Sunday, January 8, 2012


Aims and Objectives Of All India Federation of Trade Unions(New).
[Adopted by All India Convention of AIFTU(N) held on December 19, 2011 at Vishakhapatnam.]

We, the representative of Trade Unions and working class organizations, working in different states in India, i.e West Bengal, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Utter Pradesh, Bihar and other states under different banners like All Bengal Tea Gardens', Bhartiya Sramik Sabha, Coal Mines Piece Rated Workers Association, Bihar Mines Lal Jhanda Mazdoor Union, Andhra Pradesh Federation of Trade Unions, AIFTU Delhi, Kanpur Trade Union Council, Leather Workers'Council and others declare in the convention held in Vishakhapatnam on 19th December, 2011 that we shall, henceforth, work together under the banner of All India Federation of Trade Unions [AIFTU(New)] for the betterment of the life and condition of working masses and abolition of the system based on the exploitation and oppression of working class and peasant.

Recent Situation
 The Indian Working Class and other laboring masses
are facing enormous hardships, difficulties and destitution today due
to the anti-worker and anti-people policies being pursued by the
rulers of our country to serve the interests of imperialism, Feudalism,
Comprador Capitalism and their servants in governments and
bureaucracy. Workers protests against increasing exploitation
and oppression by Indian big bourgeoisie and multinational
corporations are suppressed with iron hands by the state power.
Working classes are subjected to bully, threats, arrests, lathi charge,
and firing by police and mafia gangs at the behest of the ruling classes.
All labor laws which were won through heroic struggles of the working people giving some protection to workers are being blatantly
violated by the bourgeoisie and MNCs. Even the judiciary is siding
with exploiting bourgeoisie and repressive state. All these heinous
crimes are being perpetrated in the name of development of the
country, i.e., increases in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), increase
in per capita income, big rise in the number of dollar millionaires
and billionaires, and India poised to become a super power etc. All
the policies are clubbed together in the name of Globalization,
Liberalization and Privatization.

But what is the condition of common people, mainly workers
and peasants? Lakhs of workers have been thrown out of permanent
jobs due to retrenchment, layoffs, golden hand shakes etc. 
measures employed by the bourgeoisie. Even the PSUs have adopted
these policies leading to massive job cuts in Railways, Post and
Telegraph, Coal India Ltd, Steel Authority of India, Banks and
Insurance companies etc. The organised sector jobs have been reduced
to causal and contract jobs by using outsourcing permanent nature
jobs to contractors and vendors. This has led to massive cuts in the
earning of the working class and super profits to the Capitalism,
Industrialists and MNCs. Loot of minerals and other natural resources
by these bourgeois sections coupled with forcible reduction of
working class earnings is the secret of massive increase in dollar
millionaires and billionaires in our country.

The price of this unprecedented concentration of wealth in
the hands of a handful of super rich is being paid by millions of
workers and peasant families who go to bed hungry stomach, are
deeply indebted, leading an insecure and miserable life. Due to these
conditions, as per the report of home ministry, 2.56 lakh peasants
committed suicides during last 17 years of Globalization,
Liberalization and Privatization policies pursued by the governments
at all India and state levels.

In such a situation the working masses need to get organised
on vast scale and fight against these exploitative policies and practices
of the ruling classes and the State.

But the working class movement in our
country has failed to unite, organised, agitate and unleash powerful
movement against these policies. Today only 6% workers are in the
organised sector. Remaining 94% are workers in the unorganized
sector which includes agrarian workers and peasants. So, we need to
unite workers and peasants to struggle against the present system of
exploitation and oppression and ultimately overthrow the system
through a revolution. In the present stage we need to overthrow the
rule of imperialism, feudalism and comprador bureaucratic
capitalism and then move towards establishing a socialist and
communist society.

Ending the exploitation of labor, marching at the head of
the class struggle aimed at establishing a social system which
banishes the exploitation of toiling masses by imperialism, feudalism
and comprador bourgeoisie and establish a New Democratic Society
in our concrete social conditions. We shall also stand in solidarity
with the struggles of working class, oppressed people in various
countries of the world.

Complete abolition of the class exploitation and oppression
and the establishment of socialist and communist societies remain
the ultimate and highest objectives of the working class in our
country. We shall strive for joining hands with anti-imperialist
struggles of the working class and oppressed people in different parts
of the world.

In order to realize this objectives, the working class must
hold high the stirring call, ‘the workers of the world, unite’, ‘the
workers and oppressed people, unite!’


We are formulating our aims and tasks here at a time when
the MNCs and Big Financial Institutions controlled by the
imperialists are engaged in looting and grabbing the economic,
natural, human and intellectual resources of the countries of the world
in an all out manner and when all the subservient ruling classes of
these countries are pursuing the reactionary policies that are causing
colossal damage and enormous harm to the working class and other
toiling people.

1.  Adopting the social progress as its aim, the working class must
get itself organised in the struggle against the rulers, ruling
classes and reactionary forces as well as the present system and
in a way which ensures the realization of this aim.

2.  Stand by the agricultural workers and peasants in their agitations and struggles for
land, better wages, education,health and medicare, to protect their
agricultural lands, for remunerative prices for their produce,bank
loans and inputs etc. and relief or compensation for crop losses
due to floods, droughts and other calamities.

3.  Stand by the struggles of artisans including hand looms. Organize and stand in the
support of workers in the unorganized and informal sectors.

4.  Oppose the designs and attempts of the ruling classes and the state to dilute the labor laws and their rights

5.  Stand by the struggles of Adivasis for land and in defense of their right to live in the forests, and enjoy the rights over the forests and its resources.

6.   Stand by the dalits, democratic forces and downtrodden people
in support and solidarity with their agitations and struggles
against the caste system, caste ism and upper caste chauvinism
which are reigning in the present Indian society and for
democratic rights and social equality.

7.  Stand by the agitations and struggles of women against all forms
of discrimination and atrocities at the work spots and all spheres
of life and for equality between women and men.

8.  Oppose the designs and attempts of rulers and reactionary forces
to alienate and subject the religious minorities to discrimination
and insecurity and stand by their agitations and struggles in
defense of their lives, rights and security and self respect.

9.   Expose and defeat the designs and attempts of the rulers,
exploiting classes and reactionaries to divide the workers and
other toiling people, set one section of people against others, to
divert and disrupt their struggles using the caste, religion,
language and region, etc. and strengthen the solidarity and unity
among the workers and other toiling people.

10.   All below 14 years age be treated as children. Oppose the
exploitation of child labor and demand that the rulers and the
Governments must take responsibility to provide free and
compulsory education up to secondary level and health
care, etc. to all children.

11.   Stand in support of the struggles of the old and disabled
sections of people in defense of their demand that the rulers
must take responsibility for their lives, livelihood and welfare
as well as of their children.

12.   Carry on the agitations and struggles for minimum wage rates
in accordance with the needs and for their implementation.

13.   Carry on the agitations and struggles to realize the demand that
the rulers and managements must take responsibility to ensure
proper and better working and living conditions for workers.

14.   Carry on the struggle to reduce the workload enhanced due to
growing mechanization and modernization.

15.   Oppose the so called industrial and development policies of
the Central and state governments which are aimed at displacing and depriving the large sections of workers from jobs, peasants from their lands and
other toiling people from the means of livelihood and causing
a monumental devastation of our economy by opening the doors
wide for imperialist capital, MN Cs and Indian big bourgeoisie for
loot and control of natural, economic and human resources.

16.  Oppose policies of the rulers and governments which are ruining small and medium industries and enterprises.

17.   Carry on the struggle against closures of production units and removals from jobs.

18.   Poverty, deprivation, hunger and disease, etc. which are being
perennially and increasingly suffered by the workers and other
toiling people are nothing but the social problems created by
the policies of the ruling classes and mobilize the affected people
into struggles for their resolution.

19.   Carry on the struggle for the right to work for all.

20.   Strive for alliance of working class and peasantry against ruling

21.   Carry on the struggle for civil and democratic rights and repeal
of autocratic, repressive and anti-people laws.

22.   Organize the workers as a class, mold them into a class
conscious, united and vanguard force capable of mobilizing,
uniting and leading other classes of toiling people into struggle
against oppression and their exclusion from social and economic

23.   Undertake united struggles for freedom and rights of workers
(either in the concerned plants or factories) to meet and discuss
their problems and form the unions.

24.   Conduct the struggles for the protection and restoration of 8
hours working time and the reduction of working hours, carry
on the struggle for 6 day working days in a week where ever it
is not in vogue.

25.   Carry on the struggle, for the provision of health care, security,
advance, houses and other benefits for the workers.

26.   Carry on the struggle for an end to the system of contract and
casual labor which denies the workers proper wages, job
guarantee and other rights and benefits and for the integration
of casual and contract labor into the permanent work force
with all rights and benefits.

27.   Propagate the goal of socialism and its ideology among the
workers and in the society, inculcate in them the spirit and
consciousness of advancing along the road of social revolution
and the establishment of socialist society.

28.   Prepare the working class ideas wise and in practice to move
towards achieving social progress and in the present stage,
Democratic Revolution by removing the present social system
together with the ruling classes, i.e., the big capitalists, landlords
and the imperialists who are standing as a prop to these classes,
forge a close and indissoluble alliance between the workers
and peasants and unity with other toiling people.

29.   Extend support and solidarity to the struggles of workers and
oppressed people in the neighboring countries, oppose the
policies of interference and expansionism pursued by the Indian
ruling classes towards these countries.

30.   Oppose the reactionary, communal, casteist and parochial
policies of the ruling classes.

31.   Support the struggle for education to all and for democratic

32.  Carry on consistent campaign among the workers for a single
union and single course of united action against the
managements and the rulers.

33.  To campaign and agitate for punishing the guilty responsible for scams and large scale corruption in the country, plundering the social wealth and confiscation of their ill-gotten wealth and property.

34.  Oppose the wrong policies and practice of the government and industries which is polluting the environment and destroying ecology.

35.  Oppose the violation of independence, sovereignty and
territorial integrity of other countries, interference into their
affairs and the policies of invasion, hegemonic and wars
resorted to by the imperialists.

By educating the working classes on vast scale on these slogans and tasks, and by organizing them for the above mentioned aims and tasks, we shall be able to get the working class into the forefront to play its historical role as leader of revolution, which will change the order of society in the best interest of the working masses.

1. Organization and Name:
      All India Federation of Trade Unions (New) - AIFTU (New) is its name. It is a class organization of workers not merely a trade unions center. Its activities encompass the entire country.
2.  Flag:
      A red cloth of 3:2 length and width with "AIFTU (NEW)" in white inscribed on it in English or in any Indian language with MAY DAY monogram will be Flag of the Organization. At the same time, the organizations that are associating with the AIFTU(NEW) from various states can have their own separate names and flags with an inscription to indicate that they are affiliated to the AIFTU(New).

       Our Organization - the AIFTU (New) is a confluence of a set of forces from organizations and unions committed to consistently work to organize and orient the working class into a class conscious, vanguard force which works for a social change, for the establishment of a New Democratic Society in the present concrete conditions of our country.The Central Leadership or the leadership of associated organizations of various state would in new areas and sectors appoint the organizers either in a specified factory or industry or over an area to organize the workers. These organizers would play a key role in building the organization, the working class movement and the unions.
The unions which will come up by the efforts by our organizers and the unions which are in agreement with the objectives, aims and tasks of the AIFTU(New) and voluntarily decide to associate themselves with AIFTU(New) will be part of the AIFTU(New).

All the members of the unions working under the banner of AIFTU(New) or associated organizations will be treated as primary members. All the workers and activists working in other organizations who are in agreement with the aims and objectives of AIFTU(New) and prepared to work under the guidance of AIFTU(New) and are desirous of joining the organization may be given the membership of AIFTU(New).

The Conference constituted by the organizers and forces organised into Unions will be highest forum at the all India level.
        * The Conference will elect an executive committee from among the delegates to carry on the activities till the next conference.
        * The Conference will decide the number of members of the executive committee and office bearers will be elected by EC.
         * The conference will be held once in three years.
          *  The Conference may amend or make changes in the Aims, Objectives and Tasks and in the Constitution.

        He will preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee elected by the conference. He announces the decisions of the committee meetings.He will perform other responsibilities as decided by the committee.
          General Secretary
           He convenes the meetings of the executive committee. He will execute and implement the decisions of the committee in consultation with the President. He will provide help to the states for the implementation of the decisions and in the conduct of activities in accordance with the decisions.
             He will be responsible to keep the accounts and presents them before the EC.

       The affiliated organizations working in the state would carry on their activities in the state under the supervision of All India leadership.
        In the states where there is no affiliated organizations and the AIFTU(New) itself is directly carrying work, the All India leadership itself will form and constitute the leadership in the state and carry on the work through them.
        The affiliated organization (where it exists) or the state committee formed by the AIFTU(NEW) (where there is no affiliated organization) will decide as to what should be the number of leading committee members in the states.
         The Conference held at the States' Level will finally decide about the number of their State Committee Members and Office bearers and elect them.

       The unions - either working directly under the flag of AIFTU(New) or other unions working under the flag of affiliated organizations carry on their activities in accordance with the rules formulated for their functioning. In the course, the unions should place their program mes, accounts and other details before the member workers in the GB meetings. They must take note of the member's views on them.

        It is necessary to mobilize the funds to carry on the activities of the organization. The ranks of its workers and the members of Unions are the real source of these funds.
         It is possible to approach wider sections and mobilize the  donations in the context of conventions and conferences. But the contributions from the ranks of workers and the members of unions alone can be dependable source of our funds.
         The ranks as well as union members - every one- must contribute Rs.100.00 as a compulsory fund per year. Half of the fund thus collected can be kept with the states and the remaining half amount be sent to the All India Center.  
          From the amount unions pool up from their members as their membership fees, unions must pay at the rate of Rs.5.00 per member to state level or All India Level committees.

          (a)All members of the committee are bound to implement the programmes and decisions of AIFTU(New).
           (b)All members must be in union or unit of AIFTU (new).
           (c)The disciplinary action such as warning, censuring,suspension and expulsion may be taken by the concerned  committee for violation of organizational decisions.                                                        

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