Friday, February 5, 2010

All India Special Conference of CPI(ML) Successfully Completed.

We are glad to announce that the all India Special Conference of CPI (ML) convened to discuss and decide Party’s position on the question of the Character of Indian Society and State; the Principal Contradiction and the Path of Indian Revolution is successfully completed. The conference was participated by the delegates and observers from 13 States, namely AP,Bihar,Delhi,Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala, MP,Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, UP and West Bengal. All along the conference there reflected the spirit of unity, seriousness of purpose and earnest desire to arrive at clarity and correct positions on the question through a democratic discussion.
We all know the Unity Conference held in 2005 adopted four documents, namely, the Unity Resolution; Out Line of the Programme; Constitution and the Political Resolution. It also enjoined upon the Organization to resolve the four noted differences through an internal discussion. Our Organization has successfully organized an internal discussion on one point of difference ie, on the Evaluation of Party History 1967-72. The present Special Conference is aimed at concluding the internal discussion on the remaining three questions of difference.
A section of Comrades led by KNR who had come into the Unity process in 2005 with a commitment to resolve the differences through an internal discussion had most regrettably chose to frustrate the internal discussion and disrupt the Unity at a time when the CC was on the verge of starting the process of internal discussion and Conference. KNR and his section had deserted the Organization in Jan 2009 in a most dramatic way and took the road of disruption as they had made up their minds to depart from certain basic positions on Unity Documents and take a right opportunist line in an all out way. This development has caused some interruption and delay in the Conference process.
Preparations for All India Special Conference.
The CC has prepared four documents for the conference namely,(a) On the Character of Indian Society; (b) On the Principal Contradiction in Semi-Colonial and Semi-Feudal India; (c) Path of Indian Revolution and (d) On developments within the Party. The CC has printed and supplied these documents to the Comrades in English and Hindi. It also printed KNR’s documents in English and Hindi and other material connected to the developments within the Party as reference material and supplied the same to the comrades. The CC’s documents for the special conference were translated and circulated in Telugu, Bengali, Marathi, Oriya and Malayalam by the concerned Committees. The Conference or GBs or units have discussed the conference documents in the states and elected their delegates and observers for the All India Special Conference.
All India Special Conference.
The Red Flag was hoisted by Com.Kanu Sanyal, the General Secretary of CPI (ML) at the Venue of All India Special Conference. Floral revolutionary homage was paid by Com.Kanu Sanyal and other comrades at the Martyrs column in the midst of revolutionary slogans.
Once the forum of Special Conference was constituted, the Presidium was elected, Steering Committee was announced, other committees and the Agenda were decided, and the Presidium has commenced the proceedings of the Special Conference.Com. Kanu Sanyal, the General Secretary of our Organization, in his brief inaugural speech, called upon the comrades to take part in the deliberations of the Conference freely.  Wishing the success of the Conference and calling upon the comrades to go to the people and organize them into struggles, he declared the opening up of the Conference.
The Conference adopted a Resolution moved by a senior comrade of the steering committee paying respects to Martyrs who laid down their lives in numerous struggles and revolutionary movements in India and world for democracy, independence, socialism and peace. It observed silence in their memory. The songs on the Martyrs by the revolutionary singers have filled the entire hall with the reverence for the Martyrs and the spirit of sacrifice and dedication to the cause of people and revolution.
The discussion on the documents of the CC has begun with the presentation of documents in the order on the Character of Indian Society and State; the Principal Contradiction and the Path of India Revolution. The delegates sought the clarifications, expressed the opinions and proposed improvements. The clarifications and replies were provided by the comrades who presented the documents on behalf of Steering Committee and a good number of suggestions were accepted. The Presidium has put each document for adoption at the end of discussion on it and the Special Conference has adopted each document enthusiastically by raising hands and with clapping.
The discussion on the Character of Indian Society and State has taken into view various positions on the question; the nature of changes in the agrarian as well as industrial sectors; the question of capitalist relations, the relation and concentration of land, the magnitude as well as the consequences of imperialist penetration in various aspects of life and the questions of cast system and struggle against it. The discussion on the Principal Contradiction has gone deep in to the implication of various formulations on the question of Principal Contradiction and how a correct determination of Principal Contradiction is crucial to formulate correct tactics and direction in the New Democratic Revolution. The discussion on the Path of Indian Revolution brought into focus how our Path is based on the concrete application to the concrete conditions and the revolutionary experiences of our country; how its took into consideration uneven and varied conditions in various areas and gives scope for its further enrichment in the course of practice. It explained how our concept and practice of armed struggle are different from the non-Marxist and left Sectarian Orientations. It also explained how the Agrarian Revolution is and can be made, in practice, as the axis of New Democratic Revolution and what is the relation between the anti-feudal and anti-imperialist struggles.
The Conference has resolved to incorporate the formulations, Viz, The Character of Indian Society and State as “Semi-Colonial, Semi-Feudal;” “imperialism-comprador bourgeois-bureaucratic capitalism-feudalism vs the broad masses of people” as the Principal Contradiction and the Protracted Peoples War” as the Path of Indian Revolution in the Programme of our Party at appropriate places and to rename the “Out Line Programme” as “the Programme of NDR”.
The conference has resolved to add the Evaluation of Party History 1967-72 together with the introduction added by the CC as the Foreword to the Party Constitution.
The presentation of the document “On the Developments within the Party” made it clear how KN, who lacked a genuine of purpose in joining the unity process and who took the road of abandoning the ideological and political positions of Unity Documents has frustrated the efforts and possibilities to retain unity and arrive at commonness on the remaining questions of difference. The Conference has resolved to hold the Regular conference of our Party within two years. It directed the CC to prepare a POR for the purpose of Regular conference which includes a critical and self critical review of Unity Process and CC’s performance.
As regards to new CC, the Steering Committee has proposed to continue the present CC with the inclusion of Comrades from Kerala, MP, and Punjab and Com.Kanu Sanyal as the General Secretary of the Party till the regular Conference. The Conference has welcomed the proposal with clapping.
The Conference has directed the CC to prepare a document on the politics of KN and release the same. The Credential Committee has presented its report with its class and political analysis of the delegates and observers.
At the end of Conference , Com.Asit Sinha has conveyed the revolutionary greetings on behalf of the steering committee to the Presidium, delegates and observers for the successful completion of Conference and expressed the confidence that the comrades would go back their states and areas and into practice with more clarity and correct understanding.
The Comrade from Presidium spoke touching KN’s politics and the developments in the Party in the last 5 years. He thanked the delegates, observers, the Hosting Committee and the volunteer Comrades for making the All India Special Conference as success.
The Secretary of the Hosting Committee conveyed thanks to the delegates and observers for the spirit of adjustment and co-operation shown by them in bearing certain inconveniences in the arrangements and for the successful completion of the conference
The All India Special Conference has come to an end with singing of  THE INTERNATIONAL by al the comrades in on voice.
The revolutionary songs by the revolutionary singers from AP, Orissa, MP, UP, Punjab, Delhi and other states in between the proceedings of the Conference have filled the entire Conference with revolutionary enthusiasm and the spirit of unity.
The Comrades went back with a spirit of unity, enthusiasm and determination to carry the struggle forward against the trends alien to Marxism-Leninism-Mao's Thought and more vigorously go into practice in the light of the understandings and Line adopted by the All India Special Conference. 

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