served or isolated manner. Out of these personalities, to accept
one isolatedly would be a wrong step with respect to Marxism. In the
present time the slumberous position of the Communist Parties
throughout the world is a noticeable event. Hence, a properly
oriented Communist party is a necessity of the situation. The
implication of the under mentioned declaration of Marx and Engels
should deeply be realised. “The emancipation
of the working class must be conquered by the working class
themselves: we cannot therefore
co-operate with the people who openly state that the workers are too
uneducated to emancipate
themselves and must be freed from above by philanthropic big
bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie”.
(Marx-Engels selected correspondence Moscow, page 395). Petty
bourgeois dominated Communist Party will be incapable to be ‘real’
Communist Party for Proletarian Revolution. In the present time, it
is observable that the petty bourgeois elements do prefer to get
enter into the Communist party carrying parliamentary politics than
separate Democratic Party’. It is a prop for their
self-establishment. It is beyond possibility to retain revolutionary
character and role of the
Communist Party with flooding of this force into the communist party.
(e) In the present
time in countries where transference of state power has occurred, a
continued campaign and
movement should be organised against the parliamentary ‘rulers’
and the said administrative system’, who or which is acting as
collaborationists of imperialism and helping forces for Globalisation
of imperialist capital; And the flow of it should be intensified in
the movement of working class and distressed masses.
14. In the present
situation the Communist Manifesto be applied and practiced taking the
present process of exploitation of imperialist capital into view and
on the basis of the basic thought of ‘class struggle’ and
‘Revolution’ of Communist Manifesto. We must make a strong
declaration before the world proletariat that the Communist Manifesto
continues to be relevant, fully living. Any declaration in the
present time, as to extinguishment of the relevancy of Communist
Manifesto would be acting as partisan to imperialism and its
collaborators-the ‘vested interests’ and of playing the role of
“enemy’ of the distressed masses.
15. In the present
time, imperialism, through the process of Globalisation of its
capital, has given birth to, with intensified exploitation, such a
distressed mass force as its “grave diggers” which will put
imperialism inside the grave according to infallible law of history.
This is the present ‘Declaration of the Communist Manifesto'.
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