Written by Comrade Viswam.{ The General Secretary – CPI(ML) }
[ This article published in “Class Struggle” , the Organ of CC, CPI(ML), on the eve of Unity Conference in 2005, is relevant even today. So to draw the attention of our all Comrades, Communist Revolutionary groups and the struggling masses on the issue of our responsibilities and tasks, we are publishing the same article.]
After the fall of Soviet Social Imperialism and its East European bloc, the balance of forces in the international arena underwent a radical change and tilted completely towards the imperialist forces specially towards US imperialism. The world had entered the threshold of 21st century with all dangerous uncertainty, instability and irreconcilable contradictions in the functioning of imperialism, particularly the US imperialism and thus thrown out a challenge to the very existence of humanity and human civil society.
Taking full advantage of disappearance of one super power,the G-8 countries, specially the US, foisted Globalization, Liberalization, and Structural Reforms on the poor, backward and underdeveloped countries in the name of so called peace, progress and development. Throughout the decade of nineties the imperialists harped on the on-going process of Globalization in order to justify the imposition and acceptance of the New World Order. In this process they inducted the services of World Bank, IMF and created a new weapon of exploitation, WTO, to plunder the people and countries of the world.
Despite the much vaunted benefits of Globalization, enormous wealth is getting accumulated with the small number of imperialist countries at the expense of vast majority of people of the underdeveloped world. During the ongoing globalization, the US imperialism wanted to enhance and speed up its hegemonic power over the world. Hitherto, not in distant past, the US imperialism practiced its subversive activities to topple the independent and sovereign countries clandestinely with or without the support of docile UNO. The 9/11 incident became 'god sent' handle for the US imperialists designs and it raised the slogan of war against global terrorism. The US imperialism declared that those who will support it are friends and those will oppose it are enemies. It annexed Afghanistan, unleashed aggression on Iraq and is constantly threatening Iran, North Korea, Cuba etc.
The US imperialism is trying hard to stabilize its dominance over Iraq but meeting with the bloody resistance from the heroic people of Iraq. This shows that the attempt to impose uni-polar and hegemony is increasingly facing resistance from the people on the one hand and beset with inter-imperialist contradictions and rivalries on the other. This overall situation has sharpened the contradiction between the people and imperialism on one hand and contradictions among the imperialist countries. The moot question is the people of the world have to intensify and carry on the struggle against imperialism, particularly against US imperialism.
The radical changes in the international balance of power can not overwhelm our country also. The ruling classes led by the Congress government signed the GATT and agreed to trail the process of globalization. After the change in the government at the Center the NDA led by BJP energized the whole process of new economic policy. Recently returned to power, the Congress is continuing the same policies. All the plans and policies are being dictated by the imperialists. Despite changes of various governments, no basic change was brought.
After 1947, the four decades of Congress rule, the several UF governments and the NDA government have totally abandoned the aspirations of freedom movement. The support of Left Parties to the Common Minimum Programme could not hide the demonic face of reforms. Despite the disillusionment of the people, the ruling classes and their parties are being able to play the role of alternative in the absence of real alternative. By inciting religious fanaticism and turning it as a national chauvinism, the ruling classes are thriving. By fanning hatred among various religious,regions,castes and languages, they intend to run their rule with ease. The ruling classes are making relentless efforts to divert, sentimentalize and emotionalize the peoples movements and struggles of nationalities and turn them into chauvinistic ones. At the same time they are suppressing these struggles ruthlessly.
In the form of falsifying the socialist ideas and communist theories and in the form of rejecting and heckling the communist and socialist theories, certain tendencies in the name of subaltern studies are busy in diverting the people from the real socialist ideas.
Yet the people of our country are aspiring to change this system. They are taking up agitations and movements. In certain circumstances they are following the path of struggle with whatever means that are available for them. They are looking for the political force that can provide leadership to them. Various classes and sections of people are ready to build a real alternative to the present socio-economic and political system.
Exactly this situation is placing concrete tasks before the Communist Revolutionaries. Organizing the people into anti-feudal and anti-imperialist struggles, and advancing these struggles to the stage of new democratic revolution, overthrowing the rule of exploitative classes and establishing new democratic state that has worker-peasant alliance as its basis under the leadership of proletariat, building a single united communist party – such are the tasks that the situation demands today from the communist revolutionaries.
Our great leader Com:Lenin said”in the struggle for power, the proletariat has no other weapon but organization. Disunited by the rule of anarchic competition in the bourgeois world, ground down by the forced labor for capital, constantly thrust back to the 'lower depths' of utter destitution, savagery and degeneration, the proletariat can become, and inevitably will become, an invincible force only when its ideological unification by the principles of Marxism is consolidated by the material unity of an organization which will weld millions of toilers into an army of working class. Neither the decrepit rule of Russian Tsardom, nor the senile rule of international capital will be able to withstand this army.”(One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, P.340)
It means that we should build well-trained revolutionary ranks of the proletariat and ideological unity should be weld with material organizational unity.
The single and the only one weapon for the Indian people to overthrow the out-dated feudalism and comprador capitalism and imperialist domination is the real communist party. To build such a party, we should review the experiences of communist movement.
The communists could have been the real alternative before our countrymen because they only possess a scientific philosophy, a political economy and a clear goal of a new society i.e. socialism. They have the experience of class struggle for more than hundred years. They have the revolutionary experience of leading the great revolutions that shook the world. But the communist movement in India faced many lapses and errors.
1. The leadership consciously failed to grasp the essence of Marxism-Leninism, to asses the communist movement and to apply it to the concrete conditions prevailing in India. At every turning point in the freedom struggle and liberation movement the leadership either betrayed the people or compromised with the ruling class for fear of revolution. In spite of building such struggles as Telangana peasant armed struggle with a nearly correct leadership that acted as a beacon light to the Indian revolution, the main leadership tailed behind the ruling classes. As a continuation of this, as was well known, the leadership of the then period led the entire party to the blind alley of parliamentarism for two decades.
2. In 1967, the uprising of peasants and plantation workers in Naxalbari vigorously put forward the real alternative path of agrarian revolution before our people. It shook the party and stirred the slumber of parliamentarism. In the process of Naxalbari struggle, NKSSS and AICCCR were formed and some positive steps were taken in this direction. The AICCCR correctly gave the call that the path of Naxalbari is our path. But subsequently at the last stage of AICCCR the CPI(ML) was formed in 1969, it denied to accept the lessons of Naxalbari struggle specifically the mass line. In its political resolution, the CPI(ML) advocated that the guerrilla warfare is the only way to mobilize and to release the initiative of the masses. The CPI(ML) was formed by expelling mass liners and those who opposed the line of annihilation of class enemies. Terrorism and anarchism was practiced instead of Marxism-Leninism and Mao's Thought.
Thus the formation of CPI(ML) failed to unify the communist revolutionaries and again lost the opportunity to build up a communist party of a new type. The aftermath is already known to all. After this debacle, the CR forces tried to re-unite in different periods and some sort of unity was also achieved in the process. But the unity process could not be wide spread and strengthened and newer and newer splits took place because it could not lead to the formation of correct party. The causes for these splits related to political and ideological issues and then they reflected on to the organizational arena. The movement could be able to represent the aspirations of people.
After evaluating the whole situation and the process of split and unity, we have to find ways to resolve the situation. We adopted the dialectical method to resolve the political and ideological difference that stood in the way of unity. We adopted the Leninist method of demarcating both the areas of agreements and disagreements. We decided to unite with differences and preparing to resolve those differences in the united organization through inner party struggle.
We even decided to allow to air the differing views outside the organization without jeopardizing the cause of unity. Thus the joint note of January 17, 2003 became the main basis of unity between COI(ML) and CPI(ML) Unity Initiative, Here it should be remembered that to cement the unity process we should go to the practice and learn from the real life.
Key aspects of this Unity:
Following this Leninist method, CPI(ML)UI and COI(ML) merged together through formation of COC CPI(ML) on March 2003. This unity process created an atmosphere of unity and CPIU(ML) also merged in the CPI(ML). During this on going process of unity, CPI(ML) Red Flag came in touch and a co-ordination committee between CPI(ML) and CPI(ML) Red Flag was also formed. Here again we carried on debate for one and half year and demarcated the points of agreements and disagreements between the two organizations. In the course of debate, we could finally agree to formulate four documents and decided to hold an unity conference and thus merge into one organization, CPI(ML).
We could also decide that the difference on the question of character of Indian society and state, principal contradiction and the path of Indian Revolution will be resolved through a special conference within two years from the date of unity. It was also decided to resolve the difference relating to the history within one year from the date of unity conference. It was also decided that under the leadership of the new central committee inner party debate will be organized on the above points. During this period, the CCR held unity talks with the West Bengal state committee of CPI(ML) and decided to merge with CPI(ML).
As it stands now, our experiences shows that the decision of 17th January 2003 led us to this stage. This resolution has two important aspects and demands to grasp it and carry forward the tasks ahead. The first one relates to ideological, political and organizational positions contained in the note. The second point is to implement it through practice.
To elaborate, the question is whether we should base ourselves on Marxism-Leninism and Mao's thought or anarchism and terrorism. This is the cardinal issue. The history of communist movement teaches us that these are twin enemies which develop from within the communist movement. Revisionism, Reformism and Right Deviation always cripple the communist movement and put an hindrance in the path of our revolution. So also Anarchism, Terrorism and Left Deviation led our movement towards total demolition and finally destruction of the cause of the revolution. It shows that the both, left and right, opportunism have the same philosophical position based on subjectivism which relates to metaphysics. It should be remembered that they are twins. At certain stage they raise their heads separately and at another time one overlaps the other. So it is our bounden duty to fight subjectivism, fight its political reflections and fight its organizational reflections. As such we are to fight ideologically, politically and organizationally against these menaces. We have decided to base ourselves on it.
There are two understandings regarding unity. One is the rebuilding of a Communist Party in its real sense and the other is reorganization of the Party. In January 17th note, we decided to fight against twin dangers. It means concrete fight against terrorism of CPI(ML) for the present. We agreed to retain the name of CPI(ML) as it raised the slogan – the Path of Telangana and Naxalbari is our Path. So it shows that the form remained but the content is changed. This is not the continuation of CPI(ML) of 1969, but the CPI(ML) of a new type in its real sense. But the slogan of reorganization of CPI(ML) Party means continuation of the same ideological basis of 1969 in content. So we should firmly adhere to the above understanding of January 17 note.
The second point is, repudiation of terrorism does not mean giving up the cause of agrarian revolution through armed means. There is a tendency to interpret mass line as formation of mass organizations and mass movement as a matter of process within legal frame work. From this emanates the idea that left opportunism is better than right opportunism and thus blunts the struggle against wrong trends.
Here a question arises: where do knowledge comes from? How to apply Marxist understanding in practice? We all know that knowledge develops through three phases. Knowledge from books is indirect knowledge. To earn rational knowledge we must know the relation between theory and practice. We must know how society changes. We all know that society transforms to new through three phases i.e. contradiction between productive forces and production relations; class struggle and scientific experiments. We always preach that heroes do not create history, only the people and people alone create history. Marx and Engels taught us about working class in itself and working class for itself. If we could synthesize the whole and assimilate, then the approach to mass line would be crystal clear.
We all know that the people as a whole are learning from their real life experience about the falseness of legality, democracy etc. It is the bounden duty of the communists to take the Marxist knowledge to the people. Only then we will be able to apply the real life experience of the people, the experience of class struggles and the practical experiences of the communist movement, able to demarcate left and right deviations and able to follow the revolutionary mass line. Hence, the mass line means that line which involves all the people in the revolutionary practice.
The process of linking the theory with practice also applies to the process of unity. The unity with differences does not mean to give priority to quantity disregarding the politics and unite with all. It means unity with all those who can be united and go to practice with the unity achieved. And thus again consolidating the unity with practical experience. This is our unity approach and we firmly adhere to it.
The Indian revolution is already late and it demands immediate practice. It does not mean that we can overcome all our weaknesses because we have achieved the unity. There are no short cuts. We can overcome them through relentless struggle and practice. We cannot blame any individual for all these weaknesses. Our main emphasis should be on the ideological and political positions of the organization. The source of individualism and group mentality emanated in metaphysics. The imprint of terrorism and left adventurism are prevailing among us. This has always reflected directly on the organization. In totally, these ailments are reflecting on the individuals. Yes comrades we can not forget our martyrs. But emotions and sentiments should not come in the way of implementing these tasks.
The Unity demands the fulfillment of the following tasks in order to end the exploitation and to achieve the equality:
1. To build united front of people, democratic revolutionaries, patriots, progressive forces and democratic intellectuals.
2. To organize the masses of people, proletarian forces and various sections of toiling masses and prepare them for militant struggles.
3. To build a single united Communist Revolutionary Party consisting of revolutionary classes.
Our Unity Resolution clearly Stated:
1. this situation calls for the building up of the broadest possible platform of the working class, the peasantry, the women, the youth, students and all other oppressed classes and sections against the Congress led UPA government at the Center, the BJP led NDA and various state governments including the 'Left Front' governments. The historic task of communist revolutionary forces is to unite all these classes and sections and launch a powerful revolutionary movements against ruling system.
2. To carry forward this task, we, the communist revolutionaries, are to unite the working class, peasantry and all other toiling classes including all the patriotic democratic and genuine left forces. In this context we are to take every step to consolidate and strengthen our party CPI(ML) politically and organizationally and expand our Class - Mass Organizations.
3. We therefore, appeal to all communist revolutionary forces to close their ranks to unite into a single Party of the Indian Proletariat, guided by Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse Tung's Thought, waging relentless struggles of all shades to carry forward this historic task.
The unity resolution placed these three tasks before us. Let us implement these tasks, build the revolutionary movement, consolidate the Party and strive to build a single united Party.
The documents formulated during the process of unity are giving us for the present, sufficient understanding that needed to build real Communist Party, to advance the agrarian revolution - the axis of New Democratic Revolution - to intensify the anti- imperialist struggles and to unite the revolutionary classes in a United Front. Let us go to the people and practice basing ourselves on these documents. Let us build in wide areas the class struggles, the peasant movements and movements of toiling masses. Let us strengthen the peoples organizations. Let us take steps that advance the United Front of Revolutionary Classes. Let us advance the united peoples movements. Naturally, the question of building base areas and peoples army comes forward and demands answers. Our dedicated practice in the mass line with revolutionary orientation, our struggle against right and left opportunism and the experiences we gained in this process will create the necessary conditions for the resolution of these questions. Let us march forward with this firm conviction.
Written by Comrade Viswam.{ The General Secretary – CPI(ML) }
[ This article published in “Class Struggle” , the Organ of CC, CPI(ML), on the eve of Unity Conference in 2005, is relevant even today. So to draw the attention of our all Comrades, Communist Revolutionary groups and the struggling masses on the issue of our responsibilities and tasks, we are publishing the same article.]
After the fall of Soviet Social Imperialism and its East European bloc, the balance of forces in the international arena underwent a radical change and tilted completely towards the imperialist forces specially towards US imperialism. The world had entered the threshold of 21st century with all dangerous uncertainty, instability and irreconcilable contradictions in the functioning of imperialism, particularly the US imperialism and thus thrown out a challenge to the very existence of humanity and human civil society.
Taking full advantage of disappearance of one super power,the G-8 countries, specially the US, foisted Globalization, Liberalization, and Structural Reforms on the poor, backward and underdeveloped countries in the name of so called peace, progress and development. Throughout the decade of nineties the imperialists harped on the on-going process of Globalization in order to justify the imposition and acceptance of the New World Order. In this process they inducted the services of World Bank, IMF and created a new weapon of exploitation, WTO, to plunder the people and countries of the world.
Despite the much vaunted benefits of Globalization, enormous wealth is getting accumulated with the small number of imperialist countries at the expense of vast majority of people of the underdeveloped world. During the ongoing globalization, the US imperialism wanted to enhance and speed up its hegemonic power over the world. Hitherto, not in distant past, the US imperialism practiced its subversive activities to topple the independent and sovereign countries clandestinely with or without the support of docile UNO. The 9/11 incident became 'god sent' handle for the US imperialists designs and it raised the slogan of war against global terrorism. The US imperialism declared that those who will support it are friends and those will oppose it are enemies. It annexed Afghanistan, unleashed aggression on Iraq and is constantly threatening Iran, North Korea, Cuba etc.
The US imperialism is trying hard to stabilize its dominance over Iraq but meeting with the bloody resistance from the heroic people of Iraq. This shows that the attempt to impose uni-polar and hegemony is increasingly facing resistance from the people on the one hand and beset with inter-imperialist contradictions and rivalries on the other. This overall situation has sharpened the contradiction between the people and imperialism on one hand and contradictions among the imperialist countries. The moot question is the people of the world have to intensify and carry on the struggle against imperialism, particularly against US imperialism.
The radical changes in the international balance of power can not overwhelm our country also. The ruling classes led by the Congress government signed the GATT and agreed to trail the process of globalization. After the change in the government at the Center the NDA led by BJP energized the whole process of new economic policy. Recently returned to power, the Congress is continuing the same policies. All the plans and policies are being dictated by the imperialists. Despite changes of various governments, no basic change was brought.
After 1947, the four decades of Congress rule, the several UF governments and the NDA government have totally abandoned the aspirations of freedom movement. The support of Left Parties to the Common Minimum Programme could not hide the demonic face of reforms. Despite the disillusionment of the people, the ruling classes and their parties are being able to play the role of alternative in the absence of real alternative. By inciting religious fanaticism and turning it as a national chauvinism, the ruling classes are thriving. By fanning hatred among various religious,regions,castes and languages, they intend to run their rule with ease. The ruling classes are making relentless efforts to divert, sentimentalize and emotionalize the peoples movements and struggles of nationalities and turn them into chauvinistic ones. At the same time they are suppressing these struggles ruthlessly.
In the form of falsifying the socialist ideas and communist theories and in the form of rejecting and heckling the communist and socialist theories, certain tendencies in the name of subaltern studies are busy in diverting the people from the real socialist ideas.
Yet the people of our country are aspiring to change this system. They are taking up agitations and movements. In certain circumstances they are following the path of struggle with whatever means that are available for them. They are looking for the political force that can provide leadership to them. Various classes and sections of people are ready to build a real alternative to the present socio-economic and political system.
Exactly this situation is placing concrete tasks before the Communist Revolutionaries. Organizing the people into anti-feudal and anti-imperialist struggles, and advancing these struggles to the stage of new democratic revolution, overthrowing the rule of exploitative classes and establishing new democratic state that has worker-peasant alliance as its basis under the leadership of proletariat, building a single united communist party – such are the tasks that the situation demands today from the communist revolutionaries.
Our great leader Com:Lenin said”in the struggle for power, the proletariat has no other weapon but organization. Disunited by the rule of anarchic competition in the bourgeois world, ground down by the forced labor for capital, constantly thrust back to the 'lower depths' of utter destitution, savagery and degeneration, the proletariat can become, and inevitably will become, an invincible force only when its ideological unification by the principles of Marxism is consolidated by the material unity of an organization which will weld millions of toilers into an army of working class. Neither the decrepit rule of Russian Tsardom, nor the senile rule of international capital will be able to withstand this army.”(One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, P.340)
It means that we should build well-trained revolutionary ranks of the proletariat and ideological unity should be weld with material organizational unity.
The single and the only one weapon for the Indian people to overthrow the out-dated feudalism and comprador capitalism and imperialist domination is the real communist party. To build such a party, we should review the experiences of communist movement.
The communists could have been the real alternative before our countrymen because they only possess a scientific philosophy, a political economy and a clear goal of a new society i.e. socialism. They have the experience of class struggle for more than hundred years. They have the revolutionary experience of leading the great revolutions that shook the world. But the communist movement in India faced many lapses and errors.
1. The leadership consciously failed to grasp the essence of Marxism-Leninism, to asses the communist movement and to apply it to the concrete conditions prevailing in India. At every turning point in the freedom struggle and liberation movement the leadership either betrayed the people or compromised with the ruling class for fear of revolution. In spite of building such struggles as Telangana peasant armed struggle with a nearly correct leadership that acted as a beacon light to the Indian revolution, the main leadership tailed behind the ruling classes. As a continuation of this, as was well known, the leadership of the then period led the entire party to the blind alley of parliamentarism for two decades.
2. In 1967, the uprising of peasants and plantation workers in Naxalbari vigorously put forward the real alternative path of agrarian revolution before our people. It shook the party and stirred the slumber of parliamentarism. In the process of Naxalbari struggle, NKSSS and AICCCR were formed and some positive steps were taken in this direction. The AICCCR correctly gave the call that the path of Naxalbari is our path. But subsequently at the last stage of AICCCR the CPI(ML) was formed in 1969, it denied to accept the lessons of Naxalbari struggle specifically the mass line. In its political resolution, the CPI(ML) advocated that the guerrilla warfare is the only way to mobilize and to release the initiative of the masses. The CPI(ML) was formed by expelling mass liners and those who opposed the line of annihilation of class enemies. Terrorism and anarchism was practiced instead of Marxism-Leninism and Mao's Thought.
Thus the formation of CPI(ML) failed to unify the communist revolutionaries and again lost the opportunity to build up a communist party of a new type. The aftermath is already known to all. After this debacle, the CR forces tried to re-unite in different periods and some sort of unity was also achieved in the process. But the unity process could not be wide spread and strengthened and newer and newer splits took place because it could not lead to the formation of correct party. The causes for these splits related to political and ideological issues and then they reflected on to the organizational arena. The movement could be able to represent the aspirations of people.
After evaluating the whole situation and the process of split and unity, we have to find ways to resolve the situation. We adopted the dialectical method to resolve the political and ideological difference that stood in the way of unity. We adopted the Leninist method of demarcating both the areas of agreements and disagreements. We decided to unite with differences and preparing to resolve those differences in the united organization through inner party struggle.
We even decided to allow to air the differing views outside the organization without jeopardizing the cause of unity. Thus the joint note of January 17, 2003 became the main basis of unity between COI(ML) and CPI(ML) Unity Initiative, Here it should be remembered that to cement the unity process we should go to the practice and learn from the real life.
Key aspects of this Unity:
Following this Leninist method, CPI(ML)UI and COI(ML) merged together through formation of COC CPI(ML) on March 2003. This unity process created an atmosphere of unity and CPIU(ML) also merged in the CPI(ML). During this on going process of unity, CPI(ML) Red Flag came in touch and a co-ordination committee between CPI(ML) and CPI(ML) Red Flag was also formed. Here again we carried on debate for one and half year and demarcated the points of agreements and disagreements between the two organizations. In the course of debate, we could finally agree to formulate four documents and decided to hold an unity conference and thus merge into one organization, CPI(ML).
We could also decide that the difference on the question of character of Indian society and state, principal contradiction and the path of Indian Revolution will be resolved through a special conference within two years from the date of unity. It was also decided to resolve the difference relating to the history within one year from the date of unity conference. It was also decided that under the leadership of the new central committee inner party debate will be organized on the above points. During this period, the CCR held unity talks with the West Bengal state committee of CPI(ML) and decided to merge with CPI(ML).
As it stands now, our experiences shows that the decision of 17th January 2003 led us to this stage. This resolution has two important aspects and demands to grasp it and carry forward the tasks ahead. The first one relates to ideological, political and organizational positions contained in the note. The second point is to implement it through practice.
To elaborate, the question is whether we should base ourselves on Marxism-Leninism and Mao's thought or anarchism and terrorism. This is the cardinal issue. The history of communist movement teaches us that these are twin enemies which develop from within the communist movement. Revisionism, Reformism and Right Deviation always cripple the communist movement and put an hindrance in the path of our revolution. So also Anarchism, Terrorism and Left Deviation led our movement towards total demolition and finally destruction of the cause of the revolution. It shows that the both, left and right, opportunism have the same philosophical position based on subjectivism which relates to metaphysics. It should be remembered that they are twins. At certain stage they raise their heads separately and at another time one overlaps the other. So it is our bounden duty to fight subjectivism, fight its political reflections and fight its organizational reflections. As such we are to fight ideologically, politically and organizationally against these menaces. We have decided to base ourselves on it.
There are two understandings regarding unity. One is the rebuilding of a Communist Party in its real sense and the other is reorganization of the Party. In January 17th note, we decided to fight against twin dangers. It means concrete fight against terrorism of CPI(ML) for the present. We agreed to retain the name of CPI(ML) as it raised the slogan – the Path of Telangana and Naxalbari is our Path. So it shows that the form remained but the content is changed. This is not the continuation of CPI(ML) of 1969, but the CPI(ML) of a new type in its real sense. But the slogan of reorganization of CPI(ML) Party means continuation of the same ideological basis of 1969 in content. So we should firmly adhere to the above understanding of January 17 note.
The second point is, repudiation of terrorism does not mean giving up the cause of agrarian revolution through armed means. There is a tendency to interpret mass line as formation of mass organizations and mass movement as a matter of process within legal frame work. From this emanates the idea that left opportunism is better than right opportunism and thus blunts the struggle against wrong trends.
Here a question arises: where do knowledge comes from? How to apply Marxist understanding in practice? We all know that knowledge develops through three phases. Knowledge from books is indirect knowledge. To earn rational knowledge we must know the relation between theory and practice. We must know how society changes. We all know that society transforms to new through three phases i.e. contradiction between productive forces and production relations; class struggle and scientific experiments. We always preach that heroes do not create history, only the people and people alone create history. Marx and Engels taught us about working class in itself and working class for itself. If we could synthesize the whole and assimilate, then the approach to mass line would be crystal clear.
We all know that the people as a whole are learning from their real life experience about the falseness of legality, democracy etc. It is the bounden duty of the communists to take the Marxist knowledge to the people. Only then we will be able to apply the real life experience of the people, the experience of class struggles and the practical experiences of the communist movement, able to demarcate left and right deviations and able to follow the revolutionary mass line. Hence, the mass line means that line which involves all the people in the revolutionary practice.
The process of linking the theory with practice also applies to the process of unity. The unity with differences does not mean to give priority to quantity disregarding the politics and unite with all. It means unity with all those who can be united and go to practice with the unity achieved. And thus again consolidating the unity with practical experience. This is our unity approach and we firmly adhere to it.
The Indian revolution is already late and it demands immediate practice. It does not mean that we can overcome all our weaknesses because we have achieved the unity. There are no short cuts. We can overcome them through relentless struggle and practice. We cannot blame any individual for all these weaknesses. Our main emphasis should be on the ideological and political positions of the organization. The source of individualism and group mentality emanated in metaphysics. The imprint of terrorism and left adventurism are prevailing among us. This has always reflected directly on the organization. In totally, these ailments are reflecting on the individuals. Yes comrades we can not forget our martyrs. But emotions and sentiments should not come in the way of implementing these tasks.
The Unity demands the fulfillment of the following tasks in order to end the exploitation and to achieve the equality:
1. To build united front of people, democratic revolutionaries, patriots, progressive forces and democratic intellectuals.
2. To organize the masses of people, proletarian forces and various sections of toiling masses and prepare them for militant struggles.
3. To build a single united Communist Revolutionary Party consisting of revolutionary classes.
Our Unity Resolution clearly Stated:
1. this situation calls for the building up of the broadest possible platform of the working class, the peasantry, the women, the youth, students and all other oppressed classes and sections against the Congress led UPA government at the Center, the BJP led NDA and various state governments including the 'Left Front' governments. The historic task of communist revolutionary forces is to unite all these classes and sections and launch a powerful revolutionary movements against ruling system.
2. To carry forward this task, we, the communist revolutionaries, are to unite the working class, peasantry and all other toiling classes including all the patriotic democratic and genuine left forces. In this context we are to take every step to consolidate and strengthen our party CPI(ML) politically and organizationally and expand our Class - Mass Organizations.
3. We therefore, appeal to all communist revolutionary forces to close their ranks to unite into a single Party of the Indian Proletariat, guided by Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse Tung's Thought, waging relentless struggles of all shades to carry forward this historic task.
The unity resolution placed these three tasks before us. Let us implement these tasks, build the revolutionary movement, consolidate the Party and strive to build a single united Party.
The documents formulated during the process of unity are giving us for the present, sufficient understanding that needed to build real Communist Party, to advance the agrarian revolution - the axis of New Democratic Revolution - to intensify the anti- imperialist struggles and to unite the revolutionary classes in a United Front. Let us go to the people and practice basing ourselves on these documents. Let us build in wide areas the class struggles, the peasant movements and movements of toiling masses. Let us strengthen the peoples organizations. Let us take steps that advance the United Front of Revolutionary Classes. Let us advance the united peoples movements. Naturally, the question of building base areas and peoples army comes forward and demands answers. Our dedicated practice in the mass line with revolutionary orientation, our struggle against right and left opportunism and the experiences we gained in this process will create the necessary conditions for the resolution of these questions. Let us march forward with this firm conviction.
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