Saturday, November 4, 2017


Let us Take the Message of Socialist Revolution to the People.
Let us Make the Centenary Commemoration Meeting a Success.
November 7 at Gymkhana Grounds, Vijayawada, Andra Pradesh.
CPI(ML) CC Statement.

November 7 – a memorable day for all the working class, oppressed and toiling people. Hundred years back, on this day, the Russian people led by Lenin, Bolshevik Party had overthrown the rule of exploiting classes and raised the flag of victory of Socialist Revolution. On this day, a most inspiring, promising and beautiful future, a new life was unveiled before the eyes of vast masses of world people who were being crushed under the heavy and oppressive chariot wheels of feudal, colonial, capitalist and autocratic rulers. On this day,the revolutionary people of Russia had emphatically proved in practice that the mighty exploiting systems and the rule of exploiting classes inevitably collapse like castles of cards if the exploited and oppressed masses of people get united and organized under the leadership of working class and rise in revolution. The Russian Socialist Revolution – popularly known as the October Revolution – is a tremendous revolutionary victory, a leap forward in the prolonged struggle of the human beings for a change and progress. This is a victory of the working class, oppressed and toiling people of the entire world.

During 1900 – 1917, the Russian Proletariat led the democratic revolution first against the feudal exploitation and oppression and the tsarist autocratic rule. The working class, peasants, oppressed nations and all the toiling people had united in this revolution. They waged countless small and big struggles in the midst of repression and wrong trends. Millions of workers and peasants rose in waves of struggles. They have learn from the defeat of 1905 Revolution. The proletariat has done a patient, determined and relentless work to unite and further strengthen the worker – peasant alliance and succeeded too.

From the beginning, Lenin had guided and led the Russian revolution. This had ensured a dependable guarantee for the victory of democratic and socialist revolutions in Russia. Lenin had applied Marxism and revolutionary experiences to the Russian conditions and the practice of crores of people. He had developed a correct path, tactics and methods of work that led the revolution to victory. More particularly, he emphasized that the proletariat alone can and must lead the democratic revolution through to the end and win the socialist revolution. He taught that a Communist Party, Bolshevik Party which shuns all kinds of deviationist trends, which is genuine, sacrificing, disciplined, with unwavering confidence in the revolutionary potential of the people and which is having countless dedicated cadres and leaders linked with the masses of people in all their conditions and provide the leadership to them. Lenin had tirelessly worked to build such a Party. Stalin was Lenin’s closest comrade in arms in all phases of struggle and provided the leadership.

Led by Lenin, the Russian people foiled the conspiracy of tsarist rulers who colluded with a group of imperialist powers in the first world war to destroy the Russian Revolution. “Oppose the imperialist war; intensify the civil war” - this call of Lenin became a battle cry for the Russian people and a death bell for the exploiting rulers. The revolutionary waves of crores of workers, peasants, armed forces and other oppressed people that erupted in Russia had grown into a great revolutionary upsurge and swept away the exploiting rulers. The flag of victory of Socialist Revolution was unfurled everywhere in Russia.

The Socialist Revolution in Russia is a great victory for the practice of Marxism. It took Marxism, Communist Party and the tasks of Proletariat to every nook and corner of the world. It inspired to take up this task. The Communist Parties had emerged in China and India only in this light. Their activities had expanded.

The proletarian state in Russia under Lenin and Stalin introduced and implemented the new policies totally different from those of the exploiting systems. The exploitation of man by man, a nation by another nation was abolished; the exploitation of labour and inequalities were banished; colonialism, imperialism, aggression, interference and war policies were rejected. The Socialist Russia stood as a most dependable ally of the nations struggling for independence and liberation and people’s revolutions. The solidarity and support of the Socialist Russia greatly helped the people of various countries, including China in sustaining, advancing and winning the revolutions.
At the time when the imperialist powers were in a serious economic crisis, in a dog fight among themselves for a better share in the loot, the Socialist Russia was in a better economic and political situation and advancing. In the second world war, the imperialist powers had conspired to destroy the Socialist Russia and turn the outcome of the war in their own favor. The role played by the Socialist Russia under the leadership of Stalin in foiling these conspiracies, in inflicting a death blow on German Fascism and in seriously weakening imperialism is unprecedented and historic.

The failure of imperialists and Fascists in their frenzied attempts to turn the wheel of human progress some decades backward had given a great push to the advance of world revolution. The Peoples Democratic Revolutions were successful in East European Countries. The New Democratic Revolution was victorious in China under the leadership of Chines Communist Party and Mao. Revolutions advanced in a number of Asian, African and Latin American Countries.

The World Communist Movement came to lead Socialist,Peoples or New Democratic States, powerful class and revolutionary movements and enjoy extensive prestige and popularity among the democratic and peace-loving forces in the world. Thus it emerged as a powerful political force in the world arena which can challenge imperialism and reactionary forces. It can be said as a most inspiring and highest stage in the life of World Communist and Revolutionary Movement.

However , the theories of Khrushchev in 1956 had set Russia on the road of reversal and capitalist restoration. The entire World Communist and Revolutionary movement suffered a serious setback. The Capitalist Restoration had gained an upper hand, in China too after Mao. It inflicted one more serious setback to Communist and Revolutionary movement. It was a most painful development for the Communist, Progressive, Democratic, Peace-loving forces and the world people as a whole. But, the exploiting ruling classes and imperialists who themselves are in neck deep and inextricable crisis, rocked by the contradictions among themselves and encircled by the ever rising flames of people’s discontent, anger and struggle owing to their utter failure to solve any problems of the people are making many feats to show these setbacks as their own victory. They are preaching that the people now are left with no other way except living under the capitalist system. They are circulating tons of literature in the world to drown the people in feelings of demoralization, despair, surrender, defeatism, retrogression, reactionary ideas and cultures.

In the face of these adverse developments, the Communist Revolutionaries in India are holding high the flag of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse Tung Thought. They are trying to develop the Class Struggles and Revolutionary Movements. They are carrying on this revolutionary work in the face of repression by ruling classes and their tactics to divide and divert the people. They are struggling to overcome the deviationist trends manifesting in the movement and in the midst of ups and downs and setbacks facing he movement.

On the eve of completion of 100 years of Russia’s Socialist Revolution, the CPI(ML) is holding a meeting in Vijayawada (AP) on November 7, 2017 to widely take the Message of Socialist Revolution to the people. We hope that this meeting will help to understand the questions like how this revolution was achieved? How it withstood? How it fought Imperialism and Fascism? What inspiration and strength this revolution gave to the people fighting throughout the world for socialism, democracy, independence and peace? The representatives from various states are massively participating in this meeting. There will be cultural programmes by the people’s artists. We invite the Communist sympathizers and people to attend the program in large number. We appeal to all to extend liberal help and cooperation in all possible forms for the success of the program.

With Revolutionary Greetings,

Central Committee


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