by the All India special conference of CPI (ML) held in Dec 2009.Late
Comrade Kanu Sanyal Published this
by the All India special conference of CPI (ML) held in Dec 2009.Late
Comrade Kanu Sanyal Published this
1. India
is a vast country with a large population comprising of various nationalities,
ethnic groups, languages and cultures. Since the transfer of power, India
continues to be a semi- colonial and semi- feudal country. And the state
represents the bourgeoisie of comprador nature and the land lords who protect
and serve the interests of imperialism especially the US imperialism.
the stage of Indian revolution is New Democratic with agrarian revolution as
its main axis. And the targets of revolution are imperialism, feudalism,
comprador and bureaucratic capitalism. Our aim is seizure of the state power by
smashing the present semi colonial and semi feudal state structure. The most
important requirements to realize this aim are three Magic Weapons: A genuine Communist
Party, People’s Army and the United Front.
2. The
present Indian Constitution is mainly based on the Govt. of India Act 1935. And
its propositions of legislative bodies and Adult Franchise are nothing but a
hoax to deceive the masses.
changes that have been made by the ruling classes in the superstructure without
affecting the basic structure do not establish that India is an independent
country. In fact, the economic and political policies pursued by the ruling
classes clearly reflect that colonial India has been transformed into semi-
colonial and semi- feudal India. A successful completion of New Democratic
Revolution can alone change the present set up.
3. What
then is the path of Indian Revolution? Undoubtedly, the path of Indian
revolution, like the path of other revolutions, is of armed revolution and
armed overthrow of the political power of existing ruling classes. Here it may
be mentioned that armed revolution had taken place in several countries
including Russia and China. Time and again it was discussed whether we should
take the Russian path or Chinese path? We want to state categorically that the
New Democratic Revolution in India shall be completed in the Indian Path. At
the same time we also learn from other revolutions in the world including
Russian and Chinese revolutions and take lessons from them. Here again we
should stress on the experience of our own revolutionary struggle in the past
and the present.
4. India
is an underdeveloped country and there is unevenness in the development of the
society. India has its own specific features. So the development of the
movement here will also be uneven and will be in accordance with the concrete
situation of the area or areas.
experiences of people’s war in China, Vietnam and other backward countries are
within our reach. We should study and apply them to the concrete practice of
our revolution. While applying the theory of People’s War to the concrete
conditions of our country, we have also to sum up the lessons of the struggles
waged by the workers, peasants and other working and toiling masses of India,
and more particularly, the Telangana and Naxalbari struggles. The People’s war
can be launched only by organizing, mobilizing the people to directly and indirectly participate in the People’s War. However at a certain stage of development of
struggle the possibility of armed uprising of the masses in towns and cities
cannot be overruled.
pre-revolution China and other colonial or semi-colonial countries, India has a
more centralized state structure, a parliament, a well organized army, more
developed communication system, and a higher degree of industrialization and
urbanization. Even with these dissimilarities, the character and aims of our
revolution and theory of Protracted People’s War are equally applicable here.
While formulating our tactics we have to take into consideration both our
similarities and dissimilarities with other countries including China.
dissimilarities are: China was facing an armed counter revolution with armed
revolution. There was no parliament in China which India has. There are no
legal opportunities for the mass movement in China. Communist Party was illegal
from the very beginning. Mountainous and hilly areas were much wider in China
in comparison to India.
there are similarities also. Pre-liberation China was semi colonial and semi
feudal country and basically an agrarian country. The targets of revolution
were: imperialism, feudalism and comprador bourgeoisie. Stage of revolution was
NDR. All these features are more or less present in India.
5. We
Marxist-Leninist s believe that every revolution will have favorable and
unfavorable aspects. The Marxist-Leninist, by determining correct strategy and
tactics, utilize the favorable aspects and overcome the unfavorable aspects.
are backward areas in the central and border regions of India which are largely
untouched by transport and communication system. At best, the communications
are meager and ineffective. Moreover, the people living in these areas are
backward, severely exploited and increasingly are prepared for armed struggle.
The oppression on the people and various nationalities by the state, the
topographical conditions and lack of proper transport and communication in
these areas combine to create added advantages for the armed struggle. It is to
be remembered that taking advantage of these conditions the Nagas, the Mizos
and other nationalities are continuing armed struggles and this is also
favorable for our revolution.
principle, we support the rights and struggles of nationalities for national
self determination including their right to secede. At the same time, we study
each struggle concretely before adopting a specific stand towards it. We are
clear that the right and interests of nationalities can be defended and
realized only when they refuse to fall prey to the machinations of the Indian
ruling classes and imperialism to divide and entangle them in fratricidal wars,
direct their struggle against the common enemy and unite with the struggles of
the exploited and oppressed masses of Indian people to break free from the
shackles of feudalism and imperialism and for a New Democratic Society.
Indian revolution will be won basically by the Indian people while the
proletariat leading the revolution always takes the advantage of national and
international situation. This is fundamental in a People’s War.
6. There
is a parliamentary system with limited democratic rights in our country. The
legal opportunities available in this system (no matter how limited) are to be
utilized in full. Mass organizations must be built; movements must be organized
utilizing these opportunities. Masses should be mobilized in large numbers,
organized and made politically conscious for the development of the spirit of
the struggles throughout the time when the legal opportunities are available.
However even under the parliamentary system (with the limited rights) the
ruling classes are drowning the people’s struggles in blood. Hence the
organizations and struggles built up by us through the utilization of legal opportunities
shall exceed the legal limits and advance towards the path of confrontation and
take the form of militant struggles. Our task here will be to lead the people
towards the path of armed struggle and build up the armed struggle as the
principle form of struggle. In this context, it should be remembered that while
we categorically reject the parliamentary path we view our participation or
boycott of elections as a tactical question and the question what tactic we
adopt in a particular situation depends on the concrete conditions.
7. We
categorically reject the parliamentary path. At the same time we also reject the
path of anarchism, terrorism in all their forms, because both these lines are trends
alien to Marxism-Leninism. While rejecting both alien trends we uphold the
revolutionary mass line and utilize all forms of struggle to seize political
power by overthrowing the present state.
experience shows that even the limited rights and opportunities for democratic
movements are being curtailed. Hence legal methods should be combined with
illegal methods and open organizations should be combined with secret. But as
long as various struggles do not take the form of armed struggle, legal
movements, mass organizations and mass struggles help and serve to build the
armed struggle as the principle form of struggle. And whenever armed struggle
becomes the principle form of the struggle, the other forms of struggle and
organization must be co-ordinate directly with armed struggle according to the
concrete conditions.
should be remembered that all militant struggles are not armed struggles. A
peasant struggle in a certain area might take a militant form, but it should
not be termed as armed struggle. We should also remember that irrespective of
our objective wishes a militant struggle in a small area might take the form of
armed peasant struggle. However once the armed struggle begins in a situation
like this we should not obstruct it or condemn it. According to concrete
conditions our task shall be to see it that the struggle survives through
further experience. In short, the essential thing at present is to develop mass
struggles on economic and political issues and transform them into the
principle form of struggle. We must adopt a positive approach towards
propaganda and preparation for legal work and building up of mass
8. Our
conception of armed struggle is based on Marxism-Leninism-Mao tse tungThought.
This only can be Protracted Peoples War. Building up a people’s army and
carrying on people’s war are inseparably connected with the people’s armed
struggle. It has an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal program and is led by the
Communist Party.
9. At
present we are in the stage of NDR and agrarian revolution is its main axis.
is the country side where the armed struggles is based on the peasantry and can
be linked to the most substantive democratic reform, land reform and with the
building of organs of political power and the well-knit countrywide mass organizations,
especially of peasant masses. The task of agrarian revolution with land to the
tiller as the central slogan is aimed at eliminating the feudal and semi feudal
landlords as a class by confiscating all the landed and movable property of big
landlords, distribution of the same among the landless and the poor peasants
and overthrowing the authority of landlords and establish the peoples political
power in its place.
a) The
cast system being an integral part of the feudal system, and being perpetuated
by the colonial rulers as well as the present day comprador ruling classes, the
struggle for the eradication of caste system forms an important and inseparable
part of agrarian revolution, which is an integral part of new democratic
masses of peasants and agricultural labor, the rural and urban toiling people
who are to take part in the Democratic revolution belong to the Dalits and
backward castes in the main. The ruling classes always try to keep the Dalits divided and subvert their struggles against discrimination and oppression based on caste by mobilizing them in such a manner that the machinations of imperialist-comprador-bureaucratic capital-feudal combine may be covered up. It is the responsibility of the Communist party to
organize and unite them. We have to strengthen the movement of the oppressed
classes by uniting the poor of the upper castes and poor of the Dalit castes.
The struggle against the caste discrimination and caste oppression can achieve its actual aim only when it develops as part of NDR. At the same time, we must
not fail to take note that the domineering upper caste mentality manifest in
the poor of the upper castes who are to become part of the movement of
oppressed classes. We must, therefore, see that the poor of the upper castes
overcome these trends. For this, we must educate them against the old and
conventional theories. We must unite all the oppressed people in the class
organizations raising them above the castes.
order to unite the toiling people in the agrarian revolution it is necessary to
organize the struggle against the caste system from the beginning and continue
it till the end both theoretically and practically.
b) Feudalism
kept the women oppressed. It had degraded women into a dependent status who
could neither think nor carry any significance or rights. Imperialism views
woman as a commodity and means of income. The present system and admixture of
these two is pushing the women into abysmal depths. We must fight against
feudal, imperialist oppression, patriarchal oppression, patriarchal ideology
and patriarchal family system.
must be an agrarian revolutionary program to build an agrarian revolutionary
movement. Though semi feudal relations are common to all parts of India, the
forms and extent of feudal exploitation, land concentration and land relations
differ from state to state and from one part to the another part of the state.
State units must work out their agrarian revolutionary program taking their
specific features into account. Without investigation and a resultant program,
there can neither be a revolutionary movement nor a people’s armed struggle.
d) Armed
struggle will be started at an appropriate level (seizure of land) of this
movement. Moreover mass armed struggle has nothing to do with the line of
individual annihilation which is the manifestation of anarchism and left
adventurism. Any underestimation of the agrarian revolutionary movement will deprive
the people of an indispensable support to the armed struggle and will leave
them unprepared to face the onslaught of the state apparatus. Hence all the
theories which underestimate or ignore the role of agrarian revolutionary
struggle are either left adventurist or right opportunist, and they should be
it should be mentioned that armed struggle is the highest form of class
struggle. To reach this stage we are to go through all types of mass and class
struggle including the movement for the democratic and civil rights of people.
10. In
the course of anti feudal struggle, the land lords, the goondas and police
resort to attack against the peasant movement. Party should prepare the people
from the beginning to resist their counter revolutionary violence with locally
available weapons. It should build village volunteer squads and village defense
squads depending on the objective situation and people’s preparedness. In the
course of building the peasants resistance movement of this kind, the self
defense squads can be formed with the militants from the movement where the
conditions so demand. The task of these squads is to organize the people,
provide the leadership to people’s resistance and defend the people’s movement.
They should defend themselves in every possible form.
bureaucracy and the police attack the people’s movement in order to destroy it.
For this the state combines the two weapons, the weapon of repression and the
weapon of law and concession to contain and suppress the movement. In the face
of this situation, the party has no alternative other than patiently preparing
the people to overcome it. It must adopt the tactic and methods suitable to the
situation such as asking the important cadre of the area to work secretly among
the people.
11. The
task of the Party is to help the people to gain the consciousness and
preparedness necessary for armed resistance through their direct experience.
The peasant revolutionary movement cannot sustain itself and develop further,
unless it is linked with the key problems of seizure and distribution of
landlords land and building of people’s democratic power. In the context of our
revolution, the armed struggle in our country will be peasant armed struggle in
the main. For starting the armed struggle party must assess the overall
situation in the country, geographical conditions of the area, mental makeup
and preparedness of the people to directly participate in the armed struggle in
all its aspects in one form or other, self sustainability of economy, strength of the party to lead
the struggle and also the isolation of the enemy classes from the people in the
area or areas. This demands an all India perspective, strategic planning and
proper deployment of forces.
12. Establishment
of liberated base areas is a difficult task. CRs have been trying to establish
base areas in different areas of our country employing different tactics. But
they have not succeeded in doing so. The experience of CRs in Bihar, Bengal,
A.P. and other places in the last 40 years has show that the people’s
revolutionary movement, in the course of its development, has succeeded in
smashing the economic, social and political authority and power of landlords
and establing peoples power at local level in an embryonic form but when it
came to dealing with the centralized state of the ruling classes, it has not
succeeded. Rather, the state has succeeded in containing and/or inflicting
serious damages to the revolutionary forces. The situation is not stagnating at
this stage i.e. neither the people’s revolutionary forces are capable of
destroying the state and establish the base areas nor is the state capable to
destroy the people’s revolutionary forces. This experience shows that a state
of dual power, in the sense, rule of people at local level or a contest for it
and the power of ruling classes simultaneously continue for quite a long time
in different areas before the formation of base areas. This is a special feature
of Indian Revolution.
such situation, the CRs are required to adopt suitable tactics to defeat the
enemy. They must prepare the people for armed struggle against the land lords
with an aim of destroying their economic, social and political authority and
power and establish the people’s power at local level. They must build and
create conditions for the people’s resistance struggle for the destruction of
the state and the formation of the base areas should be launched when the
country enters in to a revolutionary crisis and other subjective preparations
have been made for the armed confrontation with the state. If thus tactics of
armed struggle are employed, the state of duel power would change and the
formation of base areas would become possible. We must employ all forms of
struggle to reach that stage and isolate the enemy from the people.
13. The
policies of subservience to imperialism pursued by the Indian ruling classes
under various names like Green Revolution, Liberalization, NEP, Globalization,
Sezs and Saz etc. had taken the imperialist plunder in our country to dangerous
levels. The imperialists are going all out in their loot of our human and
natural resources. The spread of their tentacles in the countryside and its
disastrous consequences have brought the struggle against imperialism so close
that it cannot be separated from the peasant struggle against feudalism.
two basic tasks of our revolution – national and democratic - are, therefore,
at once distinct and united. Feudalism cannot be overthrown without fighting
imperialism because feudalism is its main prop. Powerful revolutionary
contingents capable of inflicting a death blow at imperialism cannot be built
without organizing and bringing into full play the main revolutionary force – the
peasantry – in the struggle against feudalism. So, while undeviating concentration on the task of agrarian revolution, we must intensify the
propaganda, agitation and struggle against the imperialism in every possible
cities of our country have specialty. Hence, our work in cities has great
importance. While our cities are the nerve centers of power of the ruling
class, conscious and organized masses of working class including students,
youth, employees, women and others are also there. They have a great tradition
of anti imperialist struggle.
post 1947 period witnessed massive peoples’ movement on various people’s
issues. Many of these movements went beyond the limits of parliamentary bounds.
A movement like all India railway men’s strike in 1974 has also crossed the
urban boundary and spread to the country side. Even the movement led by
Jayaprakash Narayan had an all India dimension. It led to put an end to the
autocratic rule of Congress (I) led by Indira Gandhi.
in the perspective of Naxalbari Peasant and Workers revolt, a large number of
urban students, youth, teachers, employees and women had come forward. The
experience shows that the students, youth, teachers, employees and women can
play a remarkable and important role in creating political consciousness among the workers and peasants in carrying the struggle in the face of
governmental attack and repression. The mutiny of army in 1946, the police and
CRP in 70’s have made the indispensability of urban work more apparent.
Therefore, if we want to advance agrarian revolution, then there is no place
for the neglect of work in the cities. Urban work will act as complementary to
the advancement of armed peasant struggles in the country side. In other words
we should not forget that the cities will play an important role in the
agrarian revolutionary movement in our country.
15. The
building up of necessary UF during various phases in the process of development
of the NDR is an important weapon for the victory of the working class. There
is a mechanical conception regarding the building up of UF, namely UF means UF
only with the natural allies of the working class. The peasantry is one of the
principal forces in the NDR under working class leadership and the petty
bourgeoisie is also another important force. The peasantry and the petty
bourgeoisie are the natural allies of the working class. The UF shall certainly
be class based. However, building up of UF signifies the building up of a front
with the national bourgeoisie by the working class and its natural allies.
Another matter demands our attention as regard to building up of UF. In a class
divided society every political party represents one class or another. Hence,
while we build up fronts of workers, peasants, petty bourgeoisie through
various mass fronts we also build up’ fronts’ with political parties
representing various classes. We often build issue-based ‘fronts’ with various
political parties. Such issue-based platforms should not be confused with the
task of building up United Front of different classes in the stage of New
Democratic Revolution. The issue based platforms of struggle are their purpose
is only to isolate the main enemy and utilize the different contradictions in
the society. We do not neglect the task of building up these issue based
platforms because that would result in the isolation of the working class from
other classes.
short throughout the period of NDR we are to build up and maintain a United
Front of working class, peasantry, petty bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie (vacillating
ally) under the leadership of the working class and worker-peasant alliance
must be the fundamental basis of this UF.
party must also build an anti-feudal UF in the countryside. It involves party
mainly relying on the landless and poor peasants, winning over the middle
peasant, neutralizing and winning over larger sections of rich peasants,
letting the small landlords comply with the land reform to isolate and destroy
the class of big landlords as a whole.
16. For
the revolution to succeed, a revolutionary party of the proletariat armed with
Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse Tung Thought must be built. The Communist Party is the
highest form of class organization of the proletariat. It is the advanced
detachment of the working class. It is well disciplined organization with the
scientific understanding of reality, based on democratic centralism; tested in
the practice of concreted struggle, using the method of criticism and self
criticism and closely integrated with the masses of the people.
maintaining that every legal opportunity should be exploited, the party should
remain basically secret. It is therefore necessary for the party to adopt
itself to the principles of illegal organization. While taking advantage of legal
opportunities, care should be taken to ensure that the party does not
degenerate into a legal party. According to concrete situation the party will
decide which of its wings should functions openly or not.
17. The
working class will provide theoretical leadership to the NDR in our country
through Communist Party. However, the aspect of the leadership by the working
class over the revolutionary activities in our country requires more attention.
The working class can provide leadership to agrarian revolution by launching
economical and political struggles. It can provide such leadership by
organizing mass political strikes in support of peasant’s struggle. It can
provide leadership by sending worker cadres to the rural areas to organize
militant peasant struggle. For this investigation and study are the first
requisite. It can provide leadership sending armed units to the countryside
once the peasant struggle has begun. Besides these, there can be other methods
which will emerge out of the experience of the future struggles and educate us
18. The
buildup of the New Democratic Cultural Movement is indispensable in uniting all
the evolutionary classes and strata. This new cultural movement will act as an
important weapon against the atmosphere of degenerate culture created by the
present ruling classes and their paid intellectuals with the help and blessings
of imperialist culture in order to keep intact the decadent social system.
Hence, we have to strengthen our activities in the cultural front.
19. In
the present situation in India, there are numerous revolutionary groups and
individuals working in various parts of the country. It is absolutely necessary
that these groups and individuals are united on the basis of
Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse Tung Thought. Unity can be forged only through the
process of ideological and political understanding combined with the
revolutionary class struggle. This means that the ideological and political
struggle should not be degenerated into a debate of verbal criticism, slander
and personnel attack, but should be tested in the practice of class struggle.
The Communist Revolutionaries can be united into a single party organization on
the basis of principled ideological struggle. Such a Party, armed with the
revolutionary theory of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse Tung Thought, alone can carry
the revolution through to the end. Therefore it is necessary that efforts
should be concentrated towards building such a Party.
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