(Resolution adopted by the CC-CPI (ML) in its meeting held in Jan 21-24, 2009).
In a gross breach of trust, belying the spirit of unity, frustrating the CC’s efforts to resolve the differences through inner party discussions and special conference and in the spirit of further strengthening unity and declaring that they would not abide by the constitution, committee system and any discipline Com.knramachandran and a section of CCMs had broken away from the party in a conspiratorial and most irresponsible manner.
Our party –CPI(ML)- came into existence a s a culmination of unity process between the CPI (ML) and CPI (ML) Red flag. We held our unity conference in 2005 in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and spirit of unity.We declared to the ranks as well as people that we are uniting into a single organization with differences on four basic questions and we would resolve these differences through inner party debates while carrying out the documents adopted in the Unity Conference. Thus this unity has become possible because of our approach to unite with differences. In the last four years, we have advanced our activities at all India level and in the states, extended our party to more states and rallied a good section of CRs in various states into our party. We resolved the difference on party history internal debate and an all India plenum.
However, we could not fully integrate and consolidate our party because Comramachandran accepted unity and unity documents in words but, in practice, pursued his own policies. ramachandran maintained and built up his own group within the party. He made use of the name, image, credibility, resources, party organs and his organizational position for this purpose. Many times, he has put the CC in a state of faith accompli, interpreted CC’s decisions to suit his need and push his views by back door. He made every attempt to frustrate the CC’s efforts to develop integration, consolidation and unity through discussions, practice and collective functioning on the basis of unity documents. He refused to rectify his attitude and methods despite repeated criticisms and decisions by the CC. He sought to sow prejudice, dissension and opposition against the CC among the units and comrades in the party. He has weakened the collective leadership and party committee system and sought replace them by factionalism and anarchism. He has misused the tolerance and concern shown by the CC in the overall interests of unity and the party.
When the CC has decided to take up the remaining questions(character of Indian state and society; Path of Indian Revolution and principal contradiction) for internal discussion Comramachandran chose to sit with his own group separately and came to fore with documents which proposed amendments to Leninism and questioned certain basic positions of the unity documents. He declared that no commonness can be attempted in the CC on the questions of debate as the differences are basic, irreconcilable and cannot be compromised. Thus he has blown up the differences. He denied the right and responsibility of the CC to organize, guide and lead the whole process of internal debate and special conference. He rejected the CC’s suggestion to amend his documents in conformity with the documents of unity conference. Throwing the constitution and organizational norms to winds he went ahead with his factional mobilization of units and comrades by sending letters unauthorized and holding group meetings against the CC. He resorted to disinformation, lies, vilification and factionalism to confuse, mislead and rally comrades.
Jan 2009 CC took a proposal for consideration. The proposal asked: 1.The distribution of Comramachandran’s document as they are. 2. Commitment to abide by the constitution, the system of collective leadership so that CC can guide the whole course of internal debate and special conference, and 3.Com ramachandran to explain his whole conduct which went against the norms of organization. But comramachandran has bluntly declared that the questions of debate are basic and therefore cannot be solved within the frame work of constitution. He declared that the question of explaining his conduct does not arise. He also declared to disassociate from the party and go in his own way. Refusing to reconsider his attitude and continue in the CC meeting he along with a section of CCMs left the venue of the CC silently at 5, am on 22nd Jan’09 as per predetermined plan. Thus he has frustrated all the possibilities for the resolution of difference within the party.
The whole conduct of comramachandran exposes his political bankruptcy, contempt for the principles of communist organization and utter lack of conviction and honesty towards the aim of the unity. He has resorted to organization anarchism, anti organisational, disintegrating practices and finally took the road of disruption. Here he made a fun of aspirations and urges of ranks and C Rs as whole for unity.
The CC re-affirms its commitment to the approach of unity with differences. We could have retained and further strengthened unity provided there was honesty of purpose, adherence to the spirit of unity and the principles of organization. The whole conduct of Comramachanran shows that he joined the unity not with a honesty of purpose, but with a dishonest and a factional purpose. Through all his actions and disruptive course he has frustrated our earnest efforts and unites the C Rs with differences.
The CC re-iterates its commitment and decision to hold the special conference by Nov.2009.It resolves to start the process of special conference on the basis of CC’s draft documents and make the arrangements for the circulation of other documents-amendments to CC’s drafts and alternate documents-from the members of our party through the Guide. The CC will organize and guide the entire inner party debate culminating in the special conference.
The CC calls upon all the committees and comrades to expose, fight and defeat the forces of disruption, defend the party and uphold the spirit of unity. The CC appeals to the comrades who were mislead by the force of disruption to re-examine attitude and take the attitude of upholding unity, principles of communist organization and protecting the fruits of unity we have achieved.
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