Viktor Markovich Posner: Lenin's struggle against the ideological decay

Wiktor Markovich Posner (1877-1957)
It is time to recall once again the ideological clarity of the party to the tireless struggle of Lenin. Although we are in a different situation than Lenin today. There was never again in Europe such violent class struggles, that the ruling class was obliged to act with armed force against protesting workers, and there is no revolutionary party that would be able to take over the political leadership. However, there is also now no less confusion in the minds as it was then, and even the German working class is anything but revolutionary. But without clarity the communist movement will not be successful. The Soviet philosopher WM Posner writes about the important work of Lenin "Materialism and Empirio" ...
The ingenious book by VI Lenin "Materialism and Empirio" was released in May 1909. It was the ideological banner around which the Bolsheviks during the years of reaction that had set in after the defeat of the revolution of 1905, rallied.
Ideology against disintegration and decomposition
In the period of ideological disintegration and decomposition in the ranks of the petty-bourgeois intellectuals, the betrayal of the followers of the revolution, one of the worst periods in the life of our Party Lenin called the struggle for revolutionary Marxism to the party and underlined emphatically the principle of partisanship in philosophy. Lenin exposed the alleged impartiality which proved "neutrality" and the objectivism of bourgeois philosophy and science, and that the "impartiality ... in civil society only a hypocritical, disguised, passive expression of belonging to the party of the well-fed, the party of the ruling class, is the party of exploiters "[1]. Lenin pointed out that science including philosophy can not be a place for impartiality in the "
Against opportunistic and conciliationism
The book Lenin is a pattern of irreconcilable party struggle against the enemies of revolutionary Marxism. Lenin showed that between the departure from the Marxist philosophy and opportunistic - there is a direct and immediate link - betraying the cause of the proletariat. By the middle macho philosophy to "reconcile" the philosophical double-dealers and degenerates, the Russian Machians, who undertook the attempt to Marxism, unmasked, Lenin developed the theoretical foundations of the party in order to empower them the proletariat to storm the to lead capitalism.
Lenin's way was absolutely right!
The book Lenin was the theoretical preparation for the new type of party, the Bolshevik Party. In the four decades that I. Lenin had elapsed since the appearance of philosophical work W that of Lenin and his brilliant campaigner, Comrade Stalin, created party had passed a long militant, glorious way.
- The party of Lenin and Stalin showed the working class as the only possible way out of the imperialist war, a way that met the interests of all working people, namely - the overthrow of tsarism.
- The party led supported by the rural poor working class to storm capitalism, the victorious Great October Socialist Revolution.
- Equipped with the advanced theory of Marxism-Leninism party headed - with the ingenious leader of the working people and teachers of communism, Comrade Stalin, at the top - the building of socialism in our country and the struggle of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, the with the rout of the two worst enemies of socialism and democracy - the predatory German fascism and Japanese imperialism - ended.
- Under the leadership of the party of Lenin and Stalin, the Soviet people realized the gradual transition from socialism to communism.
Marxism as a weapon against imperialism and war
The brilliant ideas of Lenin's book, which were developed by the works of the great Fort leader of his cause, Comrade Stalin and enriched, are an irresistible weapon in the fight against the enemies of Marxism, against imperialist reaction against the destructive ideology of decaying imperialism , against the run of the imperialists of the US warmongers. The study of the book of VI Lenin "Materialism and Empirio" is an important step on the way to mastering the theory of Marxism-Leninism and its philosophical basis - of dialectical and historical materialism.
The liberal bourgeoisie - enemies of the revolution
The defeat of the revolution of 1905 gave rise to doubt and decomposition in the camp of the bourgeois intelligentsia. The representatives of the liberal bourgeoisie, the Cadets, were open about the camp of the enemies of the revolution by appeared in the role of defenders of the monarchy. ,, In 1909 a group of prominent writers from the camp of cadets gave the anthology "Wiechi" out (milestones) in which the cadets on behalf of the bourgeoisie thanked the tsarist for the suppression of the revolution. In their sycophancy and servility to the tsarist government the whip and the gallows the Cadets wrote bluntly that one must bless this power, (ie the liberal bourgeoisie) shields alone nor with their bayonets and prisons us from the fury. "[2 ]
Doubts and disappointments of the petty bourgeoisie
In the camp of petty-bourgeois Socialist-Revolutionary Party doubts and disillusionment with the revolution prevailed. The prominent writers from the ranks of the Socialist Revolutionaries went to the method adopted by the Cadets way of dethroning the ideals of the revolution, the promotion of the "self-improvement" of personality and sought salvation in the rebirth of religion and mysticism. ,, On the scene a whole swarm of fashion writers who Marxism, criticized 'and' completed ', disparaged the revolution, they mocked, glorified the betrayal and sexual debauchery under the flag of, cult of personality' praising appeared. "[3 ]
After the defeat: withdrawal of a defeated army?
The Menshevik wing of the Social Democrats offered the sad picture of a random, filled with panic retreat of a beaten army. Plekhanov announced that "it would not have been necessary to take up arms"; the Mensheviks came with the slogan of liquidationism, including the disbandment of illegal revolutionary party on. Only the Bolsheviks carried the banner of revolutionary Marxism undefiled out of the defeat of the revolution.
Defectors and God-seekers on the wrong track!
The ideological decomposition, had seized large sections of the intelligentsia, had an impact on all followers of the revolution, who had joined her at the time of the revolutionary upsurge. The disappointment caused by the defeat of the revolution had to escape a certain part of the intelligentsia from the ranks of the party result, had shaken her confidence in the revolutionary theory of Marxism and pushed it into the open arms of idealist philosophy and of fashion in bourgeois circles become "religious quest". They betrayed Marxism and went openly to the camp of clerical obscurantism. All these so-called "seeker of God" uad "Gottbildner" set to work to promote the creation of a "new" religion, which they helped in reality the bourgeoisie,
"United front" of anti-communists, centrists and renegades?
It had a united front of the enemies of the revolution formed - from the most reactionary Black Hundreds on the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois liberals to the renegades of Marxism, revisionists and marching against revolutionary Marxism to battle degenerate. "Expiration trends and disbelief", is in the "Short Course of the CPSU (B)" I said, "covered also a part of belonging to the party intellectuals who considered themselves Marxists but had never stood firm on the positions of Marxism. To them writers (who had held it in 1905 with the Bolsheviks) as Bogdanov, Bazarov, Lunacharsky belonged, Yushkevich, Valentinov (Mensheviks). "[4]
What do the "innovator" of Marxism-Leninism?
These renegades gave themselves for supporters of Marxism and announced that they allegedly "supplement" Marxism and "improve" wanted to - which they did by freed him from some "outdated" concepts - and that Marxism by the results intended to perfect "recent philosophy" and the conclusions from the philosophy of "modern science". But in reality all these hypocritical propaganda efforts were nothing more than disguised attempt the theoretical principles of revolutionary Marxism - to undermine and replace it in a new way through the disguised reactionary subjective idealist philosophy of Avenarius and Mach - dialectical and historical materialism.
The danger of the pseudo-Marxist phraseology
The danger of such a hypocritical criticism of the philosophical foundations of Marxism on the part of this double-dealers was that they, by hiding behind a Marxist phraseology, to the deception of the ordinary party worker was calculated. The theorists of the 2nd International, which had long been the path of degeneration trodden, went into the camp of the idealistic philosophy Kautsky, who for many years was considered "orthodox" Marxist, adopted a conciliatory attitude towards the machismo and allowed the propagating the macho views in the columns of the theoretical organ of the German social democracy.
give the degeneration rebuffed
In this situation, the spread of idealism in the West, the · breaking up the majority of the organizations of the working class in our country, the flight of intelligence before the revolution, the ideological crisis and theoretical decomposition the absolute necessity all degenerate was to rebuff the alleged "friends of Marxism" tear down, to expose their anti-Marxist views and defend the theoretical foundations of revolutionary Marxism the mask.
defending the vital interests of the working people
Lenin pointed out that the theoretical struggle for ideology, which brings the vital interests of the toiling masses to express gained eien particularly important role in the period of ideological disintegration and decomposition process and the variations in the ideological field.
"If the masses digest the new, outrageously rich experience of direct revolutionary struggle," says Lenin, "then the theoretical struggle for the revolutionary ideology, that is, to revolutionary Marxism, the order of the day." [5]
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