On the nature of "Trotskyism"of Marxist philosophy
Published on January 27, 2017 from sascha 313
Stalin said: It is said that Comrade Lenin had proposed in this "Testament" the party, one should consider in terms of Stalin's "rudeness", whether they should not replace Stalin as general secretary by another comrade. That is true. Yes, comrades, I am crudely against those who grossly and treacherously break
down the party. I have not concealed this, and did not conceal it;it is possible that a certain leniency against the cleavages is necessary. But I can not get it done. (Stalin's speech on October 23, 1927. In: art, Bd.10 .., P.151 Read value Highly
On the nature of "Trotskyism"
1. Trotskyism - an ideology for the petty bourgeoisie, Enemy of the Soviet Union, anti-Communist and Stalin hasser Leo Trotsky.
One of the most dangerous directions of opportunism and revisionism in the
world revolutionary movement is "Trotskyism". Today he is very widespread in
the world. There are dozens of leftist groups in this country alone; No less is
there in the republics of the former USSR, especially in Ukraine. And although
their numbers are small, they are already causing considerable damage in the
communist and workers' movement.
Trotskyism on the rise ...
A major role in the dissemination of "Trotskyism" was played by the fall of the
USSR and the destruction of Soviet socialism, which the Trotskyists had always
fought. As principal opponents of Marxism-Leninism from the outset, they had
no more hurried to explain than here that these events fully confirmed the
correctness of their views, namely that Soviet socialism was not viable, and
that its downfall was supposed to be lawful . It is by no means surprising that
the Trotskyists on this point are in full agreement with the ideologues of the
bourgeoisie, the Liberals, who are open enemies of the working class. But this
is not the first case in the history of the communist movement, where the
Trotskyists so openly show their true bourgeois face.
Confidence in Marxism was subdued Under the pressure of liberal propaganda, and under the influence of opportunism, which had long hoped for the fall of Soviet Socialism, the disintegration and the wobble began in the revolutionary world movement.
Confidence in the only correct revolutionary theory - Marxism-Leninism - was undermined. The consequence of this was that communist and workers' parties fell apart or passed over to social-democratic positions. A considerable part of the left, especially from the bourgeois classes of the urban population and the intelligentsia, joined the Trotskyists after having convinced themselves of their "revolutionary spirit."
The bourgeoisie, on the other hand, could only support this process satisfactorily, as a matter of course, financially, since it was an excellent example of the invaluable service the Trotskyists afforded to it, by distracting the workers from the dangerous, but the only correct way of the struggle.
Who are the Trotskyists today?
At the moment the Trotskyist movement in the world is represented by a number of political alliances, which also operate internationally.They are generously sponsored by the bourgeoisie. The largest of these are the following four associations, of which the three former are jointly participating in the organization of the "European Left".
• The (reunified) Fourth International [1] - the largest sections are located in France (New anti- capitalist party), Sweden (Socialist Party), Italy (Association of "critical left"), Denmark (red- green coalition), Portugal (Left (Sri Lanka),
Philippines (Mindanao's Revolutionary Workers Party) and Brazil ("Socialism and Freedom"). The leaders are Alain Kriwin, Olivia Besancon, EricTussen, Alan Thornett, Franziska Lousa and others.
• The International Socialist Tendency (МSТ) - an international association that adheres to the views Tony Cliff about the Soviet Union. The largest sections are in Great Britain (Socialist Labor Party), Greece (Socialist Labor Party) and
Ireland (Socialist Worker Party). The leaders are Alex Kallinikos, Chris Harman and others.
• The Committee for Workers International (KAI) - the largest sections are
located in the UK (Socialist Party), Ireland (Socialist Party) and Germany (organization "Socialist Alternative"). The leaders are Ted Grant(until 1991), Peter Taaf.
• The International Marxist Tendency (IMT) - has a large section in Pakistan in the Pakistan People's Party. In all countries where there are sections of the IMT, they adhere to the tactics of the under-migration of left-wing and progressive mass parties to neutralize, destroy, or lead to positions of "Trotskyism". The leaders are Ted Grant, Alan Woods.
They have excellently adapted methods of provocation and the destruction of
workers' parties and communist organizations. After Trotskyists had penetrated
these organizations and established themselves in them, they were able to
neutralize any revolutionary movement. They hindered the strengthening and
effective action of the revolutionary forces. Therefore, in any country, it is
extremely important for a revolutionary movement to learn what "Trotskyism"
is and how to fight it.
The Trotskyists in Russia In today's Russia, the struggle against Trotskyism has acquired a special importance, since this country is not only the historical origin of this kind of opportunism, but also the country which has suffered the most from Trotskyist activity, and a great one of its conscience Part of the blame for the fall of the Soviet Union.
The Trotskyists, as before, were unable to lead the workers' movement. For
from their class instinct the workers understand how rotten this whole ideology
is, and they try to keep away from it. But the Trotskyists find their adherents
relatively easily among people with a petty bourgeois consciousness who lack a
serious Marxist education.
Why is "Trotskyism" so attractive to them?1. The Trotskyists call themselves the true Communists, as Bolsheviks, as internationalists, as Marxist-Leninists. They attribute to Trotsky the role of leader of the October Revolution, as the founder and leader of the Red Army, as the author of the concept of socialist construction in the USSR, as a true supporter of Marx, Engels and Lenin and as a fighter against Stalinism, allegedly a variant Of opportunism.
The Trotskyists point Trotsky as zealous fighters against the danger of bureaucratism in the USSR, as the most consistent and irreconcilable opponents
of capitalism, opportunism, revisionism, nationalism, and chauvinism. The
politically uneducated sections of the population perceive these attributes as an expression of the essence of Trotskyism, but they are unable to penetrate deeper into their real being, which is very far from these beautiful explanations.
2. The Trotskyists speculate on the appearances of revolutionary impatience, which is characteristic of a significant part of the leftist activists and
participants in a revolutionary movement. They stand out as the most "left" radical revolutionaries. They promise to the popular masses an "immediate" fall of capitalism in all countries.
3. Trotskyism, unlike other opportunist currents, has a very complicated and contradictory history, in the nuances of which sometimes even historians, ie specialists, can not grasp. Trotsky, at the same time, was also a fighter against tsarist despotism, and, for example, a man who sought ways of exploiting
self-government and capitalism developing in the Russian Empire. He was an
active participant in the October Revolution, but at the same time he delayed his progress. Trotsky belonged to the leading body of the Communist Party, at the head of which was Lenin, and at the same time acted against him, split the party's
unity, and formed factions.At times when the fate of the young Soviet republic depended on the thread, he initiated endless party debates, etc. No one of the convinced opportunists came so close to the positions of Marxism-Leninism, and no one fell so furiously over him, That the Trotskyist maneuvers on the part of the consequent Leninists did not produce any evolutions. This dichotomy is also found today on the platforms of modern Trotskyism - sharp capitalism criticism
and praise to the address of the few remaining socialist countries and the active revolutionary organizations in the world, as well as vicious abuse to the address of the Communists when there is something in their actions , Which differs
from the pseudo revolutionary positions of the Trotskyists.
4. Trotskyism has long been under the wing of the world bourgeoisie, and it is using vast resources for the propaganda and dissemination of Trotskyist ideas
and versions of Soviet history. They practically form the basis of modern anti-communism, which, like Trotsky, likes to borrow all anti-Leninist, anti-Stalinist, and anti- Soviet concepts.
All this serves the penetration of false notions about Trotskyism into left and
revolutionary organizations, and into the consciousness of certain categories of
citizens who hold the forms for the content.
2. The struggle of the Bolsheviks against Trotsky before the October Revolution
Word phrases and sound phrases. Until the October Revolution, the influence of Trotskyism was in the Russian and international labor movement so slight that VI Lenin : Trotskyism for the ideology of a person, Trotsky or a small little group of his most immediate peers, held: "In Russia is it a zero." [2] . After Lenin's assessment Trotsky brought in the pre-revolutionary period"only his personal variations and nothing more" [3] expressed . His whole theoretical and political position was eclectic and plagiatus.With him "there was and is never its own physiognomy ', there are only trains, assemblages of the liberals to the Marxists and back, fragments of words and sounding phrases that he had there and ripped out there" [4].
In biographical works, Trotsky dates the birth of his "original" theories, which
formed the basis of Trotskyism, in the period of the revolution of 1905- 1907. But even earlier he actively participated in the struggle against the
Bolshevik Party.
... a swaying tube in the wind
Until joining the Marxists (end of the nineties of the nineteenth century),
Trotsky was under the influence of the liberal popular movement, took over
some ideas from the anarchists, and later added his theoretical luggage with
concepts of Lassalle, Sorrel, Lagardes and others anti-marxists. After becoming
a Social Democrat, he shared views on economic and legal Marxism. During
the emigration, when he worked with the "Iskra", was a disciple of Axelrod and
sought the proximity to other future leaders of the Mensheviks. At the 2nd
Party Congress of the SDAPR, he joined forces with them against Lenin and the
consistent staff of the "Iskra". He joined the center of the Menshevik Party,
which was created for the struggle against the Bolsheviks. He remained in
Menshevik positions until the year 1917, although in private matters he often
distanced himself from the Mensheviks by representing himself as a Social
Democrat outside the faction.
The nonsensical "theory of the permanent revolution"
The heart of Trotskyism became the "theory of the permanent revolution,"
which Trotsky regarded as a major contribution to Marxism. Thus the
dictatorship of the proletariat can also be established in the democratic stage
of the revolution. And since it proves to be the power of a minority, only the
victory of the proletariat in the more developed countries, which had already
passed the stage of the democratic upheaval, can consolidate it. For this
reason, the aim of a "workers' government", which had come prematurely in
power in a backward country, "was to" revolutionize "the revolution in the
more developed countries, also by means of military interference in its internal
affairs. "Down with the limits," "War is the mother of revolution", "dictatorship
of the proletariat - today and in any country" - such and other sharp slogans of
the Trotskyists were and are being used as a true leftist revolutionary wing To
present the fighters for socialism, and to disprove opponents of Trotskyism as
handlers of the bourgeoisie.
... a caricature of a revolution It is precisely in this way that Trotsky tried to illuminate Lenin's theory of revolution, which proceeds from the necessity of the gradual realization of its tasks and the consequent inclusion of new and ever wider sections of the population in the struggle against capital, in the eyes of the working class. Not only once, Lenin condemned the "theory of the permanent revolution" as an adventurous and apt to repel wide masses of the party of the working class. He described it as an "absurd-left" -a relation to Marxism, like the caricature to the original. And Trotsky accused Lenin of striving to impose on the revolution the theory of the "self-restraint" of the proletariat.
Intrigues and pharisaic talk
Until October, the Bolsheviks led a sharp political-ideological struggle against
Trotskyism, which proved to be one of the varieties of Menshevism. Especially
in the context of this struggle characterized VI Lenin Trotsky as a hypocritical
Januschka [5] (similar to the Saltykov-Schtschedrin Chen title character
Januschka Golo Low), as Tuschinski defector [6] , as dirty intriguers of his
sectarian acts with pharisaical chatter about party unity Covered.
The Trotsky "alliance with the Mensheviks, by hiding behind particularly sonorous words" , VI Lenin [7] wrote. Trotsky changed his tactics ; After Menshevism had lost its influence, and Trotsky's attempts to found an own opportunistic party had been resolved, he and other Menshevik actors were to join the Bolsheviks in order to continue the struggle against Bolshevism under their banner. When, in 1917, he belonged to the super-social- democratic organization, had wandered for a long time between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks, and had not participated in the Sixth Party Congress of the SDAPR, he was admitted to the Bolshevik Party with this congress. Trotsky did not make any statements with which he would have confessed the falsity of his long-standing struggle against Lenin.However, he later admitted that Lenin had been right in the dispute with the Mensheviks (including himself, Trotsky), when the organizational structure of the party was concerned. Trotsky, however, remained the core of Trotskyism, the "theory of the permanent revolution," as opposed to Marxism-Leninism. In addition, he maintained that Lenin had carried out an "ideational retrofit" in years 1914- 1917 and had moved to defiant positions, and that he had accepted this "theory" which had supposedly become the basis of the Bolshevik strategy in 1917.
Trotsky brags: "Lenin will find death!"Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and the party have convincingly demonstrated the mendacity of these inventions. 1917 Lenin said in one of his lectures: "Trotskyism without the Tsar, but a workers 'government' is wrong. There is the small bourgeoisie, you can not abolish it. But it consists of two parts. Your poorest part follows the working class. "[8].
Trotsky constantly emphasized that in his struggle against the party he
directed the main attacks against Lenin. "There will be a great fight, and Lenin
will find death in it," wrote Trotsky boastfully in 1910 to a like-minded man. He
called upon the Mensheviks to destroy the "foundations of Leninism." In 1913
he wrote that the whole building of Bolshevism was "built on lies and
deceit". And he declared in May 1917: "The Bolsheviks enlarge ... a recognition
of Bolshevism, you can not ask of us." [9].
Why is Trotskyism so dangerous?
As we have seen, an active struggle of the Bolshevik Party against Trotskyism
took place in the pre-revolutionary period. After the Great October Revolution,
he tightened even more. Of all the opportunist tendencies which arose during
the period of transition from capitalism to socialism against the Bolsheviks,
Trotskyism was the greatest danger.
1. His opportunism was hidden and masked, and the "left" phrases were capable of attracting people who were under the influence of the moods of a
bourgeois "revolt."
2. For a long time, Trotskyism existed as a variant not only of Russian Menshevism but also of international opportunism, and was closely connected with Kautsky's revisionism. This made it possible to receive support from the Western bourgeoisie, supported by foreign patrons, especially centrist representatives from Social Democratic parties in Western Europe.
3. Trotskyism differs (from other opportunistic currents) by its consistent anti- militarism and anti- Bolshevism, which gave it the attention of all the
dissatisfied with the policy of the Bolsheviks and the revision of its dreams.
4. The struggle of the Bolsheviks after the October Revolution The mainstays of the struggle of the Bolshevik Party against Trotskyism in the period after the Great October Revolution 1917 - The party rejected the attempts Trotsky, cancel the period of armed insurrection and replace it with a Soviet Congress.
1918 - Battle VI Lenin against the Group of the "Left" Communists, led by
NI Bukharin that occurred from the imperialist war against the revolutionary
exit the country. The allies and inspirers of this group of "ultra-revolutionaries"
was Trotsky.
1919 - The VIII.Parteitag condemns the methods that have been applied by
Trotsky build the armed forces.
1920 - The IX.Parteitag the RKP (B) rejected the proposal of Trotsky on the
general militarization of labor and the introduction of a "barracks communism"
in the country.
1920-1921 - During the comprehensive discussion in the party about the
unions the attacks of Trotsky, his ally Bukharin and other opportunists were
rejected on the policy of democratization of the mass organizations of the
working people under the conditions of ending the civil war. This was in
accordance with Lenin's proposed and substantiated thesis on the leading role
of the Communist Party in the system of dictatorship of the proletariat and
socialist construction.The ideological unity of the party, whereas Trotsky took
an active part, was preserved.
1922-1923 - The Party condemns the sectarian appearance of the Trotskyists
in various local party organizations, rejects the views of Trotsky and his
followers to a number of political and theoretical questions from (eg his
objection to Lenin's plan for the reorganization of the Workers' and Peasants
Inspection, The strengthening of the leadership of the party by progressive
workers, etc.).
1923 - The Central Committee RKP (B) condemned shortly before
XII.Parteitag the proposals Trotsky, which were directed to the establishment
of a "dictatorship of industry" on agriculture, which would have led to the
breakdown of the alliance between the working class and the peasantry.
1923-1924 - A new all-encompassing discussion in the party, which was
triggered by Trotsky, about the international economic policy and the role
Eibau, ended in defeat of the Trotskyist opposition. Rejection of the Trotskyist
proposals: the "impulse" of the European revolution by means of a military
invasion of the Red Army in Poland and Germany; On the transformation of the
peasantry into a "colony" of socialist industry; About the "interference" of the
Party apparatus, that is, the replacement of the Lenin Guard, who are
supposed to be the Thermidorian rebirth, by younger Communists from the
circle of employees and students who are little acquainted with the traditions of
1924 - During the discussion, which was caused by the appearance
anti leninistische Article Trotsky's "Lessons of October", the party exposed the
ideological basis of Trotskyism, covering the Trotskyist falsification of the
history of the Party and the Great October Socialist Revolution.
1925 - The XIV.Parteitag the All-Union Communist Party (B) condemned the
"new opposition", which appeared with positions which were close to those of
Trotskyism.1926-1927 - Tough Battle of the party against the Trotskyite-
sinowjewskischen opposition bloc.
1927 - The XV.Parteitag the All-Union Communist Party (B) excludes the
leader of the bloc of the party and defines the membership for this block to be
incompatible with membership of the party.
1928-1929 - Final liquidation of illegal Trotskyist groupings that had gone into
the way of anti-Soviet struggle. Trotsky was expelled from the country, and in
1932 he was deprived of Soviet nationality.
What was the nature of the ideas of the Trotskyist opposition?
1. It negated the logical socialist character of the October Revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat that it had produced.
2. It spoke of the absence of sufficient internal conditions for the victory of socialism, and in this connection called for adventurous actions for the
"export" of the revolution into economically advanced countries. Lenin's policy of realizing a maximum of the possibility in his own country for the support of the revolutionary movement in other countries represented the defraudists
defensively as nationally limited. Of the Trotskyists came the invention of an alleged national-conservative course of the Lenin party,
A continuation of the foreign policy course of Russian self-government. This invention is still widely used by all anti-Communists.
3. It exaggerated in every way the role and influence of the capitalist elements in the economy, the danger of petty bourgeois fluctuations, and the degree of the influence of capitalism on the USSR. The economic order of the USSR was declared "state capitalist". The Trotskyists of today also maintain that no
permanent socialist economy can be created anywhere in the world until the proletarian world revolution has triumphed.
4. They proposed that the "victory" of the world revolution be based on the application of methods used by the bourgeoisie to the era of the emergence of the capitalist order. In this context, the party's directives for industrialization, the
collectivization of agriculture, the cultural revolution, the consolidation of the alliance of the working class with the peasantry, and the friendship of the Soviet peoples were rejected or distorted. The main method of socialist construction was the violence, but not so much against the exploiters, but rather against the
workers, especially against the peasantry.
Trotskyism and the downfall of the Soviet Union Civic propaganda compels the Trotskyist to strive to "democratize the Soviet order." Diesel view of the actions of their predecessors also represented today's Trotskyists. But in fact, the Trotskyist opposition in the USSR did not advocate democratization in the sense of the realization of the wider rights of the workers in the administration of the party and the Soviet state, but for the militarization of labor, the "tightening of the screws" The participation of the Soviet people in the control over the activities of the state and party apparatus, and the like. Where such a policy leads, the government has vividly demonstrated one of the most zealous admirers of Trotskyism, Khrushchev, who led the CPSU after Stalin's death. Just in its day was begun with the "right coup" in the economy and in the politics of the Soviet Union, which then ended lawfully during the Gorbachev Perestroika with the complete victory of capitalism in the USSR.
1. In the field of international politics, the Trotskyists pushed the party along the path of sectarianism and adventures. They denied the fact of the post- war stabilization of capitalism; They called for immediate revolutions in other countries; They mocked the tactics of the Unity Front as supposedly "reformist"; They opposed the support of national liberation movements, which they declared to be "bourgeois", and against the unity of all democratic forces in the struggle against the growing wars of war and the dangers of fascism.
2. The Trotskyists were particularly fierce about the Leninist doctrine of the party. They tried to discredit the Party apparatus, weaken the discipline in the Party, and destroy its unity by striving for freedom of factions and groupings. The endless discussions which they forced the parties during the most complicated periods of the country's history diverted the party's powers from the solution of important government tasks, confusing the simple party members, and bringing disintegration and fluctuations into the ranks of the party.
Were there many Trotskyists in the party?During the struggle for the Brest Peace Treaty, about a quarter to a third of party members supported the Trotskyists and "leftist" Communists. In the discussion of trade unions, the Trotskyists and other opportunists succeeded in winning about 20 percent of the Communists to support their platform. In 1923 about 11 per cent of party members voted for the Trotskyists. In the discussion shortly before the XVth Partnerstag it was already less than 0.5 percent. In accordance with the resolutions of the XV th party for the exclusion from the party because of the oppositional activities, only 0.3 percent of the party members were excluded, the majority of the party had seen their mistakes and were later taken back into the party.
5. On what levels of the population did Trotsky lean?
The Trotskyists sought and found support not among the Communists, but
under the partialities, especially the representatives of the bureaucratized
employees, the urban small bourgeoisie, the bourgeois intelligentsia, the non -
proletarian part of the student body, as well as the outdated elements from the
urban and rural differences of the Population. The working class and the
working peasants generally supported the line of Lenin Bolsheviks without
reservation and condemned Trotskyism. The Trotskyists were also critically
criticized by the communist fraternities. Trotsky and his followers condemned
all their leading figures at that time.
6. International activities of Trotskyism In the 1930s, Trotsky was located abroad, he propagated his active capitulationist views and thus contributed to the confusion in the international communist and workers' movement. To the delight of the world's bourgeoisie, a criticism of the USSR came to the fore by cursing the USSR's first-year plan, the policy of industrialization and the collectivization of agriculture. Together with his supporters led an active struggle against the formation of a broad antifascist front in the world, prophesied the inevitability (and even the expedience!) Of a defeat of the USSR in the war against the imperialist aggressors, and thus solidarity itself with Fascism.
During the Civil War in Spain , the Trotskyists were bestrebt in every way,
the fascists whitewash. After the fall of the republican government, they took
an active part in the organization of the military coup to overthrow the national
front government. The comedian help of the Soviet Union against the
Republicans declared it an "imperialist striving of the Soviets to assert
themselves on the Pyrenees peninsula." After the defeat of the revolution, the
Spanish Republicans vowed to avenge Trotsky, who justly regarded themselves
as handlers of fascism. One of these also killed Trotsky in Mexico in 1940.
During World War II the Trotskyists occurred against the anti-Hitler coalition
and against the (anti-fascist) resistance movement, they criticized the bombing
of Germany by the allies. They accused the Soviet Union of the transition to a
position of "support" of the imperialists of England, France and the USA, and
described the war on both sides as an imperialist war.
During the Nuremberg trials against Nazi main war Trotskyists demanded
the release of Goering, Ribbentrop and others, and demanded to put the
leaders of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition as the alleged main culprit of
World War II in the dock.
7. Trotskyism as the support of the bourgeoisie
All this is reminiscent of what we now hear of the Russian and Western liberals
- the zealous enemies of the Soviet Union, right?
And that is not at all surprising. World-wide imperialism has for a long time
hitched left-radical ideas and slogans for its aims. They do not pose a threat to
him, but instead they are causing serious damage in the world's revolutionary
movement. The bourgeoisie borrowed generously from the Trotskyists their
anti-Communist and anti-Soviet clichés, in order to demonstrate to the workers
the complete lack of prospect of a struggle for the socialist revolution by
demonstrating the inevitability of the transition of socialism into capitalism by
the fall of the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries .
The Trotskyism - Tool of Imperialism The Trotskyists provided and delivered the imperialists not only the "arguments", but also the experts for bourgeois propaganda. Already in the 40 and 50 years of the last century the well-known ideologues of Trotskyism S.Hooks, J.Cannon, among others, took an exposed position among the bourgeois "Soviet scientists". Such unanimity of Trotskyism and the imperialists is lawful, since their class character is the same. Trotskyism is supported by middle-class populations who, because of their interposition in
society and their political immaturity, have not only no immunity to left-wing
moods, but also no reservations about them. By its very nature, the petty
bourgeoisie is the least able to muster endurance, organization, discipline and
steadfastness, and sometimes seeks the way out in the extreme, "desperate"
revolutionary spirit. "You are a tool of imperialist provocation, your objective
role. And your subjective, psychology 'is the psychology of a mad petty
bourgeois. " [10] Lenin wrote the Trotskyists, and led them clearly and
distinctly the class roots of their ideology in mind.
8. How do you recognize Trotskyism?
A) Civic inclinations
On the XIII.Parteitag the RKP (B), which took place in January 1924 declared
that Trotskyism "is not only an attempt at revision of Bolshevism is, not only is
the direct departure from Leninism, but also is the obvious expression of petty
bourgeois inclinations . There is no doubt that this opposition objectively
reflects the urge of the petty bourgeoisie to the position of a proletarian party
and its policy. " [11].
B) Right-opportunist views behind "left" phrases
Another fundamental peculiarity of Trotskyism also emerged in masking the
right-wing opportunistic content of the theses and explanations by a left-radical
phraseology. "... Fawns, rants and posing as a linker, and it helps the right, so
much to do it ..." [12] - so Reviewed Lenin the essence of Verbaläquilibristen
Trotsky. Lenin emphasized several times that there is a direct connection
between right and "left" opportunism. The left-radical inclination arose in the
workers' movement as a reaction to the failures of social-democracy.And on
the other hand, left-wing extremes always aroused right-opportunist views and
social-reformist moods. Right and left discrepancies make one another. There
are two sides of a medal.Behind the outward contradiction lies the profound
commonality of both currents. Anti-communism, anti-Sovietism, and party
politics are the core of ideology and politics of both varieties of opportunism.
C) Target group: youth and students Increased willingness to take a "ultraline attitude" is shown by the youth groups - especially the student body and the learning youth.They react more intensely to the injustice of today 's capitalism, and are often unaware that, in order to put an end to injustice, it is only necessary to act jointly with the working class, and that the struggle against such experienced, skilful and ruthless opponents Global imperialism, knowledge, unity, and high organization.
The Trotskyists are the most active among student youths, by giving the
politically underdeveloped classes of the student body the idea of their
vanguard role in the modern revolutionary movement. They show their position
on the basis of the supposed disintegration of the working class, their
demoralization, and consequently their inability to lead the struggle
independently under the conditions of modern capitalism. The negative
phenomena within some classes of the working class are emphasized by the
Trotskyists, and the positive are concealed or negated. And while the youthful
mood of the student against the working class, the Trotskyists hinder the
formation of the broad anti capitalist front. They ignore the world 's
revolutionary experience, which vividly demonstrates that the forces of
reaction were only there and there when the workers' class stood at the head
of the struggle for socialism, supported by other sections of the oppressed
population Students, the intelligentsia, among others
D) Principle Lessness, pseudo linkage phrases, eclecticism, adventurism
The characteristic elements of Trotskyism are the lack of political principles, the
empty pseudo link phraseology, eclecticism, ideational shuddering from side to
side, and irresponsible adventurism. For almost a century of its existence,
Trotskyism has proved itself incapable of producing a coherent ideology, even
though it is so poor.The theses, which form the basis, consist of shreds of
utopian and adventurous ideas, torn from the context and often contradicting
one another.
e) Unscrupulous hatred Stalin
The narrative about Trotskyism would be incomplete if one did not mention an
extraordinary trait, which can be seen immediately in Russia and in the former
Soviet republics of every Trotskyist-anti stalinism. In this question the
Trotskyists are a hundred points ahead of the world's bourgeoisie. The
Trotskyists hate all that is connected with JW Stalin - himself, his policy, and
even the one who expresses himself well over Stalin or his time. This is the
enemy for them.
The main feature of Trotskyism
Stalin hate to idiocy ...
The Trotskyists overcame Stalin far more often than all the bourgeois
propagandists and ideologues. He is credited with all the negative phenomena
that have ever existed in the USSR. Stalin put it as the culprit for all the misery
and misery that the Soviet country had to experience from the 1920s to the
1950s. Because they have no way to negate the obvious historical successes of
the Stalinist USSR, the Trotskyists refuse Even to acknowledge the slightest
merits of their leader-with a tenacity which is not infrequent enough to be
complete idiocy.
No bad words about the perestroika By giving themselves as true Marxist-Leninists, the Trotskyists also do not lose bad words about Gorbachev, under whose government Soviet socialism was destroyed. But the one under whose leadership the Soviet Union has done great deeds in all spheres of human activity and has become the greatest power in the world-Stalin, for instance, calls forth the attack of savage wickedness. Can the Trotskyists, therefore, be regarded seriously as Communists, Marxist-Leninists, and are they, at all, sincere fighters for socialism? Of course not!
Neutralization of the revolutionary movement
The Trotskyists are an exclusive division of the bourgeoisie in the world
revolutionary movement whose task is to neutralize the revolutionary
movement, to dismantle it from the inside, and not to allow it to consolidate
and organize all forces of the workers in a fist To free mankind from
exploitation and oppression once and for all.
Rejection of the dictatorship of the proletariat
Why do the Trotskyists hate Stalin and his policies like that? Yes, because the
DICTATURE OF THE PROLETARIAT was most clearly expressed in Stalin's
policy-a policy in which the bourgeoisie did not survive! In the case of the hand
of the bourgeoisie, such as the Trotskyists, there is no more room.
A staunch fighter for socialism and communism will never hate Stalin and
Stalin's policy because it was precisely the policy that leads to communism.
Every true communist understands this. And the one who does not want to understand this is certainly not a communist.
What is the duty of every communist?
At that time Trotskyism was defeated. This is the great merit of VI Lenin and
JW Stalin, the CPSU and the communist parties of the Comintern. Now, after
the fall of the USSR and the socialist countries, Trotskyism has once again
raised its head, and it is trying to revive in other forms and variants, but its
essence remains the same and its goal remains to split the world revolutionary
movement , And to dissuade from the only correct way of struggle for
socialism. It is therefore the duty of every Communist or Communist or Labor
Party to conduct an irreconcilable struggle against Trotskyism, and to expose
its disgraceful and provocative nature to all workers and oppressed, who are
striving for a revolutionary change in existing society.
Sokolski: The essence of Trotskyism Literature:
1. JM Ivanov, AN Shmelev "Leninism and the political and ideological defeat of
Trotskyism". Leningrad,
2. NAWazelski "In conflict with the epoch: the Trotskyism against real
3. "From revolutionary phrases for unreasonable adventurism. The criticism of
foreign policy conceptions of modern Trotskyism "Мoskau, 1986. (Rus.)
4." The struggle of the communists against the ideology of Trotskyism ",
Мoskau, 1973 (Russ.)
Notes and Quotes:
[1] "The 4th International": the title which the international Trotskyist
Association has awarded, which was founded in Paris in 1938 by a small group
of Trotskyists. In 1953 "The Fourth International" was divided into the
"International Secretariat" and the "International Committee"; In 1962, the
"Latin American Office" emerged from the "International Secretariat" and in
1963 the "minority", which later called itself the "Marxist-Revolutionary
Tendency of the Fourth International". Each of these mutually hostile centers
declares that it is only "The Fourth International." MI-Basmanov "The
anti revolutionary essence of modern Trotskyism, Moscow, 1971 (Russian).
[2] VI Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 22, p 7 (Rus.)
[3] Ibid., Bd.19, S.375 (Rus.)
[4] Ibid., Bd.25, S.3 (russ .)
[5] In his novel "Lord Glow Show" ME Saltykov-Shchedrin described a
contradictory person, which is towards affectionate and friendly, but inwardly
greedy and evil to the outside.
[6] In a transcendent sense, contemptuous and ironic description for Russian
nobles who, in 1608-09, surrendered to Tushino against a princely conquest
from Moscow to the enemy conqueror.
[7] Ibid., Bd.19, S.358 (Rus.)
[8] Ibid., Bd.31, p.249 (Rus.)
[9] Lenin's collection, IV, p.303 (Rus.)
[ 10] VI Lenin, works, Bd.36, p.290 (Rus.)
[11] "the CPSU in the resolution and decisions of party congresses,
conferences and the plenum of the Central Committee", Vol.2, S.511 (Rus.)
Published on January 27, 2017 from sascha 313
Stalin said: It is said that Comrade Lenin had proposed in this "Testament" the party, one should consider in terms of Stalin's "rudeness", whether they should not replace Stalin as general secretary by another comrade. That is true. Yes, comrades, I am crudely against those who grossly and treacherously break
down the party. I have not concealed this, and did not conceal it;it is possible that a certain leniency against the cleavages is necessary. But I can not get it done. (Stalin's speech on October 23, 1927. In: art, Bd.10 .., P.151 Read value Highly
On the nature of "Trotskyism"
1. Trotskyism - an ideology for the petty bourgeoisie, Enemy of the Soviet Union, anti-Communist and Stalin hasser Leo Trotsky.
One of the most dangerous directions of opportunism and revisionism in the
world revolutionary movement is "Trotskyism". Today he is very widespread in
the world. There are dozens of leftist groups in this country alone; No less is
there in the republics of the former USSR, especially in Ukraine. And although
their numbers are small, they are already causing considerable damage in the
communist and workers' movement.
Trotskyism on the rise ...
A major role in the dissemination of "Trotskyism" was played by the fall of the
USSR and the destruction of Soviet socialism, which the Trotskyists had always
fought. As principal opponents of Marxism-Leninism from the outset, they had
no more hurried to explain than here that these events fully confirmed the
correctness of their views, namely that Soviet socialism was not viable, and
that its downfall was supposed to be lawful . It is by no means surprising that
the Trotskyists on this point are in full agreement with the ideologues of the
bourgeoisie, the Liberals, who are open enemies of the working class. But this
is not the first case in the history of the communist movement, where the
Trotskyists so openly show their true bourgeois face.
Confidence in Marxism was subdued Under the pressure of liberal propaganda, and under the influence of opportunism, which had long hoped for the fall of Soviet Socialism, the disintegration and the wobble began in the revolutionary world movement.
Confidence in the only correct revolutionary theory - Marxism-Leninism - was undermined. The consequence of this was that communist and workers' parties fell apart or passed over to social-democratic positions. A considerable part of the left, especially from the bourgeois classes of the urban population and the intelligentsia, joined the Trotskyists after having convinced themselves of their "revolutionary spirit."
The bourgeoisie, on the other hand, could only support this process satisfactorily, as a matter of course, financially, since it was an excellent example of the invaluable service the Trotskyists afforded to it, by distracting the workers from the dangerous, but the only correct way of the struggle.
Who are the Trotskyists today?
At the moment the Trotskyist movement in the world is represented by a number of political alliances, which also operate internationally.They are generously sponsored by the bourgeoisie. The largest of these are the following four associations, of which the three former are jointly participating in the organization of the "European Left".
• The (reunified) Fourth International [1] - the largest sections are located in France (New anti- capitalist party), Sweden (Socialist Party), Italy (Association of "critical left"), Denmark (red- green coalition), Portugal (Left (Sri Lanka),
Philippines (Mindanao's Revolutionary Workers Party) and Brazil ("Socialism and Freedom"). The leaders are Alain Kriwin, Olivia Besancon, EricTussen, Alan Thornett, Franziska Lousa and others.
• The International Socialist Tendency (МSТ) - an international association that adheres to the views Tony Cliff about the Soviet Union. The largest sections are in Great Britain (Socialist Labor Party), Greece (Socialist Labor Party) and
Ireland (Socialist Worker Party). The leaders are Alex Kallinikos, Chris Harman and others.
• The Committee for Workers International (KAI) - the largest sections are
located in the UK (Socialist Party), Ireland (Socialist Party) and Germany (organization "Socialist Alternative"). The leaders are Ted Grant(until 1991), Peter Taaf.
• The International Marxist Tendency (IMT) - has a large section in Pakistan in the Pakistan People's Party. In all countries where there are sections of the IMT, they adhere to the tactics of the under-migration of left-wing and progressive mass parties to neutralize, destroy, or lead to positions of "Trotskyism". The leaders are Ted Grant, Alan Woods.
They have excellently adapted methods of provocation and the destruction of
workers' parties and communist organizations. After Trotskyists had penetrated
these organizations and established themselves in them, they were able to
neutralize any revolutionary movement. They hindered the strengthening and
effective action of the revolutionary forces. Therefore, in any country, it is
extremely important for a revolutionary movement to learn what "Trotskyism"
is and how to fight it.
The Trotskyists in Russia In today's Russia, the struggle against Trotskyism has acquired a special importance, since this country is not only the historical origin of this kind of opportunism, but also the country which has suffered the most from Trotskyist activity, and a great one of its conscience Part of the blame for the fall of the Soviet Union.
The Trotskyists, as before, were unable to lead the workers' movement. For
from their class instinct the workers understand how rotten this whole ideology
is, and they try to keep away from it. But the Trotskyists find their adherents
relatively easily among people with a petty bourgeois consciousness who lack a
serious Marxist education.
Why is "Trotskyism" so attractive to them?1. The Trotskyists call themselves the true Communists, as Bolsheviks, as internationalists, as Marxist-Leninists. They attribute to Trotsky the role of leader of the October Revolution, as the founder and leader of the Red Army, as the author of the concept of socialist construction in the USSR, as a true supporter of Marx, Engels and Lenin and as a fighter against Stalinism, allegedly a variant Of opportunism.
The Trotskyists point Trotsky as zealous fighters against the danger of bureaucratism in the USSR, as the most consistent and irreconcilable opponents
of capitalism, opportunism, revisionism, nationalism, and chauvinism. The
politically uneducated sections of the population perceive these attributes as an expression of the essence of Trotskyism, but they are unable to penetrate deeper into their real being, which is very far from these beautiful explanations.
2. The Trotskyists speculate on the appearances of revolutionary impatience, which is characteristic of a significant part of the leftist activists and
participants in a revolutionary movement. They stand out as the most "left" radical revolutionaries. They promise to the popular masses an "immediate" fall of capitalism in all countries.
3. Trotskyism, unlike other opportunist currents, has a very complicated and contradictory history, in the nuances of which sometimes even historians, ie specialists, can not grasp. Trotsky, at the same time, was also a fighter against tsarist despotism, and, for example, a man who sought ways of exploiting
self-government and capitalism developing in the Russian Empire. He was an
active participant in the October Revolution, but at the same time he delayed his progress. Trotsky belonged to the leading body of the Communist Party, at the head of which was Lenin, and at the same time acted against him, split the party's
unity, and formed factions.At times when the fate of the young Soviet republic depended on the thread, he initiated endless party debates, etc. No one of the convinced opportunists came so close to the positions of Marxism-Leninism, and no one fell so furiously over him, That the Trotskyist maneuvers on the part of the consequent Leninists did not produce any evolutions. This dichotomy is also found today on the platforms of modern Trotskyism - sharp capitalism criticism
and praise to the address of the few remaining socialist countries and the active revolutionary organizations in the world, as well as vicious abuse to the address of the Communists when there is something in their actions , Which differs
from the pseudo revolutionary positions of the Trotskyists.
4. Trotskyism has long been under the wing of the world bourgeoisie, and it is using vast resources for the propaganda and dissemination of Trotskyist ideas
and versions of Soviet history. They practically form the basis of modern anti-communism, which, like Trotsky, likes to borrow all anti-Leninist, anti-Stalinist, and anti- Soviet concepts.
All this serves the penetration of false notions about Trotskyism into left and
revolutionary organizations, and into the consciousness of certain categories of
citizens who hold the forms for the content.
2. The struggle of the Bolsheviks against Trotsky before the October Revolution
Word phrases and sound phrases. Until the October Revolution, the influence of Trotskyism was in the Russian and international labor movement so slight that VI Lenin : Trotskyism for the ideology of a person, Trotsky or a small little group of his most immediate peers, held: "In Russia is it a zero." [2] . After Lenin's assessment Trotsky brought in the pre-revolutionary period"only his personal variations and nothing more" [3] expressed . His whole theoretical and political position was eclectic and plagiatus.With him "there was and is never its own physiognomy ', there are only trains, assemblages of the liberals to the Marxists and back, fragments of words and sounding phrases that he had there and ripped out there" [4].
In biographical works, Trotsky dates the birth of his "original" theories, which
formed the basis of Trotskyism, in the period of the revolution of 1905- 1907. But even earlier he actively participated in the struggle against the
Bolshevik Party.
... a swaying tube in the wind
Until joining the Marxists (end of the nineties of the nineteenth century),
Trotsky was under the influence of the liberal popular movement, took over
some ideas from the anarchists, and later added his theoretical luggage with
concepts of Lassalle, Sorrel, Lagardes and others anti-marxists. After becoming
a Social Democrat, he shared views on economic and legal Marxism. During
the emigration, when he worked with the "Iskra", was a disciple of Axelrod and
sought the proximity to other future leaders of the Mensheviks. At the 2nd
Party Congress of the SDAPR, he joined forces with them against Lenin and the
consistent staff of the "Iskra". He joined the center of the Menshevik Party,
which was created for the struggle against the Bolsheviks. He remained in
Menshevik positions until the year 1917, although in private matters he often
distanced himself from the Mensheviks by representing himself as a Social
Democrat outside the faction.
The nonsensical "theory of the permanent revolution"
The heart of Trotskyism became the "theory of the permanent revolution,"
which Trotsky regarded as a major contribution to Marxism. Thus the
dictatorship of the proletariat can also be established in the democratic stage
of the revolution. And since it proves to be the power of a minority, only the
victory of the proletariat in the more developed countries, which had already
passed the stage of the democratic upheaval, can consolidate it. For this
reason, the aim of a "workers' government", which had come prematurely in
power in a backward country, "was to" revolutionize "the revolution in the
more developed countries, also by means of military interference in its internal
affairs. "Down with the limits," "War is the mother of revolution", "dictatorship
of the proletariat - today and in any country" - such and other sharp slogans of
the Trotskyists were and are being used as a true leftist revolutionary wing To
present the fighters for socialism, and to disprove opponents of Trotskyism as
handlers of the bourgeoisie.
... a caricature of a revolution It is precisely in this way that Trotsky tried to illuminate Lenin's theory of revolution, which proceeds from the necessity of the gradual realization of its tasks and the consequent inclusion of new and ever wider sections of the population in the struggle against capital, in the eyes of the working class. Not only once, Lenin condemned the "theory of the permanent revolution" as an adventurous and apt to repel wide masses of the party of the working class. He described it as an "absurd-left" -a relation to Marxism, like the caricature to the original. And Trotsky accused Lenin of striving to impose on the revolution the theory of the "self-restraint" of the proletariat.
Intrigues and pharisaic talk
Until October, the Bolsheviks led a sharp political-ideological struggle against
Trotskyism, which proved to be one of the varieties of Menshevism. Especially
in the context of this struggle characterized VI Lenin Trotsky as a hypocritical
Januschka [5] (similar to the Saltykov-Schtschedrin Chen title character
Januschka Golo Low), as Tuschinski defector [6] , as dirty intriguers of his
sectarian acts with pharisaical chatter about party unity Covered.
The Trotsky "alliance with the Mensheviks, by hiding behind particularly sonorous words" , VI Lenin [7] wrote. Trotsky changed his tactics ; After Menshevism had lost its influence, and Trotsky's attempts to found an own opportunistic party had been resolved, he and other Menshevik actors were to join the Bolsheviks in order to continue the struggle against Bolshevism under their banner. When, in 1917, he belonged to the super-social- democratic organization, had wandered for a long time between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks, and had not participated in the Sixth Party Congress of the SDAPR, he was admitted to the Bolshevik Party with this congress. Trotsky did not make any statements with which he would have confessed the falsity of his long-standing struggle against Lenin.However, he later admitted that Lenin had been right in the dispute with the Mensheviks (including himself, Trotsky), when the organizational structure of the party was concerned. Trotsky, however, remained the core of Trotskyism, the "theory of the permanent revolution," as opposed to Marxism-Leninism. In addition, he maintained that Lenin had carried out an "ideational retrofit" in years 1914- 1917 and had moved to defiant positions, and that he had accepted this "theory" which had supposedly become the basis of the Bolshevik strategy in 1917.
Trotsky brags: "Lenin will find death!"Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and the party have convincingly demonstrated the mendacity of these inventions. 1917 Lenin said in one of his lectures: "Trotskyism without the Tsar, but a workers 'government' is wrong. There is the small bourgeoisie, you can not abolish it. But it consists of two parts. Your poorest part follows the working class. "[8].
Trotsky constantly emphasized that in his struggle against the party he
directed the main attacks against Lenin. "There will be a great fight, and Lenin
will find death in it," wrote Trotsky boastfully in 1910 to a like-minded man. He
called upon the Mensheviks to destroy the "foundations of Leninism." In 1913
he wrote that the whole building of Bolshevism was "built on lies and
deceit". And he declared in May 1917: "The Bolsheviks enlarge ... a recognition
of Bolshevism, you can not ask of us." [9].
Why is Trotskyism so dangerous?
As we have seen, an active struggle of the Bolshevik Party against Trotskyism
took place in the pre-revolutionary period. After the Great October Revolution,
he tightened even more. Of all the opportunist tendencies which arose during
the period of transition from capitalism to socialism against the Bolsheviks,
Trotskyism was the greatest danger.
1. His opportunism was hidden and masked, and the "left" phrases were capable of attracting people who were under the influence of the moods of a
bourgeois "revolt."
2. For a long time, Trotskyism existed as a variant not only of Russian Menshevism but also of international opportunism, and was closely connected with Kautsky's revisionism. This made it possible to receive support from the Western bourgeoisie, supported by foreign patrons, especially centrist representatives from Social Democratic parties in Western Europe.
3. Trotskyism differs (from other opportunistic currents) by its consistent anti- militarism and anti- Bolshevism, which gave it the attention of all the
dissatisfied with the policy of the Bolsheviks and the revision of its dreams.
4. The struggle of the Bolsheviks after the October Revolution The mainstays of the struggle of the Bolshevik Party against Trotskyism in the period after the Great October Revolution 1917 - The party rejected the attempts Trotsky, cancel the period of armed insurrection and replace it with a Soviet Congress.
1918 - Battle VI Lenin against the Group of the "Left" Communists, led by
NI Bukharin that occurred from the imperialist war against the revolutionary
exit the country. The allies and inspirers of this group of "ultra-revolutionaries"
was Trotsky.
1919 - The VIII.Parteitag condemns the methods that have been applied by
Trotsky build the armed forces.
1920 - The IX.Parteitag the RKP (B) rejected the proposal of Trotsky on the
general militarization of labor and the introduction of a "barracks communism"
in the country.
1920-1921 - During the comprehensive discussion in the party about the
unions the attacks of Trotsky, his ally Bukharin and other opportunists were
rejected on the policy of democratization of the mass organizations of the
working people under the conditions of ending the civil war. This was in
accordance with Lenin's proposed and substantiated thesis on the leading role
of the Communist Party in the system of dictatorship of the proletariat and
socialist construction.The ideological unity of the party, whereas Trotsky took
an active part, was preserved.
1922-1923 - The Party condemns the sectarian appearance of the Trotskyists
in various local party organizations, rejects the views of Trotsky and his
followers to a number of political and theoretical questions from (eg his
objection to Lenin's plan for the reorganization of the Workers' and Peasants
Inspection, The strengthening of the leadership of the party by progressive
workers, etc.).
1923 - The Central Committee RKP (B) condemned shortly before
XII.Parteitag the proposals Trotsky, which were directed to the establishment
of a "dictatorship of industry" on agriculture, which would have led to the
breakdown of the alliance between the working class and the peasantry.
1923-1924 - A new all-encompassing discussion in the party, which was
triggered by Trotsky, about the international economic policy and the role
Eibau, ended in defeat of the Trotskyist opposition. Rejection of the Trotskyist
proposals: the "impulse" of the European revolution by means of a military
invasion of the Red Army in Poland and Germany; On the transformation of the
peasantry into a "colony" of socialist industry; About the "interference" of the
Party apparatus, that is, the replacement of the Lenin Guard, who are
supposed to be the Thermidorian rebirth, by younger Communists from the
circle of employees and students who are little acquainted with the traditions of
1924 - During the discussion, which was caused by the appearance
anti leninistische Article Trotsky's "Lessons of October", the party exposed the
ideological basis of Trotskyism, covering the Trotskyist falsification of the
history of the Party and the Great October Socialist Revolution.
1925 - The XIV.Parteitag the All-Union Communist Party (B) condemned the
"new opposition", which appeared with positions which were close to those of
Trotskyism.1926-1927 - Tough Battle of the party against the Trotskyite-
sinowjewskischen opposition bloc.
1927 - The XV.Parteitag the All-Union Communist Party (B) excludes the
leader of the bloc of the party and defines the membership for this block to be
incompatible with membership of the party.
1928-1929 - Final liquidation of illegal Trotskyist groupings that had gone into
the way of anti-Soviet struggle. Trotsky was expelled from the country, and in
1932 he was deprived of Soviet nationality.
What was the nature of the ideas of the Trotskyist opposition?
1. It negated the logical socialist character of the October Revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat that it had produced.
2. It spoke of the absence of sufficient internal conditions for the victory of socialism, and in this connection called for adventurous actions for the
"export" of the revolution into economically advanced countries. Lenin's policy of realizing a maximum of the possibility in his own country for the support of the revolutionary movement in other countries represented the defraudists
defensively as nationally limited. Of the Trotskyists came the invention of an alleged national-conservative course of the Lenin party,
A continuation of the foreign policy course of Russian self-government. This invention is still widely used by all anti-Communists.
3. It exaggerated in every way the role and influence of the capitalist elements in the economy, the danger of petty bourgeois fluctuations, and the degree of the influence of capitalism on the USSR. The economic order of the USSR was declared "state capitalist". The Trotskyists of today also maintain that no
permanent socialist economy can be created anywhere in the world until the proletarian world revolution has triumphed.
4. They proposed that the "victory" of the world revolution be based on the application of methods used by the bourgeoisie to the era of the emergence of the capitalist order. In this context, the party's directives for industrialization, the
collectivization of agriculture, the cultural revolution, the consolidation of the alliance of the working class with the peasantry, and the friendship of the Soviet peoples were rejected or distorted. The main method of socialist construction was the violence, but not so much against the exploiters, but rather against the
workers, especially against the peasantry.
Trotskyism and the downfall of the Soviet Union Civic propaganda compels the Trotskyist to strive to "democratize the Soviet order." Diesel view of the actions of their predecessors also represented today's Trotskyists. But in fact, the Trotskyist opposition in the USSR did not advocate democratization in the sense of the realization of the wider rights of the workers in the administration of the party and the Soviet state, but for the militarization of labor, the "tightening of the screws" The participation of the Soviet people in the control over the activities of the state and party apparatus, and the like. Where such a policy leads, the government has vividly demonstrated one of the most zealous admirers of Trotskyism, Khrushchev, who led the CPSU after Stalin's death. Just in its day was begun with the "right coup" in the economy and in the politics of the Soviet Union, which then ended lawfully during the Gorbachev Perestroika with the complete victory of capitalism in the USSR.
1. In the field of international politics, the Trotskyists pushed the party along the path of sectarianism and adventures. They denied the fact of the post- war stabilization of capitalism; They called for immediate revolutions in other countries; They mocked the tactics of the Unity Front as supposedly "reformist"; They opposed the support of national liberation movements, which they declared to be "bourgeois", and against the unity of all democratic forces in the struggle against the growing wars of war and the dangers of fascism.
2. The Trotskyists were particularly fierce about the Leninist doctrine of the party. They tried to discredit the Party apparatus, weaken the discipline in the Party, and destroy its unity by striving for freedom of factions and groupings. The endless discussions which they forced the parties during the most complicated periods of the country's history diverted the party's powers from the solution of important government tasks, confusing the simple party members, and bringing disintegration and fluctuations into the ranks of the party.
Were there many Trotskyists in the party?During the struggle for the Brest Peace Treaty, about a quarter to a third of party members supported the Trotskyists and "leftist" Communists. In the discussion of trade unions, the Trotskyists and other opportunists succeeded in winning about 20 percent of the Communists to support their platform. In 1923 about 11 per cent of party members voted for the Trotskyists. In the discussion shortly before the XVth Partnerstag it was already less than 0.5 percent. In accordance with the resolutions of the XV th party for the exclusion from the party because of the oppositional activities, only 0.3 percent of the party members were excluded, the majority of the party had seen their mistakes and were later taken back into the party.
5. On what levels of the population did Trotsky lean?
The Trotskyists sought and found support not among the Communists, but
under the partialities, especially the representatives of the bureaucratized
employees, the urban small bourgeoisie, the bourgeois intelligentsia, the non -
proletarian part of the student body, as well as the outdated elements from the
urban and rural differences of the Population. The working class and the
working peasants generally supported the line of Lenin Bolsheviks without
reservation and condemned Trotskyism. The Trotskyists were also critically
criticized by the communist fraternities. Trotsky and his followers condemned
all their leading figures at that time.
6. International activities of Trotskyism In the 1930s, Trotsky was located abroad, he propagated his active capitulationist views and thus contributed to the confusion in the international communist and workers' movement. To the delight of the world's bourgeoisie, a criticism of the USSR came to the fore by cursing the USSR's first-year plan, the policy of industrialization and the collectivization of agriculture. Together with his supporters led an active struggle against the formation of a broad antifascist front in the world, prophesied the inevitability (and even the expedience!) Of a defeat of the USSR in the war against the imperialist aggressors, and thus solidarity itself with Fascism.
During the Civil War in Spain , the Trotskyists were bestrebt in every way,
the fascists whitewash. After the fall of the republican government, they took
an active part in the organization of the military coup to overthrow the national
front government. The comedian help of the Soviet Union against the
Republicans declared it an "imperialist striving of the Soviets to assert
themselves on the Pyrenees peninsula." After the defeat of the revolution, the
Spanish Republicans vowed to avenge Trotsky, who justly regarded themselves
as handlers of fascism. One of these also killed Trotsky in Mexico in 1940.
During World War II the Trotskyists occurred against the anti-Hitler coalition
and against the (anti-fascist) resistance movement, they criticized the bombing
of Germany by the allies. They accused the Soviet Union of the transition to a
position of "support" of the imperialists of England, France and the USA, and
described the war on both sides as an imperialist war.
During the Nuremberg trials against Nazi main war Trotskyists demanded
the release of Goering, Ribbentrop and others, and demanded to put the
leaders of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition as the alleged main culprit of
World War II in the dock.
7. Trotskyism as the support of the bourgeoisie
All this is reminiscent of what we now hear of the Russian and Western liberals
- the zealous enemies of the Soviet Union, right?
And that is not at all surprising. World-wide imperialism has for a long time
hitched left-radical ideas and slogans for its aims. They do not pose a threat to
him, but instead they are causing serious damage in the world's revolutionary
movement. The bourgeoisie borrowed generously from the Trotskyists their
anti-Communist and anti-Soviet clichés, in order to demonstrate to the workers
the complete lack of prospect of a struggle for the socialist revolution by
demonstrating the inevitability of the transition of socialism into capitalism by
the fall of the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries .
The Trotskyism - Tool of Imperialism The Trotskyists provided and delivered the imperialists not only the "arguments", but also the experts for bourgeois propaganda. Already in the 40 and 50 years of the last century the well-known ideologues of Trotskyism S.Hooks, J.Cannon, among others, took an exposed position among the bourgeois "Soviet scientists". Such unanimity of Trotskyism and the imperialists is lawful, since their class character is the same. Trotskyism is supported by middle-class populations who, because of their interposition in
society and their political immaturity, have not only no immunity to left-wing
moods, but also no reservations about them. By its very nature, the petty
bourgeoisie is the least able to muster endurance, organization, discipline and
steadfastness, and sometimes seeks the way out in the extreme, "desperate"
revolutionary spirit. "You are a tool of imperialist provocation, your objective
role. And your subjective, psychology 'is the psychology of a mad petty
bourgeois. " [10] Lenin wrote the Trotskyists, and led them clearly and
distinctly the class roots of their ideology in mind.
8. How do you recognize Trotskyism?
A) Civic inclinations
On the XIII.Parteitag the RKP (B), which took place in January 1924 declared
that Trotskyism "is not only an attempt at revision of Bolshevism is, not only is
the direct departure from Leninism, but also is the obvious expression of petty
bourgeois inclinations . There is no doubt that this opposition objectively
reflects the urge of the petty bourgeoisie to the position of a proletarian party
and its policy. " [11].
B) Right-opportunist views behind "left" phrases
Another fundamental peculiarity of Trotskyism also emerged in masking the
right-wing opportunistic content of the theses and explanations by a left-radical
phraseology. "... Fawns, rants and posing as a linker, and it helps the right, so
much to do it ..." [12] - so Reviewed Lenin the essence of Verbaläquilibristen
Trotsky. Lenin emphasized several times that there is a direct connection
between right and "left" opportunism. The left-radical inclination arose in the
workers' movement as a reaction to the failures of social-democracy.And on
the other hand, left-wing extremes always aroused right-opportunist views and
social-reformist moods. Right and left discrepancies make one another. There
are two sides of a medal.Behind the outward contradiction lies the profound
commonality of both currents. Anti-communism, anti-Sovietism, and party
politics are the core of ideology and politics of both varieties of opportunism.
C) Target group: youth and students Increased willingness to take a "ultraline attitude" is shown by the youth groups - especially the student body and the learning youth.They react more intensely to the injustice of today 's capitalism, and are often unaware that, in order to put an end to injustice, it is only necessary to act jointly with the working class, and that the struggle against such experienced, skilful and ruthless opponents Global imperialism, knowledge, unity, and high organization.
The Trotskyists are the most active among student youths, by giving the
politically underdeveloped classes of the student body the idea of their
vanguard role in the modern revolutionary movement. They show their position
on the basis of the supposed disintegration of the working class, their
demoralization, and consequently their inability to lead the struggle
independently under the conditions of modern capitalism. The negative
phenomena within some classes of the working class are emphasized by the
Trotskyists, and the positive are concealed or negated. And while the youthful
mood of the student against the working class, the Trotskyists hinder the
formation of the broad anti capitalist front. They ignore the world 's
revolutionary experience, which vividly demonstrates that the forces of
reaction were only there and there when the workers' class stood at the head
of the struggle for socialism, supported by other sections of the oppressed
population Students, the intelligentsia, among others
D) Principle Lessness, pseudo linkage phrases, eclecticism, adventurism
The characteristic elements of Trotskyism are the lack of political principles, the
empty pseudo link phraseology, eclecticism, ideational shuddering from side to
side, and irresponsible adventurism. For almost a century of its existence,
Trotskyism has proved itself incapable of producing a coherent ideology, even
though it is so poor.The theses, which form the basis, consist of shreds of
utopian and adventurous ideas, torn from the context and often contradicting
one another.
e) Unscrupulous hatred Stalin
The narrative about Trotskyism would be incomplete if one did not mention an
extraordinary trait, which can be seen immediately in Russia and in the former
Soviet republics of every Trotskyist-anti stalinism. In this question the
Trotskyists are a hundred points ahead of the world's bourgeoisie. The
Trotskyists hate all that is connected with JW Stalin - himself, his policy, and
even the one who expresses himself well over Stalin or his time. This is the
enemy for them.
The main feature of Trotskyism
Stalin hate to idiocy ...
The Trotskyists overcame Stalin far more often than all the bourgeois
propagandists and ideologues. He is credited with all the negative phenomena
that have ever existed in the USSR. Stalin put it as the culprit for all the misery
and misery that the Soviet country had to experience from the 1920s to the
1950s. Because they have no way to negate the obvious historical successes of
the Stalinist USSR, the Trotskyists refuse Even to acknowledge the slightest
merits of their leader-with a tenacity which is not infrequent enough to be
complete idiocy.
No bad words about the perestroika By giving themselves as true Marxist-Leninists, the Trotskyists also do not lose bad words about Gorbachev, under whose government Soviet socialism was destroyed. But the one under whose leadership the Soviet Union has done great deeds in all spheres of human activity and has become the greatest power in the world-Stalin, for instance, calls forth the attack of savage wickedness. Can the Trotskyists, therefore, be regarded seriously as Communists, Marxist-Leninists, and are they, at all, sincere fighters for socialism? Of course not!
Neutralization of the revolutionary movement
The Trotskyists are an exclusive division of the bourgeoisie in the world
revolutionary movement whose task is to neutralize the revolutionary
movement, to dismantle it from the inside, and not to allow it to consolidate
and organize all forces of the workers in a fist To free mankind from
exploitation and oppression once and for all.
Rejection of the dictatorship of the proletariat
Why do the Trotskyists hate Stalin and his policies like that? Yes, because the
DICTATURE OF THE PROLETARIAT was most clearly expressed in Stalin's
policy-a policy in which the bourgeoisie did not survive! In the case of the hand
of the bourgeoisie, such as the Trotskyists, there is no more room.
A staunch fighter for socialism and communism will never hate Stalin and
Stalin's policy because it was precisely the policy that leads to communism.
Every true communist understands this. And the one who does not want to understand this is certainly not a communist.
What is the duty of every communist?
At that time Trotskyism was defeated. This is the great merit of VI Lenin and
JW Stalin, the CPSU and the communist parties of the Comintern. Now, after
the fall of the USSR and the socialist countries, Trotskyism has once again
raised its head, and it is trying to revive in other forms and variants, but its
essence remains the same and its goal remains to split the world revolutionary
movement , And to dissuade from the only correct way of struggle for
socialism. It is therefore the duty of every Communist or Communist or Labor
Party to conduct an irreconcilable struggle against Trotskyism, and to expose
its disgraceful and provocative nature to all workers and oppressed, who are
striving for a revolutionary change in existing society.
Sokolski: The essence of Trotskyism Literature:
1. JM Ivanov, AN Shmelev "Leninism and the political and ideological defeat of
Trotskyism". Leningrad,
2. NAWazelski "In conflict with the epoch: the Trotskyism against real
3. "From revolutionary phrases for unreasonable adventurism. The criticism of
foreign policy conceptions of modern Trotskyism "Мoskau, 1986. (Rus.)
4." The struggle of the communists against the ideology of Trotskyism ",
Мoskau, 1973 (Russ.)
Notes and Quotes:
[1] "The 4th International": the title which the international Trotskyist
Association has awarded, which was founded in Paris in 1938 by a small group
of Trotskyists. In 1953 "The Fourth International" was divided into the
"International Secretariat" and the "International Committee"; In 1962, the
"Latin American Office" emerged from the "International Secretariat" and in
1963 the "minority", which later called itself the "Marxist-Revolutionary
Tendency of the Fourth International". Each of these mutually hostile centers
declares that it is only "The Fourth International." MI-Basmanov "The
anti revolutionary essence of modern Trotskyism, Moscow, 1971 (Russian).
[2] VI Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 22, p 7 (Rus.)
[3] Ibid., Bd.19, S.375 (Rus.)
[4] Ibid., Bd.25, S.3 (russ .)
[5] In his novel "Lord Glow Show" ME Saltykov-Shchedrin described a
contradictory person, which is towards affectionate and friendly, but inwardly
greedy and evil to the outside.
[6] In a transcendent sense, contemptuous and ironic description for Russian
nobles who, in 1608-09, surrendered to Tushino against a princely conquest
from Moscow to the enemy conqueror.
[7] Ibid., Bd.19, S.358 (Rus.)
[8] Ibid., Bd.31, p.249 (Rus.)
[9] Lenin's collection, IV, p.303 (Rus.)
[ 10] VI Lenin, works, Bd.36, p.290 (Rus.)
[11] "the CPSU in the resolution and decisions of party congresses,
conferences and the plenum of the Central Committee", Vol.2, S.511 (Rus.)
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